How to overcome Mental And Physical Clutter

Self improvement in mental health begins with a look into your emotional boundaries and personal space. Explore how certain social beliefs are limiting your mental health and how you can make small powerful changes by cleaning up your emotional and physical space.

By Zethu Zwane

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There is so many forms of clutter making it one of my favorite emotional health topics to tackle because it means diving deep into your complex nuances, you know those unicorn traits. Where you go from Cute hungry. Or when you go from boss babe to “I’d rather not babe!” Kinda vibes. These feelings within you tremendous influence on your life goals, so this post is a growth opportunity on how to identify clutter in your life. Hopefully you’ll take time to reflect on

Clutter is all about those moments where you go from adorable to fire-cracking mama. Yeah I’m talking about those traits. And let’s be honest about that too; it’s the very a reason you should try giving God those every day small stressors. Giving God those uncomfortable fire emotions is uncomfortable because it means beig cumbersome, so this post is about to take you though top habits to implement today allowing you greater emotional freedom and confidence to propel through your next life goal.

By the way head over to my podcast if you about to hop into a Kombi or Uber for more humorous growth opportunities! You welcome

Give it to God because there are so many “socially accepted rules,” that are harmful for your emotional health. I know this because several high ranking clients talk about getting strokes like it’s a badge of honor reflecting the sacrifice you’ve made. Really I absolutely don’t agree. I mean who wants to celebrate almost freezing half their body? Yet almost everywhere we celebrate such people. We even go as far as shunning other cultures.

Take This Healing Course by Kobe Campbell and learn why God wants you to cry out to Him. Learn why He wants you to see Him beyond a loving father who is unlike your family, community or ideas of men. Practice crying out to Him in order to experience the fullness of His love and Character.

I never thought about this before, but when I was in my cultural studies classes or communications classes, the Japanese phenomenon known as karoshi was compared to US burnout among employees. This is when employees experience such extreme burnout that they collapse fromheart attack. Yet wouldn’t you say diabetes, and sometimes obesity is a result of using food to deal with stressors.

Deliberately Causing Harm to Your Life vs Innocently Done

Yes there are poeple who are born with diabetes or hormonal imbalances leading to unstable weight gain. However there is no denying there is a normalized lifestyle among professionals leading to dangerous cardiovascular diseases.

In my time writing for a Wellness organization, I witnesses a man die because the water in his blood had too much salt. You’d know this as cholesterol. Trying to sooth myself I wrote about cholesterol to over 40 corporat clients reminding them anyone can get cholesterol including a skinny person.

Yet this doesn’t solve the increase in cardiologist diseases among nations. Then I saw again that men didn’t feel the need to prevent HIV. This is because there was a solution created called prep where a woman takes it 48 hours before she has sexual intercourse with a man. The stubbornness of the human heart.

Justifying and Normalizing unhealthy norms

In some instances solutions only lead to further abuse. It’s not that the advancement of the medical field is wrong, but it doesn’t address your heart. I listened to a man boast he has AIDS, so you’ve got to deal with it because he doesn’t do condoms. I’ve learned not to accept or hope that the fear of AIDS led to this belief. A person’s life experiences can lead him to any direction including that he has the right to sleep with countless women while taking zero responsibility for her body health.

Here are 3 examples I’ve laid out. In one example is the individual born with a hormonal imbalance. To you there is still a cure in food. More important there’s still a breakthrough in Christ. Then there’s the person who bought into the lifestyle of the fasted pace life. The don’t sleep if you want to be successful lifestyle.

Lastly is the person who appears to arrogantly believe a stroke or AIDS is nothing. There’s still healing waiting on you. Yes that’s exactly right. You can’t judge someone for responding differently to lifestyle choices. You can’t judge someone for believing into the norm. We’re consumed by it every day. You can, however, speak to the now.

Stress from too Many Life Decisions and Your Purpose

When you’ve hit the final wall and now the emotional stress is catching up to you. The feeling of “I can’t handle this anymore,” is the very moment this blog post is about. I’m not going to try to be responsible for areas where you’re stubborn because that’s part of your growth opportunities.

It’s making the same mistakes over agin until you decide better. That’s what God done with us. He can with His endless power choose to switch your mind, but He wants you to have enough courage to break free from what worries you ever day.

He also wants you to choose a relationship with Him. That’s His love. He won’t force you to love Him, but through small relationship choices like spending time with Himin prayer you can seek exactly how God is a Father of breakthroughs.

Who better to guide you than a non judgement and loving Father Jesus Christ. Indeed this Father is not like your community, your leaders, your school teachers. God is capable of taking away your pain, so here’s some tips helping you become vulnerable enough to say say “I’m so overwhelmed by life and my responsibilities.”

Working through messy moments

He is loving. The Lord is your friend . He is Jehovah Raah.

During my freelance consultations, I love telling clients that the successful person is the same as the alcoholic. The career fanatic is also the same as the drug abuser and the same as the high school drop out. This is because they all live at extreme ends of what is suppose to be emotionally healthy.

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers[a] of this world, rather than from Christ.

However how much of this is our lives. The workaholic ignores the original feels of rejection or shame to pursue a career. The aspiring coworker ignores the risk of diabetes because in some cultures all successful people have high blood pressure. It’s part of the job. Wrong! God never intended for any of you to sacrifice your health for the pursuit of human misunderstanding –Colossian 2:8

The fervent career girl chases after her dreams to ignore or silence feelings of insecurity in her relationships; “Why haven’t I had a boyfriend she asks herself,” but instead of facing those questions, she thrives at work to make up for that emptiness.

Living in a bubble of ultimatums is not life is not life. And can I tell you after watching a man die from blood pressure, the perfectionist doesn’t have the solution to your life either!

I’ll admit that was my first death experienced at the hospital, which lead me to reading over 1200 articles on behavioral change, but now I feel like I cannot give a man a problem to emptiness only God can fill.

If You Feel easily Anxious, memorize the names of God

Blue Letter .org has a list of the names of God, and I think later it’ll be great to try them out. You know why I had an issue with the church in the beginning; I used to see so many people crying about big goals and dreams, yet we’re failing at the every day things. God knows what your heart desires, but He also wants to deal with the character that will stop you from seeing your dreams unfold.

“Abram replied to the king of Sodom, “I solemnly swear to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth,”

-Genesis 14:22

Who remembers Gladiator? The emperor with all his riches felt small in the presence of Maximus. You see God can bless you with your prayers such as passing school, getting the right job and right date. However if a veil still remains over your eyes, you wont see the blessing.

Similarly, if you ask for God to make way in your life, and yet He keeps pointing to your anxiety, your low self esteem or bad boy image, it’s time to listen. This is the clutter Jesus came to resolve, not how many honors you get at your job or in school. Don’t forget Jesus wants you to thrive in life, but be different.

Be that coworker who excels at her job without having to gossip about people. You see the difference. Be the woman who marries the right guy without having to sleep with 20 just to find the one.

Getting to know God as Jehovah El Roi; the safe space where you can deal with insecurities

Save This image on Pinterest so you can go back and use these tips

I find even as you slowly grow or recover your Christ-centered life, you will see how much God cares for you. Not like the world cares for you, but because He is God El Olam, the father who is everlasting

Now that is where your power lies. He exists even before the earth was born. He is above all spiritual being, He is the Most High, Elyon . Getting to know God is one way of understanding why you have certain triggers.

Some mental health issues are generational chains that only you and God can break if you choose Him to lead the way.

“el o-lawm;” The Everlasting God, The God of Eternity, The God of the Universe, The God of Ancient Days,”

-From the

This has become so precious to me because I got tired of being yelled at for my anxiety . We give people quick fix solutions to deep rooted emotional health issues.

And I hope this proves largely successful for you as you figure out why you feel sad, let down or misunderstood in both your emotional and physical life.

Take Me On the Road with you; Listen to this week’s episodes and subscribe!

Physical & Mental Clutter: Connections to emotional health & Healing

This is where God’s knowledge supersedes everyone’s. Have you ever made a mistake in collge, work or in your family and couldn’t shake off that label they gave you.

That’s emotional clutter we’re here to get rid of once and for all. Okay maybe after 10 thousands tries because it’s okay to start over every second or minute of the day.

Emotional beliefs become physical clutter when the feelings become too overwhelming and begin to spill over into your actual life. This is because you create coping mechanisms like sarcasm to buffer bad experiences.

Or you can either start believing in ultimatums like it’s either I win or it’s bad. Check out my article on forgiveness, where I introduce the connection to emotional hurts you might have even forgotten before explaining why it’s important to forgive.

Trauma Spills in All Areas of Your Life

Identifying emotional and physical clutter in your life is important to personal development and growth. One example to to show this is fitness.

Jehovah Rapha: Jehova meaning the God who heals.

I will give you back your health
and heal your wounds,” says the Lord.
“For you are called an outcast—
‘Jerusalem[a] for whom no one cares.”

-Jerimiah 30:17

If you want bikini legs, sometimes you’ve got to squat. To grow those growth hormones that will build those muscles, some days will hurt more than others. But what about those legs huh, they worth it right?!

When it comes to decluttering your space and letting go of limiting beliefs, God is far better and sees paths you can’t.

For instance did you know your gut can cause depression, anger and fear? Identifying emotional and physical clutter in your life is important to personal development and growth.

I encourage you to have a willingness to try Jesus by praying His names. I saw what a major difference it had to my anxiety, so I believe you can see the same if you can only are willing to try. I believe you can own your personal journey no matter how scary. It will help you understand how some of your emotions are generational barriers you can break today with the healing

The bible is the best source for all mental health healing because it helps you see the root cause for some of your past pains.

Good News For The Oppressed

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me,
for the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted
and to proclaim that captives will be released
and prisoners will be freed.[a]

2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come,[b] and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.3

To all who mourn in Israel,[c] he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that

the Lord has planted for his own glory.To all who mourn in Israel,[c] he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.

Goal Set with Prayer

What happens when you can’t figure it all out? That’s what prayer and opening up to God is all about. Tell Him you can’t see what’s blocking you, and ask for revelations. Using prayer to goal set will give you peace for a mindfully led life. Unless of course you have time to go through 10 billion centuries… I’m just saying choose intuitive living o over perfectionism.

My moments with Him made me realize a self-journey; your path to self improvement can be tough when done alone. By and large if you have been rejected, or have low self-esteem, you will have a lot of internal hurdles. In addition to all these many if us didn’t learn about emotional boundaries. However God makes a way if you ask to have your eyes unveiled to see the change.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us

-Hebrews 12: 1 This journey is about learning to ask big. No longer is it about you suffering. Hiding eating disorders or lack of self-confidence. It’s about stepping boldly into God’s arms

I realized this when I noticed how busy everyone was. We’ve all got our own lives to live as much as we want to be great coworkers, friends or dates. Conversely how more heart warming it it to know many of God character’s are assigned to assist you. His strength is truly made sufficient in weakness.

I was done with being lost and seemingly settling in way too many aspects of my life. From work, school and relationships it seems like I was going into a bigger hole. Then unfortunately like most who have that final straw, my family went through a tragedy.

Be free Enough To Fail

That is when I wanted to figure life out with God; be like all those people who said they spoke to God and He replied, because let’s be honest I was far from there. I had absolutely no clue what they were talking about, and it actually frustrated me.

Hip Dips, Pears, Apples… How I WISH we could see those

Self-Lovin Fevr Dms

Success! You're on the list.

The Clutter Between Organized Chaos and emotional health

Success! You're on the list.

Finally now we can really get into how emotional traumas morphs into competitiveness , or a lack of forgiveness. Furthmore now that you understand how intrinsic trauma can be in your life, let’s get to how it influences your areas of your life. I also hope you see trauma comes as tiny little irritations that grow into bad character changes.

Just like in my post on Forgiveness, I said Martha resents controlling behavior, but does not heal from it. Since she is unable to see how it influences her life, Martha soon becomes controlling. A person who hates anger will become angry if they do not heal from those feelings of anger.

If you Don’t Deal with it, You will Mirror that Trauma

Similarly a person who resents selfish people will become selfish. This is because so many people around you may be sucking your attention. Consequently when you finally get attention from someone, you will hog that attention. It’s not your fault; you just never got the chance to learn how to share. This is very typical to children who resent their parents smoking but become smokers.

I went through this when I had a very horrible boss. It was very obvious she liked my coworkers instead of me. In fact whenever I did exceptionally well, my week would be miserable the following week.

“Even After I left the job, my face started spontaneously gripping onto that facial expression! Only after walking in pain, and not able to sleep because that expression carved into my face,”

It was only a summer job, but it left and evident mark on me. I always had exceptional bosses from the US, so I was kind of shocked. Being shocked or appalled is not dealing with what happens to you… just as an fyi

However I first learned the importance of filling up your own emotional cup after experiencing a terrible trauma with her.

She used to look at me with this nasty expression, so I started mirroring her look. Although she was shocked the first time I did mimicked her right in her face, it was so abnormal on my face and it literally hurt my facial muscles.

Try Making God Your Jehovah Nissi

“I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him.”

-1Corinthians 7:32

I realize I allowed her to fill my emotional cup. She was filling it up, and I hadn’t healed. So I stopped in the middle of the road and asked God to help me heal from that period. My face was hurting because my muscles were contorting to match her face. This was not me. I wanted to be free me from this abnormal expression that did not below to me.

Even after I left the job and moved to a lesser crazier place because lets be honest there is no perfect workplace, the expression popped by. The expression invaded my freedom every second of the day. It was abnormal to me. It hurt, but I couldn’t shake the pain off my face.

Reason being I didn’t deal with the disappointment within. This is where God is most evident. Ask him to be your Jehovah Nissi in those moments. What you need in those moments is a loving father who will be your place of refuge while you heal. Allow God to be truly what is character is; a place of renewal and a place to regain your strength.

He’s also a place where you can regain love for humans even after they let you down. This is how you will gain a life of breakthroughs by growth moments. Now do you get why God is not your leaders, community leaders or family and friends?

How many of us are allowing other people’s disappointments, anger and control project onto us in the form of clutter in our lives? What’s it worth sacrificing your potential for people’s feelings of failure? The answer lies inbetween the messy ideas, your failed moments and God’s glory in your life.

Now Trying to Facing difficult Moments with grace

You see hurt from every day experiences don’t have to be abnormal facial expressions. It can be emotional eating, messy homes, excessive buying and even ambitious career goals.

He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the LORD’s, and he has set the world in order.

-1 Samuel 2:

The one thing that kept ringing in my mind was; “This moment is not for anyone else but me.” Having this mind shift helped me see months later how God was guiding me through emotional maturity. He gives you wisdom and direction long before you know. More so He gives wisdom when you ask for it, it’s just that we forget about that prayer request.

In the middle of my storm, there was a fragrance of peace in knowing what I was experiencing. This journey is yours, the emotional recovery is yours and there is no one can explain. It’s in those scary moments where I took the scary leap of faith.

There’s a phenomenal place you can be in life. This includes resting in a mental state where you understand not everyone will be for you. Yet in all things Christ is with you.

This is because this is the harsh reality of anxieties or depression; they are sometimes the source of trauma, and trauma is the most undermined human experience we have today.

What’s More

In general we have a cycle in our generations where we tell people to get over it when we should be guiding people to God.

God is the only one who can take you through the knots of your mind. Warn you before a trigger comes and help and protect you to overcoming.

“God’s Spirit has shown you everything. His Spirit finds out everything, even what is deep in the mind of God. You are the only one who knows what is in your own mind, and God’s Spirit is the only one who knows what is in God’s mind.”

Human Wisdom vs. God’s Wisdom excerpts from 1 CorinthiansContemporary English Version

Still do not give up on the human experience. Do not give up on humanity. Instead see how your mental and physical clutters comes about. Gaining this knowledge will help you move through this life. season you’re in Then remember all journeys are DNA designed to uplift not bury you.

This process helped me see why God wants to work in our lives, and I’m confident it will help you. This is part of the end goal; bringing back a humanity that recognizes you in me.

Un-spilling the Tea ; Letting the Spirit overflow in you

 This is my mission because body images is something I’ve wanted to change for the good! We’ve spent a great deal learning about how your internal processes influence how you feel about certain situations. Then there’s another side to this entire experience: self loathing images.

Specifically these images are harmful to your body image and self confidence. If you’re still not practicing journaling as a way to uplift your body image, at least try to see more body images that reflect your actual body. This is because being surrounded by images that are not represented of you will influence how you feel about beauty.

More important is the reality TV culture has let us all down. Or was it really their responsibility; I don’t think so. Think about it for a moment. Let’s say season one, one of your fave people brings on a friend to the show. The friend happens to be the only one with has naturally thin lips. Yet in season 4, that same friend has big round lips like the rest of the girls.

Someone please join me in draining your life of false ideas! Particularly when it comes to your body image and how you suppose to behave. That being the case, I hope you’re strapped up emotionally and ready to take on 5 simple steps to improving all of your health..

Becoming a Woman Who Thrives in a Messy World

A female titan is any woman who owns her messy internal struggles. She can be a healing wife or daughter , or leader with a whole lotta servitude needs this journey. This could be you too. Wherever you are, you deserve this journey to learning, so if you decide to be a boss, a mom, or colleague you need to know your triggers.

Gain the confidence to identify subjective experiences in your life. No more of “why is life so unfair. Move away from these internal conversations .This journey is here to help you discover perceived stress from actual stress. Identifying all these moments only help you becoming a better girlfriend, better wife, better daughter and the best coworker!

“Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man `unclean. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man `unclean,”

-Mathew 15:18-21

Step 1: Free Your Mind

People who keep a journal have less messy minds. One of the reasons to keep a journal is because you’ll find family and friends might be too busy, yet you want to talk about a lot of stuff happening in your life.

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”

This has become a sweet verse. I first mis-read it because it sounded negative. However it’s a confidence booster to stay positive in the midst of panic attacks, disease, even getting older yes that applies to that 25-years old! God comes a soft and powerful wing to protect and guard you. You need only to ask Him

Conflicted on how to say what hurts you will only hurt your lifespan; However, the more you write down your thoughts the easier it is to notice the source of mental block in personal and professional life. JEHOVAH MEKODDISHKEM THE LORD WHO SANCTIFIES YOU

One of my fave things to do is title my journals by pasting tabs at the top of the page, so if I want to trace my progress during a trigger, I can do so easily.

For the most part whenever you’re having an anxiety attack, feeling lonely or experiencing depression. Don’t ignore the emotion by hiding it deep; untangle your emotions through journaling today.

Step 2: Put on The Amour of God

This is extraordinarily important because we are constantly facing challenges in both our human and spiritual lives. If you have a history of anxiety and depression, yes seek sustainable medical treatment, but do not underestimate God’s power over your life.

Putting on the amour of God will remind you God has already healed you, yet the devil also tries to trick you into believing it’s not true. This was relevant to me because I went from volunteer to manager with little experience.

Likewise the typical story in the bible, I faced opposition; However, no one can take away what God has meant for you.

I had to stop idolizing people, stop believing in junk told to me as a child or teenager . It’s worth draining the clutter in your brain so you can lean more on God’s guidance.

Live Brave; By the Grace of God You are What You are

Be strong with the Lord’s strength. 11 Put on the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will not fall into the traps of the devil.

-Ephesians 6:10

During this time God gave me wisdom ahead of every one else. Sometimes this wisdom can be for a season. I like to call it my assignment because God puts you ahead of even the most experienced person just to show the power of his glory.

During that time, I had to let go of feelings of low-self worth. God helped me learn about personal boundaries and emotional boundaries.

So stand up and do not be moved. Wear a belt of truth around your body. Wear a piece of iron over your chest which is being right with God.

This comes with understanding you’re surrounded by false ideas and beliefs. Yet you also have the power through God to seek the truth that is right for you. And search it repeatedly. Pray for protection and God’s wisdom over your next project.

You may come across a lot of people who are hurting and want to know why you think you should be here. That’s when you need God’s truth more than theirs in your life. Now I need this too, but this is why pray over your assignments.

Confidence is a conscious effort, and you can only do it once you’re aware of your limitations. Before you can ask for protection, and speak God’s truth over your life, it’s worth getting to know most of the emotional and physical blocks on your life.

Be Still in The Process

So maybe emptying out your mind is part of discovering God as truth ’El ’emet . Seeing Him above your community, all human understanding and wisdom.

And this is why I’m also on a journey to discover how we can feel God’s protection above all. Before this I was physically breaking down, yet very few saw my suffering.

So maybe emptying out your mind is part of discovering God as truth ’El ’emet. Seeing Him above your community, all human understanding and wisdom. And all those body-shaming jokes and spill the tea moments is part of the clutter you’ve gotta try giving up to see the beauty rooted deep in you.

He wants to reveal to you how far He is willing and excited to help you through all chapters of your life. But guess what you’re going to face new challenges after pulling off a national project!

This is part of life, and it’s okay to understand that you don’t have to accept all the messy beliefs people think you should follow. Subscribe to Black Couture’s Bi-Weekly Emails right here

Remember the story of Martha? Yeah you can’t blame Martha for being controlling because maybe no one has told Martha she is free to declare her healing.

In wellness we call this knowing your perceived stress and identifying your triggers,, however, its much bigger than this. Ask for God’s protection, so you can free your mind from chains of limiting beliefs.

And I am FAR from perfect because I also rediscovered God 2019, so putting on His armor, struggling to call Him only reveals His grace because He didn’t quit on me, and He will never quit or abandon you.

Step 3: Trust in God

Building a new belief, emptying out the mess in your life and in your emotions is all about coming to terms with your mental health. To fully deal with issues of perceived stress, emotional triggers, do a small experience every day to begin learning and trusting God.

The saying goes that things don’t happen to you, they happen for you. I believe this has been a phenomenal growth opportunity in my life so far, and I cant wait for you to accept more into your life. I first appreciated this while listening to Steve Harvey.

He said the fact that you are awake today means you have survived every day till now. He emphasizes if you look at life like this the fact you still have a home means you have conquered each and every day.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”

How true is this about most of your experiences. You see you may have lived with depression and panic attacks for a long time that you believe in them more than you see God’s healing over your life.

Are You Filling Up Your Self Love Cup Yet

Filling your mind with self-loving thoughts, healing thoughts will only remind you that you’re still winning at life. Again this is crucial to getting control back because part of anxiety is the belief you’re losing control. I don’t believe that’s possible when God is before you in all you do.

But when I am afraid,
I will put my trust in you.
I praise God for what he has promised.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?

Moreover trusting God is also about slowing down. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by the day, that’s again a sign of false beliefs. Beliefs that there is no time. The time is right for you. Ask God for a trusting hearts, so he can reveal to you the right path for the journey you’re on.

God places in you in areas closely linked to your life’s purpose. Where you will learn valuable lessons by abiding and learning and learning again to trust Him. He wants you to be confident, to free your mind because you make better decisions when your heart is free from contempt.

And remember God sees all, so when your heart is healing and free from hurt, you will hear him more. God is always talking to us, talking to people to move for our greatest good and making rough roads straight for us.

I believe it’s worth decluttering your mind for the purpose of discovering your strengths.

If you’re tired of running away from low self worth, fear of loving your body and believe it’s time to show it off, Open Black Coutures V

Just desert Vibes on Beer Budget

I believe all women are endowed with the human right to developing herself through love, acceptance and healing. Her wellness background led to a journey of Discovery God through life’s joys and trials. Join me on a Pinterest journey through personal discovery through uncovering the true God. Not a punishing God. Not a picky God, but a God who takes your anxiety, depression to empower you. To heal you. To love you.

Step 4: Eat For A Clear Mind

“And such were some of you: but you are washed, but you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Yeshua and the Spirit of our God.”

Nutrition is such as major source of your mental health, so we will be discussing it several times through out the year including for April stress month and in preparation for October 10 Mental Health Day.

And on of the major contributors to mental clutter is your eating habits. Today we find we are accommodating a system where we’re maintaining diseases instead of curing the illness.

That’s why this coming July, we’re also going on a declutter 30 day challenge to rid us of our love for sugars, and other unhealthy artificial foods.

Artificial foods are no good for your mental health; they create way too much brain fog, which gets in your way of journal writing and discovering your cause for anxieties and illness.

Maybe why some of us have hanger and irritation is from the lack of emotional boundaries! Join my mailing List! Click image to begin your journey into understanding your emotional boundaries!

Be Still and Know

There’s also the connection several health practitioners are making between the gut and brain performance stating an unstable gut leads to increased anxiety, brain fog and decreased productivity.

All which is crucial for all areas of your life. One of my fave tips to solve this is is drink lemon and honey water.

Lemon is suppose to reduce brain fog while the honey increases productivity. I also love adding green tea to my morning water because protects the brain from free radicals.

Another meal you can add is bone broth because it cleanses the gut, which is positively helpful for anyone experiencing frustration, loss, uncertainty, irritation, or nervousness.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

– 1 Corinthians 10:31

This is actually my not-so secret add on to decreasing stress. Consistently eating foods that reduce inflammation actually help in elevating feelings of loss, loss of control by allowing your brain to function at a higher pace.

But the point is changing your eating habits reduces the number of times you feel drained by increasing vitality and clarity to direct out even more!

With more clarity, you’ll be able to see between lies and God’s truth during Him guiding during any situation in life.

Step 5: Organize Your Room

Image by Liana Mikah

Your room is your most sacred place to starting and ending your day. It’s like the live reality show projection of your brain.

Your room is your most sacred place to starting and ending your day. It’s like the live reality show projection of your brain.

All those things you don’t want to address tend to manifest in several areas including your living space.

If you’re undecided on where to begin, start by removing all the clutter and blocks in your room.

One great tip is making your bed immediately after waking up. And yes I struggle with this one too, so I sometimes fold my bedding down to the edge of the bed , so my sheets are left exposed.

Now this is my favorite because you can buy one throw and have your bedding, sheets and throw be different colours to make it more stylish. Small changes, but great outcomes.

Not only will you get out the rut of life, but you’ll start seeing the beauty in the small routines. How ? Create for yourself a self-care routine, or get one here! Subscribe Now and get your beauty newsletter!

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

-James 1:12

Creating smells fit for a Queen

Creating small routines even if it means starting in your room, worth your finances and even your hair help you see that things always work out for your greatest good if you just remain steadfast in God’s trust and faithfulness.

I personally experienced a better perspective in life that can be seen through my finances. this with my finances even before COVID happened.

I also feel this was successful because I made so many places a sacred place. My room is sacred where I always light candles like Bath&Body Works or candles from Sheet Street in Manzini, Swaziland.

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

-Hebrews 4:16

When I wake up or when I get back home. I love sitting down and planning my finances using Ramsey;s financial planner and it showed even with below average salary for most people in my position, I’m pretty wealthy.

Wealthy in peace, wealthy in feelings of safety. All these feelings are whole fully important for anyone experiencing moments of uncertainty or fear.

That one small thing you begin looking forward to doing each night will make a huge difference in your mood.

I’ve uniquely loved journalling positive thoughts, comments and desires at night because it taught me to accept that I am allowed to want more. I am allowed to have bigger dreams.

Image by David Lezcano

Spaces Open Up Your Emotions

This has changed my mood greatly because planting into my subconscious pleasant things has resulted in waking up with a bigger smile and better outlook on life!

It’s also helped me learn how to come boldly to God. And who can relate. Stress from school, work or family sometimes piles up at the same time.

However a clear space, and journaling will help you see that God has been the same throughout. And once you learn to hear from God more, you will see even His silence means there is a great lesson ahead of you to learn.

Make your room smell nice with room candles or spraying it. Those small sparks of bursts encourages you to get up and move a little more. Clean more and finally remove those physical blocks.

This is also a perfect time to get that lemon water right at the start of your day! However the whole point is to reduce all that physical clutter.

Why not replace some items you don’t use, sell them on Amazon or a garage sale and buy your self little fairy lights.

So when you come back home after a long day of work, dim the lights, place the fairy lights right by a chair and there you’ve set the mood to a romantic evening.

Cleaning up your emotional life is all about forgetting social ideas that say you can’t feel like you do. That tell you to get over yourself.

Finally Sleep Peacefully

These small tips are a reminder it’s important to treat yourself. Before you can be of service to anyone, because let’s be honest our jobs are interconnected, learn to serve yourself through self-care routines.

Lastly cleaning up your room, house shouldn’t feel forced, but consider it as a healing process to you. Confidence is projected the space in your room, emotional health and overall life.

God is the best Father to helping you see where you gave up on yourself and space. He created to be confident. Addressing your emotional space if the start.

What I’ve found to work for me is accepting that this path to recover and empowerment begins with me. There is no1 who can understand you the way God understands you.

This begins with getting rid of spill the tea culture and other perfectionist ideas the world puts on you. In doing so you’ll find more power to make better decision on your life and overall health goals.

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Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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