Examples of TV Imagery & Messages Contributing to False Teachings Today

By Zethu Zwane

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“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Revelation 22:14‭-‬16 NIV

I’m sure every generation has had to deal with the urgent fight against False teachings, and I’m certain affirmations and its false ideals are part of what we struggle with today. This is something that has been pressing on me to keep talking about because if affirmations were truly Godly, why is it that affirmations have gotten more TV time than Jesus in  mainstream media?

Don’t forget that when Tim Tebow wrote John 3:16 on his face part of his testimony was that the world told him to calm down on the Jesus talk. As a Christian you’ll experience this countless times even from other Christians. Howler in the same breath people want to talk about astrology, affirmations and their ancestors. So I feel as Christians who want to live truly for God, you’ve got to speak up about the truth, and the truth is calling out false teachings.

To the extent that propaganda is based on current news, it cannot permit time for thought or reflection. A man caught up in the news must remain on the surface of the event; he is carried along in the current, and can at no time take a respite to judge and appreciate; he can never stop to reflect. There is never any awareness — of himself, of his condition, of his society — for the man who lives by current events. Such a man never stops to investigate any one point, any more than he will tie together a series of news events.

Jacques Ellul, Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes

Affirmations received so much TV time, endless TV series on it, but when you want to talk about Jesus you’re told “that’s enough.” Or what I’ve found these days is t Christian on TV are playing some villain or extremist while the affirmationist is sound-minded. Don’t you find it ironic? The silencing is also evidence that talking about Jesus remains remains taboo, but when we scream  “it’s the universe,” it’s a miraculous encounter.

Warfare against The Name of God relies on Imagery & Communication

Soak in this whole sentiment with me for a moment. If affirmations were Godly, why isn’t Jesus placed in the same respect? Do not be mistaken, secular TV will not assist Christians. I was watching a show on affirmations, and I found it so interesting how the first scenes have a Bible verse. The person’s response to the Bible verse is the typical disappointed glare. 

This is before the show is covered with reassuring connections to a universe, and  not Jesus Christ. Almost immediately all Bible verses are erased and all that’s left is people chasing signs from affirmations. Sounds familiar; yeah I fell dismally into that trap when following a false idol, and looking where it’s leading the world.

Another time I watched a show I wasn’t supposed to watch. I mindlessly sat in with a friend instead of standing my ground. That means wasn’t not my friend’s fault, it’s mine. That’s because one of Jesus’ names, Morning Star, was used for the devil. I wasn’t supposed to watch the show because as a Christian, we’re supposed to guard our hearts and minds on what we consume.

Not only this, but as a Christian, you should know that there is a constant war taking place and you need to always declare your side. I let myself down that day. I didn’t declare that watching blasphemous images and messages is wrong. Ironically the next day, I received a Bible verse on loving and practising falsehoods, and I was deeply convicted. I should have stood in the truth of Christ and chose a side to saying no. 

The Role You Play as a Christians in saving non-believers from false teachers

Sometimes we silence ourselves when God calls us to continue speaking even when it seems the world is against us. We’re suppose to stand in the truth. Sadly secular media encourages us to watch shows directely opposed to Gods commands. This is because it uses His name not only to diminish the name of God, but it gave the devil His name. This is the worst of defilement. Some TV director thought it a great storyline, but Christians are called not to participate in these moments. 

However, Christians need to be mindful of what we consume because in many ways it’s about choosing a side. Ignorant people who do not know Jesus Christ will see nothing wrong with watching these images. They see nothing wrong with hearing words being redefined. They’re ignorant to the fact that constantly changing the messages on God’s authority and power is an act of war. If you’re not a big fan of communication, art and imagery, have patience while I break this down. If you want to weaken the power of a name, redefine it. 

People in history have done this countless times. Hitler didn’t say Germany lost the war, He redefined Germany’s purpose to another war. He also pinned the Jews on several egregious acts leading to the Holocaust. In order to weaken the power of a name, you have to weaken its authority and meaning. You have to change who has power and who has authority. How can El Shaddai be watered down?

Using Secular Media to Blaspheme the names of God

Simple first tell everyone that God is the same as the universe . Then over time strip away this wording by making people believe in a generic cookie. Follow this act by stripping away the power of the Bible by encouraging people to write down similar powerful words, and tell them your own writings will lead to signs and wonders. Then get endless TV shows, movies and books to side with your spiritual meanings. Humans have always perfected the art of a lie and power dynamics. It’s no different here.

Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Come to life!’ Or to lifeless stone, ‘Wake up!’ Can it give guidance? It is covered with gold and silver; there is no breath in it.”

Habakkuk 2:19 NIV

Yet how do you insight a war with an all governing and Holy God?  Isn’t that what’s happening here with the countless books on affirmations, TV shows and movies? Why was it so important for the show to name the devil the Morning Star? At this juncture, I’m almost convinced it’s easier to go to hell; however, what I saw in the Bible when Jews were mislead, they suffered because they lived outside of the provisions of God.

Similarly changing these images and messages is a way to keep you away from the provision and safety of God. This is because you’re unconsciously defilig His name by participating in watching shows that give God a different meaning. And that’s how the devil has achieved stealing so many peoples lives right now. My Pastor always says many people will go to heaven, but how many people are living depressant lives because they’re consumed with false teachings.

What happened to the deceiver; the enemy, who steals, kills and destroys?Part of knowing the truth is knowing that since the day of Eden the devil has always worked to change the message and image of God. So all these affirmations are diminishing the name of God before connoting the name to a general thing like the universe. That is the correct name God gave us to fight. Galatians 6 says you need to know the truth, so that you stand firm. Unfortunately Christians are falling trap to these false teachings.

Today non believers and Christians are watching these shows, and they’re already selling a very strategic lie. A lie Christians should not stay silent about is that affirmations are leading to destruction. This is evident in the show I watched. When the credibility of the universe was adequately known, all of a sudden bible verses disappeared.

The rest of the show rested on some ambiguous force with signs and wonders. Didn’t Hitler go on a long standing campaign against the Jews? Now it’s happening with Christians, and we can’t allow famous people, TV shows or books to make you believe all spiritual beings have the same authority and power as God.

Christians Face Humans & Spiritual Forces of falsehoods

History has done it countless times. Remember when Stalin banned the Bible, but came out with his own spiritual book? Some Christians live in countries where the Bible is edited to their views or banned altogether. They are waterboarded and deprived of sleep just for being Christian. I mean what is happening? As a Christian, you’ll be against false spiritual practices or actual human authority telling you to read their book and not the Bible.  

My best advice for you is to always evaluate what uoure consuming. Like what happened to me, be ready to obey the Holy Spirit or ask for guidance. Your best protection is to stick to old school bible readings such as a Bible study, a Bible College and try out the Bible app. Follow and seek advice from seasoned pastors.

The most effective protection you’ll ever make is  prayer. It’s important to pray as much as you try to find a community. Prayer and fasting is the key to breaking chains of deceptions. We can’t solve false teachings and images distorting the authority and power of God, but we can speak as much as these images persist. So even if it means talking about Jesus in a room not for Christ, do it now.

And not like me who mistakenly watched something I shouldn’t have, also evaluate your life. Don’t accommodate lies for family or friends because wherever you are, you’re supposed to be a beacon of hope.  Are there some false teachings in the form of artistic expression that’s blurring your ability to  stand firm? If so, it’s time to weed out all these images, so you’re alert and ready for Jesus.

When you diminish the name of God by believing in lies it makes the world cold, more complicated than necessary and rife. If you’re struggling with guilt and shame, this world becomes scarier. That’s because these false ideas make you believe you can take on the world on your own. You can battle life on your own. You can decipher visions on your own, when that is all a lie.

How Your voice will Save many more from a life of destruction

People’s lives are being stolen because these messages and images are flooding mainstream media. How can you walk in God’s promises if you don’t know God is holy power? Holy power means the Supreme authority on this earth. When God gave a stick to Moses to place down and turn into a snake, the other false teachers’ sticks also turned into snakes, but God’s snakes ate the others.

How can you live in the compassion and love of Jesus Christ, if His name is diminished to mean the same as every spiritual thing on earth? Affirmations can’t answer generational chains. Affirmations can answer a calling the way God can answer all these. The complications of life need an all governing authority like El Shaddai. Again these shows make you believe with your own human strength you can decipher the future.

To me that’s a very sad, depressing and destroyed life because the more I’ve seen El shaddia move in my life, the more I encourage myself to let go. Yes there will be bumpy roads,l when you’re scared of the unknown and want to control everything. However  witnessing God’s hand move in spiritual, emotional and physical areas of my life brings me here today. I hope you’ll be encouraged to seek Christ above all things. 

Seek Christ and the true word of God as opposed to what seems like it’s working for everyone. And everyone’s conclusion will only lead to pain. However, a life seeking the Lord will lead to perseverance, building of your character and a life of Breakthroughs. Finally seeking Christ needs patience because so many spiritual practices make you believe God is like a genie,  but He’s not. That means you need to seek Him like a lifestyle, like breathing,in  order to establish how Christ speaks to you, loves you and reassures you in your life. You’ve got to live a life of discipline and not half in. I hope all of this goodness for you and more. 

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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