God’s Message following my Waiting Season; I will never Leave You nor Forsake You.

By Zethu Zwane

If your Heart is yearning to know where God is in your waiting season read this testiminy on why God is moving moutains when you step out in faith believing He’ll never leave you nor forsake you.

I just want to take a moment to praise the Lord God Almighty for all the great things He’s done. These are the words that came to when my sister connected the dots for me on just how deep Christ is working. God’s message came to me, and it closed 5+ years of choosing God to lead my life. In the first year God spoke the message; be strong and courageous.

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It’s been the best journey of my life. I don’t regret the days that followed after crying out to Him saying I’m tired of hitting walls. I was tired of guessing what’s the right project to take. I was tired of being lost, rejected and abandoned. I was desperate for His leadership and authority. Instead of showing me His power, God showered me with His Love. He healed me and called me worthy, His child and chosen. I’m so grateful for my Saviour.

I believe I’ve come to a turning point of the message following my recent waiting season because today I receuved God’s voice that said; “For I will never leave you nor forsake you.” His voice is the most beautiful and reassuring message you can ever receive following a major testing. This following testimony is just a fragrance of what God has done, but I pray it uplifts you and inspires you to ask God for your own purpose. Let Him answer why you exist.

The effects of COVID-19 & seeing the Move of God

COVID-19  recked so many people’s lives. It set too many people back. It closed businesses and it burned homes, people’s farms, grazing lands worth 3 footbal fields and more. Fires engulfed entire cities in raging fires, and it collapsed oppression. Some got to witness the collapse of oppressive environments and some are still praying to be saved.

We’ve seen God’s powerful hand to the point of wanting to see Him in the physical, and many have been tested. Even when I failed my calling God gave me a chance to banning together with someone to witness His glory. His response was a Righteous man may fall 7 times, but they will rise again. Hearing God reply with my failure grave confide ce to grow.

for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

Proverbs 24:16 NIV

My yearning for spiritual maturity changed. Now I’m not perfect , but Im a new woman. I’ve been purified by God; broken down and built up again. And I still haven’t reached my destination. And that is the same for you; your growth is not meant to be perfect, but even in your failures trust in the Faithfulness of God.

God is a holy fortress who you can come to when you need rest, discernment or wisdom;and best His love Use God’s love and mercy to boost your confidence. Make it motivate you into change.

Living Intuitively & Godly makes a difference in your waiting season

Still many of you might feel the healing you need is a moutain. Your Most formidable change to safeguarding your heart is living a slow, intuitive life. I just want to share a testimony with you. Usually I wait 6 months to a year before sharing the Glory of God. Yet today I want to praise God.

That’s because I lost my voice during an important interview. The devil knew I shouldn’t go through that door, so every obstacle came at me. Yet since I made it to the table, the enemy literally stole my voice.

Since this was one of the most powerful and fastest sweeps from God, I ran lip singing all throughout the day. I also got to share in another person’s testimony. This person’s testimony and my lost voice is testimony of all the great things God has done and is doing for you and me.

Learning that God’s the Potter & I am the clay

We went through a period like Job in the bible, and in His perfect timing God restored not just the physical; He’s restoring our emotional, spiritual and mental healths. These are greater than any forms of restoration. That’s because without these emotional and spiritual healing, you’ll find it easier to continue carrying resentment.

You’ll find excuses to keep unforgiveness and lack. Yet with Yahweh, you will drink from the true living waters of life and never have to thrist again. You’ll want more of Him and less of heartbreaking beliefs like competition or unforgiveness.

There’s a greater calling I can’t share with you now, but in that calling God positioned me to watch His mighty and Righteous Right Hand move swiftly to declare justice. So in the season of darkness where I had to work blind, in the dark and not knowing what I was doing, I had to remember all the times God prevailed with His Mighty hand.

As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.

Exodus 17:11‭-‬12 NIV

Not only to work in blind faith, but I read once that the real name of Jehohah Nissi is a double meaning. When Moses lifted his hands up against the Amelekites, the Isrealites were winning the fight. When his hands dropped they would loose. There’s so many testimonies in the Bible that say when you banner around God in preparation for spiritual warfare or actual war like the Isrealites, there’s a position Christians should take.

Believing in God means taking considerable risks

Banner around God in faith,  hope and confidence that He will be Victorious in your life. So now I say this because when I told my sister about who interviewed me, she burst out in tears. This person who interviewed me lost their business giving hope to individuals. Yet their heart remained pure.

This person’s spirit radiates every single room they enter. They’re unforgettable. They radiate so much hope that you’d forget you’re there for an interview. They make you feel like you’re there for self improvement lessons, and you both burst into a jovial interaction.

When my sister explained about their circumstances; I saw again what God did for me during my biggest calling. God says hope is not yours alone. God wants us to be like the angels in Heaven; singing holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.  God wants strangers to gather together, sons and daughters; mother and fathers to come together to praise Him. 

Receiving God’s voice through someone’s testimony

So when my sister said this, I God’s voice spoke saying; I will never leave you nor forsake you. This is my prayer to God at least once a week to a month on some seasons; “Lord never leave me, but ahow mercy on me.” And today I learned that God is repairing so many peoples lives.

I guess that’s why He also wants you to resist the urge to become impatient in your Waiting season. He wants you to fight against unforgivenss, because when He restores you; you should shine like that person.

This person’s spirit shines like an angel. It shines with all the great things God has done. I loved this the most; that I would be collaborating with this person who’s ashes have been turned into beauty. I would be working alongside someone who’s spirit, hope, and faith breaths into people. They have not been lost their resilience regardless of whatever hardships took from them. 

Let me tell you; my voice was gone, but I forcefully sang my heart out and prayed the whole way back home. Truth is this person coached me 5 years ago. They warned me that my talent is not meant for this space. They warned me that people here, out of fear, would oppress me as a result of my intelligence.

Back then they told me to remain a light in this world and never live to dim this light. I’m so grateful to God I get to work with one of the top 3 shields He’s placed in my life.

Remember the people God brought as shields in your life

You know some shields come in the position because God has ordained them to fight a certain fight for you. Then they leave and God calls you to have faith in Him and work. Today I got to see the first woman who was a shield for me in Eswatini. I’m honestly grateful for all the glorious and wonderful things Christ does.

Please whether you’re Job, or Abraham, or a Jospeh or Paul stuck in a place that feel like a prison, believe God will never leave you nor forsake you. God is with you and it’s not coincidence that the first woman to protect me is here so I can do great works for her. And it’s not by my own strength that I accomplish it crush goals; but by the power of the Lord God Almighty.

Banner around Him who is worthy to be praised. Banner around the Lord while working  in the darkness. Banner around the Lord in the face of betrayal.  Banner around the Lord even when people have sworn to be your enemy.

Will you wait on the Lord no matter your moment of need

Banner around the Lord and watch as Jehovah Nissi moved as the Gid without borders ( hint to my greatest testimony), The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, My Lord And Saviour, Your Lord and Savioir restores everything that has been delayed, taked or stolen.

Call on Him when you need Him as both God the Almighty and your father.  Are you willing to work in the dark and wait on God to fulfill a good thing in you. Will you dare to take the risk to believe in the God of all creation even when all human circumstances say no? If you are, please pray “God use me for your glory. God help me discover my purpose in life and live it abundantly under your full authority as my saviour and King!” 

Part 2 is coming up. Amen and Amen. All glory to God.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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