What you should Do with Bad Friends who Constantly Live in Every Believable Lie

By Zethu Zwane

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There’s certain people you should remove from your life. They chip away at your Godfidence,  they chip away at your worth and they chip away at your purpose. If you’re wondering how can you live in your life purpose, cleaning out friends is one way to to start.

Be unapologetic about removing these people because they don’t change. They will leave you with no confidence and purposed direction. Why lose your life purpose due to mindless beliefs.

There’s something in Communication called memorable messages. During an interview with people who experienced genocides I learned adults whose parents experiences these wars cry as if they were ones who hid in forests. They anger as if thy were ones who sat in the courts. 

There’s something powerful and influential about consistent messages spoken over your life. And if yore around company that has mindless beliefs, you’re deteriorating. You, yourself are deteriorating, don’t let your life be stolen because feeling acceptance is more important.

Your Circle of friends Matter to Your Lifes Purpose

Instead find a Godly Community that accepts without fault. Personally I feel there’s a specific Godly community for you, but I’d rather pray to settle in the right community than be ruined because of what people say. People with Mindless Beliefs will destroy you, and you should do everything to protect your peace.

Don’t think it’s okay to be friends with such people because they popular in high school. The woman who bought me cellulite cream is on her 50s, and I remember laughing like competing over looks should be a high school things.

Sadly that’s not the case, some people will take longer to stop these mindless behavior, but you’ll loose your way staying around them. Similar to the friend who came to my workplace believing my life is nothing after our friendship ended, made me realize she has always been like this.

Remove such people while you can. If you meet them in highscool, stay away. If you meet them in university, stay away. And please don’t even think about keeping them as an adult.

Why add a poisonous headache in your life when adulthood is already calls you to do so much. That’s when you should be drawing on generational blessings and not competition over lipstick or cellulite cream.

So what About Them and Your Relationship 

Bad company will encourage you to treat your relationships in ungodly ways.  After being yelled at by 5 men to be a surrogate, I realized worshipping your relationships is an idol. Boyfriends are not meant to worship you. Girlfriends are not meant to worship. You were created by God to praise God, but how did society end up with this belief. 

The ironic aspect about this belief is women spend hours talking about how they need to worshipped and you should leave a man who doesn’t worship you. Men also look for a woman who will worship them. One man ended asking me what the point of being a woman if not to have children and serve him.

This belief is hurting more people than necessary. It leads to emotional abuse, fights and other toxic codependency. Men expect women to worship them and women expect to be worshipped. What I see is a competition that removes all understanding and unconditional love. How can either learn about each other when you’re both competing to be seen.

Peopel who have such beliefs are likely to be friends who’ll compete with you to be seen. You can’t outdo their pains. Since when did friendship become a competation to be seen and heard. Friendships are there to enrich your experience of life not compete with your sadness. 

Bad Friends who Bully You into Worshipping Them

Friends who expected to be worshipped and adored, will pressure you and their dates. Their entire lives is built on being worshipped. They’re lost. They’re hurting. However your confidence doesn’t need to reduce just for them.

Remove Friends who belittle you for choosing not to believe in this fallacy. If your friends belittle they’re like that 50 year old. They won’t change now, but you risk losing yourself.

People have this misconception that they lost themselves because of a breakup. In reality your friends will 99.9999% of the time contribute to your loss of confidence. In that case of manipulative friends, remove them. 

However, if you have a friend who believe this, but also accept your views your best outcome is creation healthy boundaries with them. Depending on thier usual behavior, let your friends know you don’t see men like them. You see men as having dreams and aspirations, and when you press someone to worship you, you’re crushing them.

When Toxic Friendship Become an Idol

They’ll lose themselves because the only person who’s meant to be worshipped is God. Instead you enjoy learning about everyone’s love language. Your love languages depends our relationships because I get to see you more intimately. 

This take is ideal for fiends who are receptive to your views. You also want to assert that you can empathize with them without believing these beliefs. However this is for receptive friends.

One way to identify manipulative friends is by their competative nature. If they’ve normalize laughing at people or putting people down remove them. At a younger age, you’d think this is Nothing, but everyone experiences. Everyone experiences ups and downs in life, so laughing at someone is a malicious judgement. 

You’ll experience ups and downs, so why surround yourself with people who ridicule people’s hardships. People with such beliefs are blind to their shortcomings. Worse part by hanging out with them, you’re learning to judge and ridicule someone’s weaknesses.

Toxic Friendships Limit Your Growth

What about your weaknesses? These people are like beggars laughing at another beggar for the struggle; it’s just nonsensical. Yet they endorse this belief and such bad company is ready to fight you for pointing out their state. 

Life is so beautiful, and it will be far enriching once you weed out all these kinds of people. It’s true people who judge are hiding behind their insecurities, but why hide behind your insecurities when you could be free.

Have you ever wondered why it’s difficult to come to God with you weaknesses? Maybe befriending people who ridicule people circumstances teaches you to be ashamed and guilty that when you’re faced with similar situation, you feel guilty. Don’t chain yourself to guilt because you’re used to ridiculing someone’s hardships.

Empower Your Life Plans With Better Boundaries

Seperate yourself from such people who reduces someone worth. Such bad company lives for heartbreak, stress and competition. Is your life really worth such reductions. Live in the fullness of freedom that comes with removing such people. Don’t fool yourself into believing they will change. 

Your confidence is waiting on the other side bad company. Your Life path is waiting on the other side of bad friends. You don’t have to feel guilty or ashamed for your life hurdles, so remove people we ridicule people for their’s.

You don’t have to compete for a life purpose, so remove friends who compete on everything. These poeple are lost and find no peace in  seeking Christ for their breakthrough. 

Your life will be different once God is the center of all your plans and activities. Living a Godly Life is not stressful; it’s about enjoying life without competing for God’s provision. Once you understand Christ has something for everyone, you’ll see no use in competing. So go ahead and trim off all bad friends whose memorable messages are pain, lack, and emptiness.

Life is extraordinary and it’s waiting on the other side of your decisions. Make it happen today and live a life of Breakthroughs.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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