What Is the Real Purpose of Life & How Finding it Leads to a life of Breakthroughs

By Zethu Zwane

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I got asked this question a lot, but indirectly. From “why do you always know what to do,” to “why are you always happy,” even after many people witnessed my money being stolen. I’ve come to learn that even those who were agitated by my joy, were merely wanting the same answers. What is your purpose in life and how do you start living in it.

If you turn to anything but the Bible this topic is severely debatable and changes like a country’s election. Why diminish the value of living out your purpose to ever-changing beliefs when you could be anchored in the everlasting Power of the Almighty?

Think of it as exchanging chump change for an everlasting promises. But first life views is any belief or practices that defines good or evils. It defines what you should be doing and what you shouldnt.  Essentially your life views are a combinations of values, beliefs, desires and wants that daily influence your actions. 

Across Black Couture, I’ve started talking about life views in relation to memorable messages. Memorable messages are frequent ideas, beliefs and words you constantly hear that shape your identity. These words can also shape the identity of others. Lastly memorable messages can also shape your beliefs.  

Removing Misleading Worldly Beliefs

Some worldly beliefs like dating gives you wisdom directly opposes God’s command against premarital sex or dating in general. The Bible doesn’t have anything on dating, but society believes dating is a natural part of gaining wisdom. This again is wrong, and is misleading when you want to pursue a Godly life.

Another endorsed belief is to succeed you’ve got to work hard, have plenty of sleepless nights and hustle. However true this statement is, you can’t out-work God’s timing. Success shouldnt be an idol, and some of these beliefs make success an idolYes even I’ve wanted to out-work God’s timing, only to find doing so led to heartbreak and disappointment. 

I recently love reading my Bible study book’ chapter on Freedom. I believe first understanding your freedoms will help you understand your life purpose. To better explain when you get why you do something, you’ll appreciate why God also laid out values for you to live by. You can’t ignore these values and believe you’re living in your purpose.

First Step to Your Purpose is Knowing Who is God

To begin your journey, the most valuable decision you’ll ever make is fearing God. And I love my Bible study and plenty other pastors who say fear is revering God. It’s similar to honoring a military general.

To admire God, but at a deeper and intrinsic level. This is the first step to living a life of purpose. Acknowledging God’s values, surrending to them and living them will help you live in your purpose.

So unlike other beliefs in this world that emphasizes that you have complete power over your life, Christians acknowledge they don’t. We’re tangled in hopes, desires, comparisons, and so much that you see or can’t see. Furthermore, God’s values bring freedom because the world changes so much.

Do you know how exhausting it is to love your body because magainzes say so only to hate the because they’re now idolizing another body shape. The world will exhaust you with women and men are getting a long to genders are at war. Or what about its better to live on this side of the train tracks to we love country living. What is it? Even the world is lost, but not God.

There’s no way of telling you what drives your actions. Not all the time. That’s where generational chains make sense; when you do something you don’t fully understand, but you acknowledge it as your thing. That’s just who you are. Many people say; “Oh this is just who I am, I’m a quiet person,” without full wisdom of why. 

God is Freedom because God’s Commandments are Eternal

Back to the main point on why you’ll find Breakthroughs in God’s commandements. God is the Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth. I also want to emphasize His names, so you don’t get confused with ungodly names. God is Yahweh , He is the Alpha and Omega. He is El Shaddai, the Great I Am. 

As these names suggest God has omnipotent rule over everything. More specific my Bible study says “First God makes the rules (forensic) [,] Second He has the power to do whatever He likes (potential)  [,] He always reigns and never is subject to anyone or anything [,] likewise, third although God cannot violate His own logical principles, no external forces determine what He thinks and does.”

This is why fearing the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom to your life purpose. I really loved the last one because it reminded me to be careful of those prayer ads  you see from angels. This is false practice because the Bible study says that not even angels know the future or can predict it. They are only messengers of God. That means all knowledge rests with God. If you need answers to why you exist, seek Christ.

Acknowledging God’s Authority Gives You Hope

Why is it crucial for you to see His strength and dominion positively like this? Personally when God was breaking down my beliefs I struggled with being wrong. I struggled with being disciplined. Yet as I continued to acknowledge that my stubbornness is why I struggled, God remained faithful to continue purifying me.

And the best growth opportunities came with my willingness to be wrong and my acceptance that I don’t know it all. And this is where true freedom begins. Too many people live on absolute beliefs. Beliefs like “The world is a harsh place, so it makes sense why supervisors are mean.” These beliefs are chaining you to a limited view of the world.

Let me bring back a previous point of the quiet person. In my article on why should I forgive I said this girl seeing pain decided to remain silent. Maybe her parents disciplined her too often, so she became quiet. Then seeing pain and being in pain led her to conclude silence is best. This girl is only 4 years old, yet already she has decided what the world is.

God As Your Authority Will Breaks Limiting Beliefs

She has decided how to behave in this world. Unfortunately 30 years later she would have forgotten why she chose silence. Yet when God enters her life, suddenly she’s thrusted into avenues forcing her to speak. He life views are being broken. It’s difficult and painful to come to terms that many of your beliefs are limited, yet that’s when the  beauty of God truly reigns.

That’s when you can magnify the glory of God over your life; by learning to accept that it’s okay for your views to change. So long as God is the One molding that change. This is the true expression of freedom; to acknowledge that you lack all power and knowledge, but through Christ  you can do all things through Him who strengthens you. 

I’ll give you one of my many testimonies with God. All my life people told me not to do anything business or finance. I took those really expensive tests determining what I should become. Then 18+ years later, my first job was Finance and Insurance Assistant.

Allow the Goodness of God to Overflow In Your Life

I remember casually sitting at my desk preparing myself to study, so I can do my job well. Then a voice said don’t you remember people telling you never to do this? It was as if God threw a punch line because I laughed uncontrollably. What! Why did He wait 18+ years to say this punch line?

That’s because freedom in realizing God’s sovereign authority and power over your life. This means you don’t act, live,or belive in the same things as other people. You can live out life to the degree that it’s normal. For example  “My friends and I like going for a glass of wine every Friday,” because that’s an expression  of my potential or normative freedom. 

However, I will not believe that I cant do finance and business because some $1000 test said so. Likewise in your life, look back at all the times people said you’re like this or you’re like that. Bring them to the cross! Begin your journey to every day Breakthroughs by bringing these words to the foot of God. 

The Most Delayed Punch Line Leads to The Greatest Testimonies

If God said He knew you in the womb and He’s already created a life plan for you, bringing all labels to His throne is the first place of untangling what you’ve seen, been told and know. Celebrate that you don’t know everything, but through Christ, you will see and experience things you’ve never imagined. 

Now do you appreciate why fearing God is freedom? Your lack of knowledge and acknowledging it is the start of a Breakthrough. You’re on the path to true eternal freedom not bound by human limitations. Stop guessing with the world what’s acceptable and take what God’s continually says is best.

Your heart; your heart is also another area why surrendering your beliefs, desires and wants to God will bring a breakthrough.  According to the Bible, your heart includes both your mind and heart. That’s because it governs your desires and beliefs. Inevitably if your current limited wisdom is governed by your heart, that’s all the more reason why it’s okay to be wrong.

Choosing God’s Way over Your Weaknesses

That’s the very reason why you should celebrate when God disciplines you. I’ve come a long way from feeling uncomfortable when God disciplines me to feeling empowered. God doesn’t teach someone He hates. Why would God waste His time with what He hates.

The greatest love is to be corrected when needed. That’s why even today I can surrender my stubbornness that was making unforgiving again. Forgiving is so important to God’s growth plan with you, and I was riding that stubborn wave.

But those moment I laid down, bowed down and prayed surrending this stubbornness, God replied with me being His child. God will not discipline someone He doesn’t care about. That’s why corrupt people think they’re like gods; they believe they have Supreme authority because God isn’t punishing them. Yet God allows all of us to exercise our choices before He finally acts seeing stubbornness.

This means if you choose the same sin even after learning you used to sin here,  God will leave you to your will. Unfortunately accepting your choices only limits you and only hurts you. There’s always unfavorable consequences to sinning. It doesn’t hurt God because God will continue to reign over all humanity. Yet it hurts you in so many ways you can’t see yet.

It’s never too Late to Live in Freedom

Weightlifting is hard. Living a life of fitness is hard. There will be days you’ll want to quit because your biceps are not growing. However this is life; growth requires discipline. So using this example, why is it people in the military and athletes are the only ones allowed to experience painful growths. Growths that purify them and empower them, but you’re resenting being purified, molded and disciplined by God?

Turn back the tides on your life! Celebrate the pains in tears till you can celebrate all growths in joy! Having this kind of willingness will help you see Breakthroughs in your life. You were once stubborn in this area, but look through the molding of God you’ve overcome.

That’s the essence of freedom that Christians live. The joy of accepting God’s love and the celebrate of Him molding you. Celebrate it that you’re chosen! God doesn’t choose nonsense and decides to waste His time. This is the Almighty, so find Happiness and bring hope when you’re purified by fire and His loving grace.


I believe this confidence is the reason why I could go back to God even after failing my calling. I was bold enough to ask Him to use me as a testimony because Firstly I am His child. As His child I want to be sent again, I’m ready to do more heavy lifting. I will do my best with what I’m given because I’ve seen glorious Breakthroughs by Living for Him. 

Truthfully I’m also excited for the future because choosing to live for God comes with many lessons, but there’s confidence in those lessons. There’s empowerment in those growth opportunities. There’s healing in those growth opportunities. Finally there’s increased faith and hope in those growth opportunities. I challenge you to do the same.

It’s not as difficult as some of the examples I’ve used. It’s as simple as stop gossiping, stop telling little white lies, stop comparing your life and stop judging. It’s as easy as stumbling to Forgive. Forgiving people will actually help you see where you’ve become self-centered,  selfish or unkind. Forgiveness is your gateway to a life of Breakthroughs. 

That’s why you need God. I need God to be able to live a Life of Breakthroughs,  renewal, hope and increased faith in this world. Alone it may seem impossible, but with God all things are possible through Christ who strengths you.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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