Stop Talking about Jesus; why mirroring Christ’s Love is your most powerful response when talking to nonbelievers

By Zethu Zwane

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This is your confirmation; affirmations are a lie to Christians. I thought this after affirmation followers got angry at the name of Jesus. In those moments I was like it’s better to debate the differences between denominations as opposed to whether Jesus holds all power and authority. Also if affirmations say God, why was I faced with fervent opposition after saying His name.

Lately something unexpected has been happening.  I’ve been meeting people who say they do affirmations in the mornings and when them return home. I’d sit in shops, malls and the outdoors sharing spiritual experiences.

Saying the Name Jesus

It’s only when I mentioned the name of Jesus and received with a fight did I see we weren’t talking about the same God. The very moment I implied Jesus holds all the power and authority,  opposition flared. I was taken aback.

I was shocked because I’ve interacted with so many religions coming from an international school, so I couldn’t grasp what qas different. Everyone I’d met before accepted my spiritual choices lime I had accepted theirs.

But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

1 Peter 4:13‭-‬14 NIV

Since I respect their beliefs, I used to join the conversation by expressing what Jesus has done for me. However for the past few months I’ve been met with such visceral responses that by the 4th month I decided to take a step back. By the 4th month of being startled by yellings like; “Jesus is not for us,” or “Stop with the Jesus talk,” I decided to pray.

Praying for Courage & Living in it

Firstly I wanted the cowardly route where I pray Jesus sends someone else to speak to these people’s hearts.  Then I moved onto praying Jesus come by the power of His spirit to transform these people the same way He’s changed me. Anything that didn’t include me interacting in person.

As I continued to mistakenly bump into angry responses,  I couldn’t help think affirmations are a lie. It’s the main reason why I believe they’re the clear “in your face,” false teaching. Why would someone scream don’t talk about Jesus if affirmations are supposedly from God? It signifies that affirmations pray to a deity, but not Jesus Christ.

Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’

Matthew 10:6‭-‬7 NIV

I’ve already documented the lies if affirmations in over 7 articles listing why affirmations are false. Today I want to talk to you about the individual’s responses to me whenever I said the name of God. The viciousness of their responses made me realize firsthand why Christians should mirror Jesus in everything.

Learning to bare with one another is part of your journey

Whenever we spoke, I thought the people were open-minded. They spoke about deep spiritual moments. Many of them spoke of a yearning to be lead. They were excited to share their testimonies. So in a moment of sincerity, I shared about how Christ saved me. I shared many testimonies. I also shared what Bible verses transformed me, purified me and cleansed me.

By no means was I antipacipating to be reprimanded. I was hoping someone would look at me with warmth and joy the same way I was accepting them in those moments. Yet the yelling made me feel like “No were not talking about the same God. How can you yell at me with such zeal for mentioning Jesus Christ?” Then I wanted to really know why people think affirmations is the same as Christianity

Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.

2 Corinthians 4:1‭-‬2 NIV

It’s confirmations that Christians can’t practice new age religions like affirmations. That’s because the more it happened, the more I could feel the people’s  grievances. The people’s anger came out like they were at war with Christ. And unfortunately I was an innocent bystander who blurted out Jesus’ name at the wrong time.

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

2 Corinthians 4:3‭-‬4 NIV

How can you be at war with the Most High God? That’s something I asked myself at first. Then I wondered if this is how non-believers feel when Christians respond like the above. How do non-believers see you when you’re full of hate and aggression? Or when Christians are overly opinionated; how will they see Christ through all the hatred and arrogance?

Learning to keep the peace in the midst of collisions

Those moments of innocently colliding into a clash made me see firsthand why all Christians should mirror Christ. And undoubtedly there’s moments where you’ll struggle to be the peace maker. You’ll experience moments where you’re antagonized and want to scream. It’s like the time when my dad and I were driving next to someone who was willing to smash his car against the cement rails just to get by.

We drove with this man for 2 miles. After a while I pointed out his car  to my dad. I said this individual has no care in the world on how he treats his car and those around him. He’s just determined to arrive home even if it means arriving with 1 mirror.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

1 Peter 3:15‭-‬16 NIV

That’s when we deliberately moved to the slowest and most jammed lane. It took 4 hours to get home. Can you imagine that nonesense; who wants to arrive home late on a Friday. Yet for Christians, your life will call you to take the Christ route.

Sometimes it will feel like you’re an innocent bystander to an unforgiving person. A person who lacks empathy in those moments. Yet, in those moments, your most valuable asset is to remain blameless and righteous.

It’s going to be hard to step away. I know I fount it hard. Literally by person no.10 yelling at me about this Jesus topic,  I vented to a good friend. What’s so wrong about talking about Christ? Why should I be okay with you talking about false idols, but receive a lashing when I mention Christ? I was frustrated, and becoming angry. Their responses were not anticipated.

Remember what’s really triggering nonbelievers, lost and the unsaved

However, Galatians 6 says you’re not fighting against flesh/people. Even if it means literally driving away from a  beat down car just to save yourself. You’re fighting against those who are enemies of God. Those in the spiritual world: kingdoms and principalities that are against the movement of Jesus Christ. That means you’ve got to step back whenever you receive unkind words from people.

Stepping back is not a cowardly act. I believe people who are lost to false idols and teachings are like the angry driver we met at 7p.m. People lost to false teachings are driving broken vessels, traveling the world in darkness. They believe they’ve received spiritual awakenings, but they really haven’t.

Like the driver we met, their lives are full of crashes and bruises as they try to reach their destiny. Sadly, many people in false doctrines believe they’re with a god. Some even believe they’re with Christ on their journeys. These people are like the Isrealites wondering lost for 400 years.

Learning to hold your peace is your power

And for you, mirroring Christ is important to bringing them back to the truth. If you are like me and person no.10 yells at you walk away. Especially if you just can’t hold your peace then choose to leave.

Preserve your peace by leaving any room that will make you unkind. Healing in Christ is such a phenomenal thing, and showing people the power of His blood is as important. God calls us to rest in His perfect peace, so if anyone triggers your frustrations choose Christ above everything. Your growth is also stumbling into these imperfect human experiences.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 NIV

Expressing humility is not always easy stepping back. It can feel shameful and eeky. Im sure many will agree that remaining calm is more important than saying Jesus name. Your peace will magnify the difference between a hateful comment and your calm. Even no one believes and sides with you in those moments; Yahweh sees it all.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Hebrews 12:1 NIV

Declaring the name of Jesus is more than words, it’s also how you respond. I went to pour out my frustations to a confidant. I wasn’t happy about the viciousness of the responses. I jokingly asked has anyone combasted and disappeared after I mentioned Jesus Christ?

Difficult conversations are part of your Christian journey

My whole life, I’ve been a Christian, and never faced such malicious responses. The shock of the responses left me confused and frustrated. Why are people full of hate when you mention Jesus?

However whenever you vent, make sure it’s with another Christian. Christians are there to help you process people’s unkindness. That’s a behind the scenes response to the hateful backlash. To outsiders who hate the name of Christ, your duty is to hold the peace.

Even if it means walking away when you feel like a conversation is about to escalate. Don’t leave nonbelievers with the feeling that Christ is a false teaching. Oppression and violence comes from people who’ve got something to loose.

With Christ, a person gains freedom, peace, love and joy. So your response matters to the movement of God. Show nonbelievers and new age religion followers the truth of the gospel.

Don’t Let sweet sounds about affirmations deceive you

Affirmations have taken spiritual practices from the far east and mixed it with Christianity. They corrupt how you pray by mixing meditation and prayer. In their falsehoods, they deceitfully and connivingly remove Jesus’ name.

False doctrines encourage  murmuring words instead of praying diligently. It’s all silent deceptions that secretly remove the authority of God by blurring religious lines. For you, choose not to be like Joarobom who build a golden calf believing he was pleasing Jesus.

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

2 Peter 2:1 NIV

Nonetheless a lot of non-believers will feel like this; if Jesus transforms lives then why are you hateful? If you find yourself negative, spend some time healing. Normalize the importance of counseling, prayer and fasting.

Don’t over explain yourself if you find a conversation escalating into a fight. However as long as everyone knows you live for Christ then you’ve done your part.

Banner around Nissi is Your Sacred duty

More importantly is this second lesson. Pray for those around you who no longer believe in Jesus Christ. I remember one university classmate said they stopped going to church after they realized their mom is not there to beat them. To them, Jesus was a source of fear, punishment and grievances.

Unfortunately this person experienced a great misunderstanding about Jesus. Jesus didn’t punish them, but the complexities of raising children, societal beliefs and authority robbed their experience of the true living God. The Bible is full of heartbreaking stories. How do you seperate kings wanting to kill little boys from God’s Authority? This just demonstrates why it’s your sacred position to help people learn about the true Jehovah.

So when you respond in kind, you’re showing non-believers that Christ is the only Perfection on earth. He’s the only source of healing in a place muddled with ups and downs. He’s your Jehovah Nissi; a place of refuge and healing. You can also teach them that accepting Christ is your self will. The same self will that either oppress or love people changes whenever you choose Christ.

Nevertheless isn’t more sad to encounter nonbelievers  than fighting with someone on why Jesus is real? Truth is you have no way of knowing why people reject Jesus Christ. You also have no way of seeing how Jesus was presented to them.

Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.

1 Corinthians 1:26 NIV

Yours is just to express love, peace, kindness and understanding.  When it becomes overwhelming like my first 100 encounters, it’s okay to excuse yourself. I’m an introvert, so don’t blame me for being shocked after 100!

Greater important Life Reflections


On a side note; 3 lessons I’ve learned in this season is there’s nothing to celebrate when God judges the wicked. That’s because there are poeple in power who are responsible for thousands, and are experiencing God’s judgement.

Unfortunately the only people who can declare they saw the power of God in those moments are the people who God called. Called Christians hold a position of truth while every wicked power is being being crushed.

You see these Christians through their testimonies online, in church or in person. Their testimonies magnify God’s Authority. Best part, you don’t have to be old to be called by Christ. Look at the over 3,000 people called by God. However as a Christian, you’ll called every day to live for Christ. That means saying His name.

Consequently the most valuable action for you is to be grateful to see God’s power. Be grateful that God’s Authority is magnified in His perfect time. However mourn whenever any wicked power chooses to stay in wickedness and therefore experience God’s judgment.

Repentance and turning away from your idols and desires is such a crucial part of Christianity. Without repentance, people continue colliding into problems and hardships. Their desires leave lashes of heartbreak.

There’s also nothing to celebrate when people follow cults and false idols. It’s sad because many things are being bind up by the devil. That’s why your prayers are crucial. Furthermore,  why do you think one of the last bible verses  in  Revelations says God will come and judge all those who enjoy false doctrines? It’s because there’s many people who know the truth about Jesus, but continue to love idols.

So it’s  important to pray for people to be saved from false beliefs. Choose to ask God to save people you know as opposed to becoming frustrated by their anger. Choose to save them through prayer and away from deeper loss and heartbreak. 


Why stepping away is part of saving those lost

Excusing yourself  during a possible fight is identifying this is a spiritual fight. And as a Christian your first sacred action is prayer whenever you encounter resistance. Especially if all 20, 100 to 2 people mean something to you. Christ didn’t  abondon the 1 even when He had 99 saved. Similarly your place should also mirror Christ.

Now I’m going to be fully honest, the introvert in me wants to cut these encounters to 5 people every quarter. Very antisocial right! However, if the opportunity arises, banner around Jesus in the same as He banners and fights for you. Similar to how Jehovah Nissi fights for and cares for the things that worry you, you should fight for and care about God’s will.

Again this means mirroring the purity of Christ in your response, actions and inner turmoil. Let’s not pretend it’s easy to receive a lashing. It’s not fun. It’s not easy to be ridiculed and put down for believing in Christ.

How frustating is it when other Christians shame you for practicing Godly beliefs. That inner turmoil should be presented at God’s feet. Pray for those moments that leave you feeling unkind. It’s your sacred privilege to come to God’s throne when you need His peace.

Living with Boldness & Brevity

Your Most High God needs people like you who are willing to mention the name of Jesus in rooms that tarnish His name. It doesn’t matter if your whole community doesn’t believe in Jesus; all that matters is you do. Your actions, your behavior and response can either magnify Yahweh’s name or diminish it. I encourage you today and every day to magnify and glorify the name of Jesus where ever you go.

Always speak from a place demonstrating the authority of God’s power over your life. Your Life, by holding the position of truth, can save those lost to false prophets. Your continued peace will save those lost to false teachings and fortune tellers and dream seekers. Your Life as its covered in the Blood of Jesus is crucial to winning those lost. Join me by continuing to glorify Jesus in your actions and words.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, lost or tired learn to do Godly selfcare. It’s also worth your growth in evaluating why you’re tired. If you find yourself depleted, it’s because you’re battling people according to your limited view. Instead you should rest in God’s infinite power through prayer, praise and rest.

Finally if you choose the 7 ways to praise God then you’ll find yourself stronger for the journey and experiences. Join a Godly community who can also teach you how to live a life of Breakthroughs by becoming an overcoming and titan for Christ.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

2 thoughts on “Stop Talking about Jesus; why mirroring Christ’s Love is your most powerful response when talking to nonbelievers

    1. Thank you Ebby for the comment. It’s a reminder we sometimes need because although we can live and breath Christ, there’s still so many people who him

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