The Ultimate Staycation Self Care Routine

By Zethu Zwane

This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something from one of the links, you won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission. I only suggest on products or items I would use.

Your First Major Buy

Who else has that one perfume you splurged on following your first major win? You could have bought that item after being accepted to your first college or landing your first job. You could have even bought something knowing you’re about to go on the best date of your life. I mean have you seen your crush!

So you know what I’m talking about; it’s that prized possession you went and got for yourself for a job well done. I mean didn’t we conquer it all in those moments; talk about a high functioning anxiety expert am I right?

Everything about this prized item whether it’s a trench coach, dress or perfume is something meaningful to you. It holds a significant place in your life tied to so many feelings. How many of you remember the smell of your first apartment or first dorm room? The anxious yet excited gush rushing through as you finally leave your parents.

Who else made a bomb soup out of that Ramon noodle! That bowl was everything. It carried you through difficult moments . This includes moments when you easily get overwhelmed by anxiety. Suddenly your new chapter became daunting, but that one item carried you through the first year. Can I tell you what’s mine, and don’t laugh. It was my first gold medal and my swimming pool buoy!

Before I knew the meaning God goes before me; I carried a gold medal around

Yas I dragged a whole swimming board from my mystical land of happiness called Simunye, Eswatini to Norman, Oklahoma. Don’t do it… don’t laugh okay, but it symbolized moments when I beat the odds. There were several times when people couldn’t make sense of how a plus size girl came in first for 100m breast stroke.

I beat everyone by a half the pool, but was asked how big my hips and bums are following my victory. They needed a reason for my victory; If only I knew God went before me because I went back and conquered 9 more medals and crushed the time, but couldn’t hold my head high up enough because all those questions made me nervous too. . Yet at the time I believed I needed the medal and board.

Do You need to Know Your Self Worth

Success! You're on the list.

Success! You're on the list.

They reminded I’ve conquered so much, and now in a land where they looked at my color before my love for fitness, swimming, Jesus or the community. I was scared , confused and excited all at once about my American experience.

Yet the moment to self discovery and removing environmental labels from you is a story for another day. Truth is a lot of us have that one item we’ve carried to so many places because it carried us from so many victories. It carried you through difficult university assignments, stressful friend conversation and the most scandalous Scandal episodes.

However with all these memories, and items to collect, it’s so easy to turn your home into a collectible’s trash can as opposed to a luxurious sanctuary. So let’s get some inspiration from my Pinterest minimalist living board to turn some of your most treasured pieces into self-care goodies. Then the rest of those items needs to be photographed and thrown away…. taking a picture was my way of meeting you half way; what do you say? Are you ready to turn your home or room into an inner-peace sanctuary your body, spirit and mind will thank you for?

Source: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Cleaning Your Home Uplifts Your Emotional Health

The most evident thing pointing to brain fog and hidden emotions is your home. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by life, don’t just journal, revamp your home. You can achieve this by repurposing many items in your home and getting rid of more than you think. Can we say this again; get rid of more than you believe! The issue is more and more people are buying items without a purposeful direction based on an overall look to your home.

This tip comes later, but having a concise colour pallet in your home not only makes your home look more expensive, and it gives your body, mind and spirit peace of mind. When things flow in your room or home, it helps with giving your clarity and direction. This may seem small, but we were born to live by a certain structure just like your sleep’s RIM patterns, your body thrives in harmony. So if you’re looking to boost those happy hormones keep reading for great tips.

Looking to Become a Girl Boss; Create Open Spaces

I’m a sucker for 5 throws on my bed; however, let it flow with direction and purpose. If you also have more than 3 old bottles of lotion, a couple of perfume bottles from 2 years ago, it’s time to get rid of them. And if you’re not in the mood to paint those old bottles, then they’re more likely doing more harm to your health than intended.

Make Sleep a priority with this Silk Sleep Mask Marble, and live a life not structured but a life of beauty and wonder surrounded by the simplest kf luxuries.

Waking up and going to sleep in a freely flowing environment needs a in a peaceful sanctuary. Taking this first step will help with giving you clarity and control of your physical space while also tackling your inner peace.

Unified Colours Bring Focus

Now here is the real reason why minimalist living is far better than a crowded house. The many colours on your sofa, bed that have not been carefully planned will lead to a messy look that can frustrate you. Have you ever entered a room and become really frustrated, but you don’t know why. Your mind may be frustrated with the many shades, colours and textures in the room.

And I’m like many women in love with textures and some colours, so instead of having all of them in one room divide them up. For instance you can dedicate one room to a Royal blue with plainly stripe textures. If the textures are not loud, but a muted deep dark then loud portraits are not only great but can make the room look bigger if positioned right.

A Psalm of David says “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.” one understanding of this is God will give you hope because He goes before you to uncover your destiny. So it’s not a clap back at someone. Remember we are not part of that club. What’s more important here is the history of David. He won several battles, but faced opposition to accomplish his God dreams.

That is to say your God given gift will come with obstacles , but remember you’re free. Unlike other people who imprisoned by project emotions, you can anchor yourself in Christ and Be set. Don’t know how, well sister join me on this beautiful journey we call life and let’s discover what God has for you and I.

Make Your Home Smell Hotel New All Year round

Level up your self care routine starting with these amazing aromas selected from pinterest board. For example if you’re feeling super stressed, lavender is the triple threat to have in your room. Firstly, it’s great for calming your mind, aiding in sleep, and also chases away insects.

Protect Your Skin’s Glow and Hair with this Mulberry Silk Pillowcase Pink

Lavender is perfect for having around your home because it creates a home that naturally smells divine. Previously I didn’t like lavender because I always smelled it from generic brands. However, if you source pure lander and the plant, your senses and home will thank you for it.

Living a life of Breakthroughs with Black Couture Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Transform your beliefs, pains, weaknesses and past failures by rediscovering Jesus Christ. He is not your community, your circumstances. your family, your leaders or the land given to you. Join me on my podcast for more self healing growth opportunity. Visit Now

Store more Smaller Items

Trust me, you’ll love it and if you’re still not convinced of my first suggestion of taking pictures, how about we begin at storing them in boxes. However, if you’re holding onto these items because of the sentiment behind them like a old ex jacket, hold a funeral for those items because better hings are coming in your life.

Think of it this way; remember Nokia 3310? Yeah the cellphone more elegant than a brick, but wouldn’t break even if you threw a brick at it. Well some of y’all are holding onto items in the home as if Jesus will never provide for you again.And yass I know that item is like that 3310; flushed it in the toilet; it lived. Swam for 20 minutes in the pool; it lived.

I mean the thing is practically competing with Jesus’s resurrection here… okay only joking please don’t take offense but just like your spiritual life, if you’re looking to level up there are something you’ve gotta let go. Then finally remember God is your Jehovah Jireh, he supplies all your needs. So has that convinced you yet to host a funeral party for your old life and bring in the new minimalist and healthier version.

Leave Your Home Permanently Looking Hotel Ready

There is no need for me to even explain because trust me you will love how it makes every inch of your home look brand new. So how about you try this fantastic mix for 90 days and let me know if it works in the comment. But trust me, you can thank me later.

Body Confidence: If He calls you splendor, beauty, how much more are you worth to Jesus?

Self-Lovin Fevr Dms

Success! You're on the list.

Uplift Your Happy Hormones

The next time you’re about to sit down to do your weekly self-care routine, begin with your room. Think of cleaning your room as the moment you have to deepen the love for yourself. Having a messy room is tied to repressed emotions in some people, a refreshing room is part of building or rebuilding your ideas of self-worth. Your room is your inner most sanctuary, and having it looking beautiful and literally fit for a queen will help you feel more worthy.

Make Your Own Devine Living with this bedroom Forest Therapy Wellness Mist

Or alternatively you could try one of these candles set from my Pinteresg boards; The scent is everything and will leave your neighbors wondering how yiy always feel uplifted! Just kidding, but they’ve asked me plenty of times why my place smells so good. Either way the journey to self worth and Godfidence begins with you, so make cleaning a priority. Then there’s also the outer benefits such as the ability to breath! If you’re struggling to breath consider adding plants in your room that act as a natural air cleaner. Click on the image to find out which plants will transform your health in just one night.

Eliminate the Hangry Gut brain Connection

Many scientists have revealed how your gut is connected to brain health and that’s exactly right! Apart from dry brushing to get your water of life moving (lymphatic fluid) around your body, take a detox bath once a month. If you live in Eswatini or South Africa and wondering how the heck will you budget for baking soda every month, visit a wholesaler! This is because this body and self-loving treatment will do more for your body and mind, it eliminates many toxins built up in the body.

My tip would be try out my gut healing foods checklist for a month, and dry brush every morning. Dry brushing gets all those fluids moving in and out your body, and has several benefits such as youthful skin, eliminating waste and just keeping your body happy. So allow your inner garden to overflow women with this amazing bath, and again let me know how you feel.

Hi, I’m Zethu Zwane,
a Health and wellness enthusiast who loves Christ, and loves crushing on people… aww so cute! Join me right here for endless growth opportunities uplifting your body, mind and spirit!

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

4 thoughts on “The Ultimate Staycation Self Care Routine

  1. These are great tips! Living minimally and having my home organized helps clear my mind so much. Love the suggestions about sticking to a color palette and using calming scents too.


    1. So happy you got some tips from it! And lemme know if you ever try the baking soda. It’s my obssession


    1. That’s what we’re all about here on Black Couture. Just to encourage more of us to take active rests while pursuing our journey


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