Top 24 List of Best Smelling Candles & Diffusers for Every Mood

By Zethu Zwane

If there is anything you must Know about me is I’m obsessed with the following: My puppies, chocolate, fitness and candles. I had to put fitness as all thing fitness related: Glutamine and BCAAs. I mean everything. And candles are something special. For some reason candles became my personal tradition whenever I moved into a new location.

I was an immigrant for 7 years, but I’m sure someone reading this has moved plenty of times in their lives. Whether it be emotionally; God moved me emotionally from resentful to free. God moves from frustrated and lost to found and empowered. God shifted me from abandoned and misunderstood to purposeful.

Light up these candles while you Work on your life plans or school assignment!
Light up a lime, lemon or rosemary scented candle to boost bran productivity. Visit my Pinterest Page for more on how you can use smells to romanticize your life with these wellness goodies

Have you experienced such a place? A place where yearning collide with overflowing of love and peace you’ve never sensed before? If you can relate then I hope you have a tradition like mine. I prop up a pillow and lit up a candle to finds my place of healing. I pull out my bible app, actual bible and my journal to write down a place of growth opportunity. I believe, and has been the best growth I’ve experienced is make time for the emotional growth of your life. Set the mood; are you anxious, are you excited, are you weary, or are you anticipating something great? Write it down in a room that is safe, pleasant, reduced of all clutter where you can be found to love.

Currently where I stand is in the dark and God seems to be lighting each step as a I go. I can’t run like you see me doing on Youtube. Yet I romanticize every inch of step I’m given. There is power in regaining back a sense of step. Not stepping according to strangers or the world, but a Godly step. What better way to add to this difference in walk than having a romantic scene to light up the smaller things in your life. I want you to romanticize your life with me. I’m not sure where you are; maybe you’re feeling misunderstood like me. But baby girl or boy, I want to tell you there is a purpose, and I’m so excited for your journey. If you want scream reading this then please read all of my blog to see how God works in the unknown places of your life.

Let the unknown be your fairytale. Let it be your adventure, and use these candles to light up your mood for whenever you’re feeling lonely, tired, anxious, excited or ambitious. I do and I always bring a journal to the table. If you’re still believing that you need to compete with someone or you need to explain your worth make a selfcare routine that is far more than a hashtag.

Whether you’re a inner diva or not ( Oh and men can be divas too) here’s a list of candles to lighten the mood for every moment on your life. When I first arrive to a place there’s 2 things I need; a scent and music to define my new experiences. Can you relate to that? Do you have a specific routine when you first arrive to a place.

This is after you’ve finished bleaching the place clean and you just want to soak in the new environment. To a college dorm room or renovated bedroom, we all look for the fun and excitement in our lives. We all want to live in an endless surprise of romance, and sometimes candles do exactly that. Whenever I want to experience the new, I always update the scents in my room.

Improving the smells in your house has been said known to improve mood, feelings of calm. Take rosemary for example, studies sty that smelling rosemary and drinking lemon improve your brains function. When I worked for a hotel, the rooms were specifically scented to boost a mood of wonderful, exploration and love.

Don’t you think your home or space is worth similar care. I’m a firm believer in crafting your own destiny even if it begins at home. Curating the perfect scents to match your personality, emotional season or hobbies is worth it. A small disclaimer though, I bit a FSN of Here’s a list of candles that will help lift up your senses based on your moods.

Here’s a list of candles that will help lift up your senses based on your moods.

Be Adventurous: Throw in Some Excitement & Ingenuity To Your Routine

Now I don’t mean a scent like where you’re guessing in the game Bean-Boozeled! I know for a fact my family will ban me from buying anything if I did that because I made them play the game during Christmas! I still laugh every night at my dads face- priceless. I’m referring to seeking something new and out of your character. Sometimes we feel stuck not because there’s something wrong, but we’ve been living the Truman show for too long. Now this is the second time I mention the Truman show. The first time I mentioned the movie was for my post on decision making fatigue, but it’s true. You’re only feeling stuck because you’re doing the SAME thing every day!

I’m doing a bible study right now on how to accept and flourish in a life full of the unexpected by XXXNAME, and I’m starting to agree. We love adventure in the movies, but refuse it in our lives. Why is that? Have you ever asked yourself why a small hurdle in your life pains you so much? I did, ands sometimes is a matter of changing the little things in your life. Now for those post I tried not to include food smelling scents because I want you to feel alive again not hungry! Open yourself up to intrigue, adventure and romance with these first selections of candles. And if you’re freak planner like me; switch things up every quarter!

I’m a little annoyed because I just saw one of my fave scents that speaks luxury: the Oudh Enigma Diffuser. Yet I know myself: I’ll end up with over 200 candle selections if I added one more. So instead head over to “Make Your Home a Divine Sanctuary” Pinterest Board for more on how to turn yor room into intimate space or productive work space with just a light of a candle.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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