What to Do When You Notice Bad Friends Getting Worse

By Zethu Zwane

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She bought me cellulite cream. She said my walk is too proud, but she has a better body. Bad People are professionals at explaining bullying. They live for competition, resentment and heartbreak. That’s what happens when you allow bad people the space to come near you. That’s what happens when you don’t form boundaries around bad people who hang around you.

You’ll find yourself in unnecessary conversations like who’s lipstick is better. Is your life worth reducing to mindless competations. Is your beauty and confidence worth trashing for the sake of an insecure bully? Bad People believe so, and when you don’t set boundaries away from they, they grow in confidence.

So here’s some tips for people pleasers who are still making excuses for bad company around them. This season of your life is an opportunity to clean up bad relationshios and bad company. Clean them out, so you can finally have a clear life plan. You deserve a life plan that is not reduced by harmful words.

Just like the woman who bought me this cream, bad people also know how to twist insults into compliments, making them manipulative. However, you’re stronger when you learn how to identify bad friends. This will greatly help your confidence, emotional plan and life goals. Bad friends prevent you from making good decisions, so it’s time you remove them permanently.

Bad People are Just That Bad People

Have you ever sat down wondering why the insecure persons words make sense, but also don’t make sense? When you syrt feeling like bad behavior is somehow logical, you’re surrounded by too many bad people. This is especially the case when they endorse you to spend mindlessly and join them in their misery.

They’ll make you believe in nonsensical beliefs. That’s because bad people live in chaotic beliefs that rush in and out like tornadoes. And you’ll also find them among Christians. So it’s best to learn how to seperate bad people from Godly people. Chaotic people will say life is hard while encouraging to spend all your salary. Of course life is hard when you don’t have a set plan.

What’s worse in the same breath, bad friends laugh at your attempts to save. Their distain for regulated institutions are exactly reasons their lives are chaotic. They refuse to believe in savings, but enf you’re people pleasers I need you to read all my articles on bad company, toxic relationships, forgiving bad Encounters, abusive friends and much more.

If you’re a people pleasers then you’ll find value in reading all articles on bad company, toxic relationships, forgiving bad Encounters, abusive friends and much more.

Bad People are Like the Blind Clawing for Purpose

Changing your life narrative is crucial to finding yourself. Drum it into your mind that there’s nothing wrong with you. Especially when those opinions come from a toxic person. The only issue is people pleasing is hurting your life goals. When you people please, it’s hard to get rid of bad company. Instead you’re keeping bad friends who diminish your self-worth and confidence. 

I had to use the example of the cellulite woman to inform you ill-intentioned people only get worse. They are lost and when they see you, they’ve found a new target. As a result of their misguided beliefs, they confuse competing with you as a life goal.

It’s sad really, but so many people are lost. Many people are bouncing from one plan to the next because of a lack of focus. They don’t intend to know their purpose due to competition. It’s difficult to accept where you are when you’re comparing your life to others.

Bad Friends Live for Comparisons

As opposed to seeking a life plan tailored tailored them, they compete. Competition comes from believing you don’t deserve something. People who compete think there’s not enough oppprtunities for you and them.

That’s absolutely not the case, and your life will benefit greatly when you seperate yourself from their insecurities. This is something The only way to secure your emotional health away from their abuse is by setting boundaries. 

Yes I know people pleasers might be cringing at this, but after you read how one friend was stripping me of my confidence, you’ll realize the power of speaking up. Speaking up is so crucial to protecting your emotional health. But first you’ve got to see what you’re defending.

Bad People are Lost and demonstrating Repressed Emotions

Anyone who feels the need to attack you, is the most lost person in the room. Sadly the truth is Christians can also have Misleading beliefs. Youll find Christians who believe in waiting for marriage versus not waiting. Although the bible is pretty clear on this, many Christians don’t consider sex a big issue. That’s why I like emphasizing Godly people versus Christians.

I believe Godly people have matured so much they never need to compete and compare your life to theirs. Godly people are also wise in understanding house. Every Christian knows sex is for marriage, but still choose to have multiple partners or affairs.

Unfortunately lost people have so many repressed feelings. Lost people fall trap into believing sex will help them find themselves. Their loss is a bottomless hole of reasons. How will you try convince someone to like you when they don’t know what that means.

Lost people are filled with agony and disappointments. That’s why seeing your freckles or thighs agitate them. They make you an object of ridicule, when really their stubbornness not to change is pathetic. Humility aggravates them.

Bad Friends refuse Changing their beliefs

Lost people are chained in endless feelings. They want to be on top, and seeing you or interacting with you worsens their feelings. That’s because if you don’t endorse sex before marriage, bad friends are offended by your presence. If you don’t mindlessly spend your salary, toxic friends are offended by your minimalist lifestyle. Your lifestyle goes against their beliefs; however, you shouldn’t feel bad about it.

Now that you know they lost, there’s no words you can use to convince them. Previously I used to believe showing them how I save would change their feelings. Only to realize bad friends will attack you due to comparisons. Without a life plan, bad friends are stuck believing beating is you success.

This is far from the truth. Healing, renewal of your mind and spirit, and growth is the key to a successful life. More importantly choosing Christ as your sole provider is the breakthrough you deserve. Reason being success is not material possessions, but knowing your life purpose. You’re not responsible for your bad friends, so don’t keep them around.

You can still Pray for People You Remove

Don’t praise bad friends because you’re encouraging their heartbreaking lives. You’re confirming their memorable messages as true. You’re inspiring them to rot in heatbreak. Conversely you should pray for people who are competing with you. They need spiritual eyes. They’re clawing to be saved, but believe outshining you is the key.

Strange right. That’s what I felt when God told me to pray for one competative person. The person God puts in your heart is the person who you’ll eventually work better wwhoyoull find to let them go. It’s important to emphasize that you shouldn’t keep bad friends around, so you can pray for them. No- absolutely not because it creates room for bullying.

They can also influence you or leave you resentful. Thats why your life plans depemd on removing such people. You can still pray for people who you remove from your life. Even if they don’t stop competing with you, keep praying for them. The results is you’ll experience more peace to leave them alone and not response. Responding to bad people is so tempting, but remember it’s a poison that affect both of you.

Praying Helps You Remove Bad People from Your Emotional Space

Honestly the first few times you pray for someone who’s bullying you is a struggle. When I faced a bad friend, I was only praying because God kept putting them in my heart. But after I turned the prayer to ask God to show me what I’m not seeing, I realized the depth of their loss.

Having now life plan leaves you to pin a target on the wrong person. Lost people target people as a life targets. Sadly this only creating damaging outcomes. Imagine building a home to outshine someone. Whay a loss because they miss seeing their own dreams come alive.

Bad friends are truly blinded by loss. What if God blesses you and them simultaneously? Lost people will be left feeling resentful competing as opposed to seeing the goodness of God. Their beliefs contradict what it means celebrating for others. It’s impossible to celebrate someone you’ve made a target. Yet your life is more than this. So stop making excuses to keep such friends. They give you nothing but anger, resentment and unforgivenes.

One of the most paramount lessons you’ll gain is that as long as you know who you are in Christ bad people don’t matter. Finding Godly friends will enrich your life because their beliefs are uplifting. They live in peace without need to compare. And even when they do, they’re quick to identify it. That’s what makes them different from normal friends.

Godly Friends enrich Your Desire to Heal and become Empowered

Godly Friends’ compliments do not come with a condition or twist. Finding the right Godly friends and Godly community will expose you to people who celebrate your joy. They know that this life is full of good and bad times.

They’ve learned to take each day as it comes. They’re prefer to live for God and find healing. They also find ways to empower healing around them. This is the key difference between a normal friend and a Godly friend.

That’s when I honestly had to do a life check of the friends in my life. Why should you miss the opportunity to be empowered every day. Why should you miss being accepted without a reason. Why should you miss getting to know Christ because of bad friends. Don’t distort your beliefs because of bad friendships .

The most valuable decision I’ve learned is finding a Godly community brings happiness. A Godly Community will always renew your mind from bad beliefs. You’re only human, so picking up bad ideas happens. Yet Godly communities will help with refreshing your heart and mind. This will give you confidence to try again even when you fail a thousand times again competative.

Okay one small disclaimer, church mom sometimes compete on who made the best pie, but I’m for it. Means I get 2 pies and didn’t feel guilty for eating them. Just kidding on endorsing competing! But a Godly friend uplifts you when they see you thriving. They bring you closer to God even when life gets busy. 

Lost people are bad friends because they cling to comparisons and revenge. You may think you won’t become revenge like I did, but you’re wrong.

Constantly hearing them wanting to up someone, will make you believe it too. Somewhere where yore not seeing, you’re holding onto a grudge. You’ve turned work or school into comparisons.

That’s why it’s important to access how bad friends influence you. If you’re a people pleaser, chances are you’ll become like the bad friend. That’s because you’re more eager to please be friends and stand firm in your beliefs.

Finally bad friends graduate on comparisons. They’ll compete on what job you get, the car you buy and the house you build. These are all mindless possessions that cost debt and give no life. Separating yourself from bad friends allows you to see life different.

That means finding Godly friends and community that will help you grow. Godly communities remind life is far more than possessions. They’ll never buy you cellulite cream and they’ll congratulate you when God provides for you. Live a life of Breakthroughs by Living in a Thriving Godly community.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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