Part 5: Being a boyfriend or husband is not a religion; you cannot sleep with a man into Indoctrination

Can I just say this again; You cannot convert a man into a husbandary by sleeping with him or any other powder-puff voodoo in your arsenal. And this includes boyfriends. If a man is not faithful now, you cannot indoctrinate him by force into the man you deserve. There are plenty of posts about prayingContinue reading “Part 5: Being a boyfriend or husband is not a religion; you cannot sleep with a man into Indoctrination”

Part 5 Continued: The Power of Loving Yourself before Seeking Intimacy

This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something from one of the links, you won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission. I only suggest on products or items I would use. In the past 5 posts I went over expectations, learning to relax, building up some confidence, and learningContinue reading “Part 5 Continued: The Power of Loving Yourself before Seeking Intimacy”

Part 5: Praying For The One? Begin with Being kinder to yourself

This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something from one of the links, you won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission. I only suggest on products or items I would use. In the past 3 posts I went over expectations, learning to relax, building up some confidence, and learningContinue reading “Part 5: Praying For The One? Begin with Being kinder to yourself”