Supplements and Wellness Goals Women should Have for Toned and Lean Body

By Zethu Zwane

If you’ve ever wanted to master how to look toned and snatched regularly or before an important event, party or holiday then you’ll appreciate this post. Not only is there valuable tips on how to protein cycle, you’ll also get lasting advice on how to reduce bloating to reveal well defined shape. Gain all the valuable fitness and wellness supplementing tips you need to complement your Thriving lifestyle.

Your fitness and collagen happy Skin solution is here! Well this is a continuation of my series on how to recover dull skin, rejuvenating stressed skin and deepening your skin’s moisture. And it wouldn’t be a complete solution without a holistic solution on how to supplement your nutrition.

You remember in my free Collagen happy meal plan, I said coffee is not your nutritional solution? That’s why this following guide on health supplements from Tone it up will help you make the best decision for your wellness.

Whether you’re like me and tend to stick to certain seasonal meal plans that help you accomplish weight loss, muscle buding, toning or your transformation goals, the truth is you’re still missing certain nutrients. Unfortunately having a Thriving lifestyle, also demands more from what you eat.

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Should you be constantly on the move, a stay at home mom, working mom, single and ambitious; that schedule will affect your overall wellness. That’s the reason why it’s worth your while complementing your nutritional goals with a sustainably sourced protein supplement and health supplements.

Health Disclaimer before we get to the good stuff

A note worthy disclaimer is if you drink only smoothies, you risk weakening your intestines muscles. When these muscles are weak it will lead to looking more bloated. This is because fiber makes your body work, contributing to a strong and firm stomach wall.

Convesely a lack of fiber will also slow your digestion down, which again defeats the purpose of a smoothie diet. The goal you’re after is looking snatched, not bloated. Thats why I highly recommend using smoothies to complement your weightloss goals and not replace necessary foods. This is similar to people who lose a lot of weight without toning up their bodies. You need to pair toning and weight loss, so your body snatched in the way you most desire.

Pairing your supplements with high naturally high fibresl diet helps you build those inner muscles that keep your intestines strong. It will also give you a strong stomach muscle. Then great functioning digestion means faster digestion. So when you buy any of these products below, always pair them with a high fibre meal. This will make your snatched and toned goals a reality.

Take Your time building the right ratio smoothie to raw vegetables diet plan

Now that we’ve highlighted the importance of coupling supplements with fiber, let’s get onto the fun reasons why I love and live for supplements. I’ve been a supplementing babe since my national swimming days. Previously, I used to suffer the most sever muscle cramps around my calves following swim training. It’s only until one of the swim moms suggested calcium and it came with brilliant results!

Then while I Norman, Oklahoma I was part of a bodybuilding group to support my fitness goals. One member suggested I pair glutamine and BCAA together to strengthen my workout. Words can’t even describe just how in love I was with the results.

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Every Saturday I would weight lift for 2 hours before going for a 30 minute swim. Youll never regret getting glutamine and BCAA for beautifully toned muscles. I followed this swim with a bulky salad and shake for lunch before I went back for another 2 hour weightlifting session. 

The best part about coupling these 2 supplements is I didn’t feel terrible the next day. I would only get stiff if I didn’t stretch properly before and after. However, this routine skyrocketed my fitness endurance and aesthetic look. And if you want these same results, you’ve got to try pairing a couple of these supplements into your health and wellness lifestyle.

Why you need protein in your life

Protein is the building block to your hair, skin and hormone wellness. Sometimes you can think you’ve lose weight in a healthy way, but in fact it’s from a protein deficit and being malnourished. Unfortunately it’s so easy to fall into this category when sandwiches are much easier to grab. If you’ve been skipping some meals or eating more plant-based diets without guidance.

Truth is it takes time knowing how much protein your body needs to fully function. It took me 5 years to put together the perfect macro and micro nutrition plan that supports my body whether I’m bulking, shredding or maintaining my weight. That’s because we’re all build different, your hormones will also affect your protein production.

Get 40% with just one click on any Tone It Up Vanilla Protein Plant Based shake

UCLA Heath supports this notion that learning your body’s ideal protein intake takes time. In one article, they noted your body fluctuating among another contributors is the reason why it will take you a while to find your ideal protein intake. That’s why your wellness is a lifetyle choice and not a 90 day diet you take just for that cruise ship ride. Even know I totally with you on holidays at the sea and looking exquisit on the beach.

Using different proteins for muscle building or weight loss

Regardless you need around 0.8protein per Kg to maintain the recommended levels for healthy hormone production and muscle health. Like calcium and collagen, your protein reduces with age. What’s more is your body doesn’t store protein, making it the reason why supplementing it into your workout routine will support the results you want. 

Finally whenever I was bulking to obtain more muscle definition whether it be for my abs or slender arms. I always used the same protein shake, just different add-ons. For example for the month of December-March I always increased my intake of  avocados and nuts. I love nuts because of the densely nutritional ingredients and they’re tasty! This will supported both the oils and the protein you need for more defined muscle.

Oils support the healing and muscle growth hormonal you need for muscle growth. And don’t be scared about the word bulking; any muscle building routine is to create sculpted muscles like bikini legs. As a result increasing the weights you lift will give you a slender and tight body just in time for any holiday.

Get 40% with just one click on any Tone It Up Vanilla Protein Plant Based shake

Once I was a month closer to an important event, I always switched to a shredding/ maintaining diet and workout plan. Same goes for you, switch your what you couple your proteins with, so you’re more lean looking If you follow a 12 week program like me, you’ll find you’re slightly

Food cycling to look your best at an important event

I always went down to Florida in April and May. Switching to more shredding meal plans and plant dense foods, allowed me to look more slender. Shredding meal plans and workouts reducing water retention and possible bloating that comes from bulking.

However the results are worth it because you’re more curvy in the right places and we’ll sculpted. Plus there’ no bloating; only well defined abs. Finally I would switch my avocados for bananas and spinach, and nuts for vegetables closer to the event, so I wouldn’t look bloated. 

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On the week of those holidays or those 4 months out in the sun on the beach, I’d opt for dense salad bowls, high protein like turkey, chicken or beans and coupled it with green Smoothies. I love beans and believe they should be your stomach slimming staple.

Master how to prepare your body to be more toned before an important event

The high greens eliminated the chances of getting bloated, as long as I drank enough water. Your schedule will look different, but ideally this is how you’d best structure your lifestyle if you know there’s some important annual event, holiday or party, and you always want to look your best. 

Not only have you supported the growth and maintainable of your body, but you avoid making thise idmmdiet mistakes everyone makes before a big event. Usually people switch their diet plans a week or days before the event. This leaves your body and face lookin fluffy and bloated.

Instead of drastically switching up, always have a standard protein intake, and 2 weeks before an even switch your diet. This will allow your body to puff up and go down before the event. Did you just say hello gorgeous when you saw yourself in the mirror? Those the results you’ll get when you follow this one trusted rule of thumb.

Your Kitchen Must Haves

To create versatility, I’ve always enjoyed vanilla protein flavours due to their ability to customise on your own. One key ingredient I learned is always have your favourite Jell-O flavours in your kitchen rather than buying a specific flavour. Apart from avocados, bananas, Jell-O products add both flavour and great textures.

If you’re going for both a creamy and icy texture, you won’t regret keeping that Jello-O, banana and avocados in your kitchen. Personally, avocados are a must because they generally adapt to the overall flavour you’re making. They’re also your skin’s and female wellness best friend! Talk about a win win situation.

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Finally there’s the fortifying vegetables like spinach or kale, which won’t dampen your Smoothies taste. It’s always best to stock the top must have vegetables in your fridge. Some of these include legumes like beans for your salsas or salad, spinach or kale and some kind of Berry. These are fortified in antioxidants and other highly nutritional ingredients your body will thank you for having.

Vanilla Protein Shakes

Like I mentioned above, vanilla protein shakes can go from caramel macchiato flavour to an antioxidant-boosting smoothing with the right ingredients. It’s your must have to keep in your pantry. Usually women need around 45g of protein a day to support a healthy toned body, your hormones and important enzymes. Tone it up offers 3 types of vanilla protein shakes; the unsweetened vanilla protein powder, vanilla protein powder and the Vanilla + Greens protein powder

Support Your body’s overall health and wellness goals with any of these protein shakes.

The Thank me Later Collagen Creamer

I was so excited to write about this one that I couldn’t wait to do so later! Someone needs to thank intelligence, the development of society and fitness for this next products. And shout out to Tine it Up from saving is from years of bad coffee creamers. I’ve been taking protein powders for over 10 years and whenever I added protein shake into my coffee I was selling myself a life!

Unless I made it into a Caramel Frappuccino mix, it’s been a fail. Fortunately you can now find protein shake creamers, something like this collagen creamer that’s ideal for supporting your skin, hair and nails.  It’s a marine collagen creamer that delivers a 8g creamy, and flavorful coffee experience. This is superb for the wellness and fitness woman who’s always looking for a great morning boost that supports her protein intake goals and collage happy Skin.

Protein Pre-Workout and Boosters

Speaking of energy Boosters, you’ll appreciate that Tone it up has it all for you. I’ve had 1 season where I could sleep 4 hours and still hit a HIIT workout, followed by another season where I’m struggling to sleep and workout. Besides the fact those moments are a wake up call it’s time to reset, unwind and detox your body, you can still pair your lifestyle with a pre-workout for the best results. 

Pre-workouts are another staple you might want to consider. More especially I’d say have a pre-workout during your bulking season or a season season you’re doing more high cardio workouts. I once did a 6 day cardio workouts plan for a bikini body fitness plan, and it was grueling on my energy.

Pair Boosters with these energy feuling foods

To deliver lasting and sustainable results for your muscles and energy,  pair oats, bananas, spinach, spirulina, protein shakes, with a protein energy Booster. That’s how much energy you’ll need to keep your going for the whole 12 week prgram

Choose between the Organge Sunrise energy Booster or the Very Berry Engery Booster. Both contain 100mg of plant-based caffeine, Vitamins B6 & B12 and electrolytes to help support sustained energy and focus. What great about their Booster is it doesn’t have that crashing feeling some other pre-workout drink leave.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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