Top 3 Undeniably Positive Wellness Tips You should be Doing to Relax Now

By Zethu Zwane

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Welcome back to another series on emotional rest, and why rest should be your weekly strategy. Before you dive into this blog, I have a question for you. Have you started journaling? I’ve found this to be the single most effective change to my emotional health. Reason being something happened recently that reminded me of why rest is so crucial. I noticed this while I was praying to God about something.

Let’s say you’re praying to God for roses. You pray everyday then one day you find a rose. At the same time, you’re mentally exhausted and drained this season. We’ve all been there where you’re SOO drained, that you completely miss the answered prayer. You just didn’t see the roses. It’s only after one of your friends says; “Hey who are all these roses for,” that you’ll burst out laughing realizing you’re surrounded by roses. That’s not all;  the next week strangers keep giving you roses. 

Are you trashing all your answered prayers?

What are you praying for that you can’t see. Are you so emotionally tired that you can’t see straight? Here’s another feeling we all know; when every small things agitates you. The problem with a micro-aggressors is sometimes they’re uncontrollable. You’ll start throwing away even the good stuff. Look at this way; every time you see an answered prayer in the form of a rose, you burn it.

That’s what I did. I was exhausted with these random roses. I was irritated to the point of yelling; “Where are these roses coming from,” every day. Then one day I was panicking because I needed these roses to host an event. When I turned over to write down where all the roses went, I discovered I threw 30,000 away.

Jehovah Jireh gifted me 30,000 roses

Jehovah Jireh had delivered 30,000 roses to my door step, and I burned them all. At the same time a friend needed roses for a proposal. I was sitting with 4 that I didn’t burn. My friend was really worried about his proposal. Then I said to him, “listen God always provides,” the irony right! The next morning 2 people called me offering to give me 8 roses. I cried because for the first time I was no longer blind. I realized I had burned 30,000 roses.

Likewise, are you burning God’s answers? Do they piss you off? Do you yell at them? Is God enough in your life? If you’re like me and you’re praying and can’t see answers, I think it’s time for you to go on a wellness retreat. Today you’ll get wellness tips for at home that are worth your while. That’s because many of us allow life to happen. You work for 90% of your day taking instructions from someone else.

Dedicate yourself to daily bible journaling

Firstly bible journaling is hard to commit, so don’t try this thinking you’ll be perfect. Instead start journaling 30 minutes per day. Do a general topic until the spirit begins working in you by leading you to a topic. This includes when you’ve got brain fog, and need to journal to open up ideas. That’s because we all have a different relationship with Yahweh. Not only this, but there’s certain things that blind you from seeing God’s answers.

The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles

From “60 Bible Verses on Anxiety,” Psalm 34:17

Your relationship with Jesus will also change in different seasons. That’s why your best advise from today is commit to small sessions with God. I’ve learned sometimes you’ve got to let go of an idol in one season to see God again. To see the 30,000 roses, you’ll need to intentional living. And when you journal, you’ll see which answers your trashing.

Consequently, this is the reason why short 30 minutes journal sessions will help you see what’s agitating you. ForChristians, jourbaling cam also expose idols in your life. So use journaling to move away from your designs and anchor into Jesus. Sometimes you could be idolizing or comparing your life to someone. The best journal prompts is “open the veils of my heart Lord.”

The Good News: Worrying accomplishes nothing but making you miserable — put your trust in the Lord.

By Elizabeth Berry from “30 Encouraging Bible Verses About Worry to Help You Overcome Yours,”

God has always been faithful to answer whenever I sing this song. Se goes for you; asking God to reveal Hos word to you will show you what you’re missing or Idolizing. I have 3 tips I used after realizing I burned 30,000 roses.

Every journey is exhausting, so prioritize Godly selfcare

Here’s one thing you’ve got to accept; every journey will have pressure. The more pressure you experience, the more stressful. And stress can be good, but not when it leads  you to emotional exhaustion. This only increases anxiety, which is how you’ll become blind.

The people who journaled saw the biggest reduction in symptoms like depression, anxiety, and hostility, particularly if they were very distressed to begin with. This was true even though 80 percent had seldom journaled about their feelings and only 61 percent were comfortable doing so

By Kira M. Newman; “How Journaling Can Help You in Hard Times.”

When you see this happening, realign with Gods path. You do this by Bible journalling your reflections for the week. Whether it’s a difficult week or a triumphant week, write it all down. Its always best to ask God for a story that relates to you.

So guess what; you’ve got to read the bible to discern what God’s saying. The easiest thing to believe is your life has been hectic, but when you write down small blessings, you’ll see how they add up to many compounding life changes.

I also believe I journaling because the events of the week can leave you feeling stressed without you even noticing. There’s many times when you consciously adapt to new pressures, but the body begins to spill over the stress you’re hot acknowledging. Ad a result, journalling, and praying over your every day activities will give you light on where it it you’re lacking.

I’ve also included a free meal plan for gut health because stress tends to affect your body. Your gut is also the spiritual mind of your body. An unhappy gut leads to anxiety. Prolonged distress in the gut leads to feelings of fear associated with mild depression. So I felt this free meal plan with more self care tips inside the meal plan can help you.

Unfortunately my gut was screaming, and I started to pick up how bloated Inwas becoming. That’s because on weekends my stomach would go down to an extra small, but come Wednesday, I’m pushing into a size medium top. Now if you’re intuitive with your body, you’d realize this is not weight gain from fat. It’s bloating from stress and not decompressing from the events of the day. Journaling helped me brain dump, and I needed to Learn how to emotionally adapt as well as consciously to any situations. Plus I needed to seeing I’m the one who decided on this lifestyle of sleeping at 4a.m.

In brief, journaling helps you assess your weaknesses and strengths. A word of caustion: your beliefs change with your growth in Christ. Specifically, the more idols you realize you need to remove in your life, the more you’ll need to journal. Like I said in my series, I felt pathetic when I realized just how much my beliefs converged. Like who am I, is something I stared asking myself.

Yet those are the very moments when you should be celebrating your growth because you’ve let go of one misleading idea in pursuit of Christ. And even when you get Jesus wrong, that’s parts of the journey too. Taking God on your life plans will be the greatest achievement you’ll ever have becsud through it comes healing, loss of resentment, and you’ll be reassured when you start comparing your life to others.

Finally journaling beings you back to earth. Our lives are so merged between the digital paintings and reality it’s a painting becaye people don’t always show you everything. So I saw journal to bring your anchored in Vhrist and to a generational purpose not for likes or follows. Wh now if you want to learn how to know your own values and life purpose, head over to my Pinterest board on personal development.

Prioritize Physical Activities

I’ll share the list on how to clean your lymphatic system in another post, but walking and general physical activities helps pump your blood.

Physical activity is also the perfect way to separate your work life from your personal life. We all need that deliberate break and watching TV doesn’t count. Seriously if you believe watching TV is bonding with your family, you’re terribly wrong. This is something we encouraged when I worked on Wellness. We let our clients know that sitting and watching with your family doesn’t count because you actually haven’t gotten to know them. In fact if you believe bonding is watching TV then your coworkers are literally closer to you than your family members.

I learned about this in 2018, but I recently heard T.D Jake’s say it again about families. Your coworkers see your transformation whether good or bad. If you talk to your coworkers a lot then they’re are the first to hear about your fears. They’re also the first to hear about yourgrowth and aspirations. Instead allow your family to experience every part of you. The only way to do th. In an ideal and intuitive situation, TV should be a secondary fork of bonding in the house. Or you should be using TV similar to how friends gather and host game night. Thas because your

Set the Mood in Your Room

I live for I mean live for candles and diffusers in my room. Once there was never a room I lived that didn’t have tea tree lights, candles and diffusers. Ironically I prefer softer fragrances for room smells compared to body fragrances, which I love strong. Guess it has something to do with swimming, always smelling like chlorine and the sugar belt of Eswatini.

If you enjoy setting the scene to “Happy hour,” then you’ve got to have candles and diffusers in your room. Yes there’s tricks like washing your walls with a scented smell for long lasting smells in your house, but candles are also uplifting and relaxing.

I have another friend who sets the tone with a glass of wine and candles before she journals. If you’re optin for more healthier alternatives, go for a smoothie like a do. You can call this hour sacred as you’re consciously working to decompress from the days events. The day is done and there is nothing more you can do that needed to be done.

Okay I lied. Some of these have a significant smell, but not to potent that it irritate first time buyers. I’m a suckered for anything setes especially after my friend bought me a set of 12 lipsticks for Christmas. I noticed that each lasted almost 6 months. No it didn’t stop me from buying other lipsticks like Victoria Secret. It did, however, give me an adventurous variety. Plus I realized just how much I loved purple lipsticks from trying a aller size.

Start with a light scent if you’re new to turning your home into luxurious hotel! Most of these candles I’ve selected are on the lighter scents, and most last till 12 months. Thasy because I’m a planning freak who loves good things, so I’ve set a budget planner for quarterly stuff, and of it says lass between 12 to 16 weeks that’s perfect in my book s. I also got into the habit of wanting to walking into a romantically refreshing room, and the bleach wasn’t cutting it. That means to complement my need for bleaching the room once ina while, candles were a life sent! Let me know in the comments your most preferred candles fragrance and why.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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