Start Showing up for Yourself Today

The best way you can begin showing up for yourself is by first forgiving yourself of your past. This is how you will grow. This is how all female titans dress up for the day. It’s okay to experience all seasons of life, but the one valuable lesson is understanding that showing up begins by letting go beliefs of the world. Here’s why

By Zethu Zwane

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A Titan always arrives  ready to conquer her day!… Wait what does that really mean? Well one way of looking at it is a Female Titan is any woman full of emotion and ready to heal, grow, develop more self-awareness and try more God in her life. Then again a Female Titan is an outcast who is full of emotions; emotions of hurt, emotions of anxiety, control, perfectionism or depression, you ask me why; because a female titan is any woman who has the feeling that her health goals are somewhat related to her body, mind and spirit.

Reflections from this week Growth Opportunities With Zethu Zwane

Listen to Podcast again
  1. Reflections from this week
  2. When Christian Content Creators Fall Away to False Teachings; Why Jugding is a double Standard
  3. Reflections on Genesis 2:8-9: God Prepares only The Best
  4. Power of Intentional Living & Submit to The Holy of Power of Yahweh
  5. Conquering Motivation for the Christian who feels stupid for Being Kind

Have you ever been there before? Where you watched people enter health goals but saw that the words they used to describe themselves set them back even before they began? I used the example of someone starting a weight loss journey by saying “Oh I just want to fit in 3/4 jeans as opposed to those nasty shorts,” and you see they could look amazing in all jean shorts.

Or your friend doesn’t even speak it but you see them eyeing the shorts but going for the jeans when you are shopping for her new body. This is what I’m talking; a female titan is any woman who feels there is something better for her, but hasn’t really spent the time or learned how to conquer her day.

And do you know why God is the key to unlocking all your health’s potential. I mean body, mind and spirit? God is not your family, your community or your friends. He is not a representation of our world; and let’s be honest sometimes we need that reminder when we are searching for something better in our lives. Or when we feel there is something better in our lives, but don’t know where to begin our search.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Isiah 55:8-9

That God is not like our human beliefs because our beliefs are flawed and full of emotional clutter. Our beliefs are sometimes guided by large coping mechanisms that become body shaming, perfectionism or control. Belief can be wrong because our minds are flawed, yet God is none of these.

So the female titan is a woman who is somehow aware of this fact; that God is unlike her community. She may be knowingly or unknowingly suffering from anxiety, or she may be spiritually free.

Hip Dips, Pears, Apples… How I WISH we could see those

Social media has taken body bashing to a whole new level! Slender is as gorgeous as curvy; c’mon ladies! So If you’re down to rebelling against the 10,000 workout video telling you to fix your hip dips, or overlooking how sexy your curves or long straight legs are, Join my healing-conscious mailing group for freebies, free courses on health n that good dose of Godfidence!

Photo by Gabby K on

Self-Lovin Fevr Dms

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She may be controlling or understanding because like many of you she is full of emotions and knows there’s something better for her out there. In my story on Martha, I explain why we can’t resent the controlling woman; she is exactly the same as the anxious woman or the woman who uncontrollably cries Trauma is one thing communicated in different ways. Yet to begin uncovering her innermost workings and thinking she gets the sense that growth begins within. 

As a result I would love for this point of your life to be about living a life of breakthroughs, and I believe this is breaking free from resentment, learning to forgive and learning how to become agile. A Female Titan sees how health encompasses body, mind and spirit. Her success is influenced by body, mind and spirit. Her relationships are guided by body, mind and spirit. 

Her home is built through her body, mind and spirit. Whatever you think or feel about yourself is communicated in all those aspects. If your health is failing it’s communicated into your career, school or relationships. If you are repressing bad experiences, your body, mind and spirit will bleed with those emotions. 

And endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 5:4-5

This is why I agree with a lot of experts when they say growth is painful because it’s about undoing beliefs. Breaking mechanical understandings of how the world functions. However if you allow yourself to grow every day, if you allow yourself to say every day I learn something then you’ll realize it’s okay when you discover something that conflicts with your current beliefs. This is where health breakthroughs exist. This is where your incredible journey begins, and you just take your time to experience the growth..

Are You still Stuck on Old Labels

Have you ever noticed how High schoolers think they know everything. I was an outsider in a lot of relationships and I always wondered where my peers gained their reasoning of how the world works.

And there were a lot of times when I was told not to question this rule of law. “You’re supposed to have a boyfriend,” as if a boyfriend was the latest hand bag.

What about understanding yourself especially if you experience anxiety or depression because women who suffer from anxiety sometimes allow others to dictate what they do because they don’t feel deserving to make decisions.

I was curious about this my whole life, and it only got worse because I lived in a community where you can’t question adults because they were authority. Yet there were several times when I watched a whole entire adult behave like a child.

Why hadn’t they figured like out yet.  So maybe it shouldn’t have been about obeying authority, but to allow our women of all ages to ask questions about her health and self worth.

Yet society will do that to you; “Close your leg! No sex till marriage,” but how about teaching young girls and boys about repressed emotions because some young people don’t have sex because they’re bored; they feel lost and want to be understood. Some find a boyfriend who becomes their world in such a complicated time of their lives.

Maybe the church should have stepped in there more often; how do I make a Holy Father my world when I cannot feel him. When my immediate world has disappointed me by not answering my questions on a lot of topics. How can we trust God because faith is not actually about a feeling; it’s a belief. And they say but a belief must be felt because then what about all those energetic churches where people fall crying?

You see the energetic church is not wrong and I also can’t direct people how to experience God, but how is it that Highschool is such a small spec of time but defines us in such moving ways. If you’re told in Highschool that you’re rebellious and then move to another country where you’re told you’re empowered, which do you believe?

Maybe we should have spent those Sundays teaching the youth about praying to God during all seasons of their lives. What about goal setting with God, so you can see God more in the smaller spaces of your life.

You see belief is complex, so maybe this chapter of your life is also about putting down those labels and spending more time asking God what He calls you. This is because the world makes quick judgments; life is too busy, so a quick glance is all a stranger needs to have you all figured out. Wrong. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

JaMES 1:5

They have not peered into your body, mind and spirit, yet that is what God does every day of our lives when we draw closer to him. When we slow down our world through mindful living so we can hear him. So sometimes the start of a sustainable health journey is the journey of releasing several beliefs. DATING BELIEFS or friendship beliefs.

And  ladies, discovering how positive thoughts propel you into countless breakthroughs in life, means releasing all that you’ve learned by testing what you take in every day. Take your time however, because this is a life journey not a 90 quick fix diet trap. I’d love for you to join me to reach a greater sense of self acceptance. There’s a DNA-type gift waiting for you to claim it as your life’s purpose. 

This means dressing up like a Titan is also a continuous knowing that you’re already worthy. And you’re better than you were yesterday. That’s it’s okay to fail every day. And That’s why when I say dress like a Titan, I’m saying come prepared to learn something new about the world of wellness and how it’s influencing your body, mind and spirit.


Then again learning to get back up is also key to a holistic view of your health journey because life offers many training sessions before victory where you just have to try again and again and again. Dressing like a Titan is  learning that it’s important to show up to any workout even when you don’t feel like it. Been a rough week in your relationships, go for that walk as opposed to allowing your blankets to swallow you. 

Or if you struggle speaking to humans, speak to God. Don’t be overcome by anxiety, worry or panic attacks for another day. The bible has a host of amazing verses on overcoming anxiety, and the trick is to continue reading them till you develop the smallest bit of belief. Surround yourself with positive bible verses on your social media so you are reminded that God hears your prayer. Couple this with learning the names of God, so you truly see He is not like your community or immediate world. He will never forsake you or leave you.

My Pinterest board God heals anxiety has a wealth of posts and verses for when you feel overwhelmed by your situation. Why? Because your mind will influence the journey of your body and I’m here to inspire your continued healing and growth through Christ! If you can learn to get up and try at work or at your relationships, you’re already 99% there to a fulfilling journey. So put on your victory dress because this time you’ve got my wellness page to help you take another step away from complacent living. 

If you haven’t noticed or accepted making big changes, start small by putting on your victory lipstick,  nail polish or shoes. The small things repeated is where victory exists. I encourage you to learn how to enjoy the small things that require discipline like getting ready for the day. They prepare you for bigger and more demanding aspects of leaving a healthy lifestyle. So choose to show up in one positive area every day. Declutter your room and home, one colour at a time. Do it for a month. Wear great lipstick for a whole month and commit to washing your face every night.  You’ll be surprised how small steps to discipline lead to powerful and lifelong changes.

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Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.