My Second Love letter to God thanking Him for Making me Wait, why I want to Defend His name against Pharisees

By Zethu Zwane

I’ve seen people who rely on men on chariots more than God. Before I continue praising God for the Love and provision He’s given me, I want I take a moment to talk about people who are like the Pharisees. In my quest to defend God, I want to motivate you that when You choose to battle life away from God be honest. Honesty can also show you that God battling for you is far greater than your strength. Do not call God evil because the God I’ve seen has fought great and many battled for me. He has chosen me even even I couldn’t love or obey Him. He will do the same for you. So here why I love God like a circle today.

Have you ever heard the song; “I love you Lord, you have held me through the fire,” by Tasha Cobbs? It’s a season where I just want to tell the world how much I love God like a circle. It’s a season where I can’t seem to stop writing thanking Him for the bittersweet moments, joyful moments, waiting moments and mundane moments. I believe your pastor who says God wants you to change how you seek Him because He wants to deepen your faith.

I woke up recently singing in my heart to have trust that is without borders. You know the song oceans. I also woke up with the song saying I can’t wait for eternity to sing and glorify God with the angels. The first song might surprise you because God has pulled me out of fires. This season there was great opposition trying to prevent me from seeing the fulfillment of His promise. 

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Yet don’t you know colossians 3; God holds all creation in the heavens and earth in His hands. He Holds everything in His dominion. I guess in a uplifting way, even as the opposition may leave you tired, weared you down and drained you, you can still sing to God. You can praise God while wanting to go further in your trust. I also wholefully understand why they say listen to as much Christian music as possible. 

Why I defend the name of God

Christian music and the words from His mouth have soothed my spirit, heart and mind. I believe with confidence and love you will experience the same. I love my God like a circle, but I also feel it causes me sadness when I see His name being used for harm. It saddens me more than ever.

I’ll admit when I think about people who are like the Pharisees, I go from annoyance, frustration to disappointment. That’s because they know God, and God has defended them countless time. He has shielded them from things they see and cannot see.

Personally, I’ve wanted to ask Him how He looks when He comes to my rescue. I was bullied countess times for my accent. That’s because many times it felt like people found 8 billion reasons why I can’t belong. Yet God has given me one reason why I’m His.

As a result when people faked helping me, God became a place of safety, refuge, peace and provision. God has been so good and many times without reason. I’ve been stubborn, had little faith, doubted and feared. Yet He waited patiently for my change.

The more I saw His unchanging love, the more I wanted to change. Previously in took me 6 months to get over an unfavorable answer. Then it took me 3 months. Then it took a week and now 24 hours. This is all in a space of 5 years of having an intimate relationship with God. Today it’s also the reason why I want to defend my Saviour who’ll love you even when you misunderstood Him.

Why won’t you submit to God’s authority?

The Saviour I love is far from evil, but the unkindness of this world is a reflection of people’s flesh. Don’t put the blame on the devil for everything. That’s because the only time I saw the devil in the Bible was in the garden of Eden and again when he tempted David to do a population consensus. As a result ask yourself what happened inbetween? People and their selfish desires cause the unkindness in this world.

Since I’ve already spoken about selfishness, let’s put it aside. Today I’d like to emphasize there’s power in surrending your heart and mind. The more I struggled, but chose to submit to Yahweh, the more I saw His glory.

At times months went by and I couldn’t understand His instructions, but did it anyway without knowing the end results. Trust me when I say the end results were beyond amazing. His provision is always above imagination, thinking or your beliefs.

Christians & nonbelievers who choose battling alone

Due to the above experiences, I want to defend a Loving Father against the lies of poeple who know Him, but reject Him. Rejecting Him is one thing, but in this season I met countless people who chose to battle life alone.

In addition to battling life alone, some Christians ans nonbelievers still demand God’s provision. They know His power, but they prefere to do life as they please. That’s not living for God. I understand the idea of submitting to God comes with knowing Him. You’ll need to build a relationship with Christ, so you see there’s no one like Him.

Breakthroughs require surrendering

A life of Breakthroughs is not a one day event. Just like how Jesus walked this earth continuously teaching and transforming people’s lives, your Breakthroughs are a life journey. Firstly your mind needs transformation from believing God blesses some to God blesses all. Your heart will need to move away from its own understanding to believing and loving God. The more you mnow God as He says He is, the more you’ll love Him.

Further along this journey, I also saw many people who want God to do great and mighty things in their lives, but they don’t want to submit to His authority. submitting to God doesn’t have to be hard, it just needs you you to pray. The more you pray and read the Bible, the more you’ll be transformed. However, you can’t see God hand if your Bible and prayer time is non-existent.

They’re searching for breakthroughs, but neglect change. They’re full of disobedience and darkness. They refuse to move out of the darkness and step into His light. Due to their lack of knowing and understanding God, they test God. Each day they ask for His power. Yes God is faithful like the time when Jesus fed the 5,000.

A personal and intimate relationship with Christ eliminates battling life alone. Maybe for some of you, you don’t choose God because you’re wondering why He blesses others and not you. Yet asking yourself this question reveals you don’t know God. And this is still a good thing because this is your starting point. You’ll never regret prayong; “Lord help me to know you,” because He is faithful. This is a start to a life of Breakthroughs.

Still today unbelievers know God, but do not want to submit to His authority. In this season where God’s love is the only thing that held me together, I want to defend the God who fought for me. 

People who know God, but choose to people power over God

People who are like the Pharisees are missing one thing. In this season I’ve seen that living in El Shaddai’s authority might look mundane to the naked eyes. And people who are like the Pharisees are examining Christian lives with naked eyes.

Yet for me living in God’s authority is being in awe of His glory. It’s being overwhelmed by His infinite power and presence and somehow knowing you’ve tasted just a fragrance of it. It’s facing crippling problems, but believing in the deliverance of Jehovah Nissi. And may I say God never fails.

I write about “best fragrance of the season,” or “timeless scents you can’t forget,” but there’s nothing like God’s presence. Theres nothing like God’s voice. There’s nothing Like experiencing God’s power. In the midst of opposition, I got so excited because I wanted to see God’s power.

Experiencing God’s glory

I wanted to know how He battles and wins. I wanted to see His armory. I imagined this magnificent and blinding beauty. God is a glorious and Handsome God.

His presence is far more superior than how Elijah described the angels. Elijah asked God to open Elisha eyes, so he sees the piercing gold sea of angels. The angels were more than you can count over the mountain. I believe God’s presence is far more superior than this.

And even if you tried to describe it, you’d be describing a fragrance. His love, as much as I’ve experienced it this season, is infinite and can’t be put to words.

People who refuse to submit to God don’t like the following

I love You Lord because Your ways are not our ways. That’s why nonbelievers are missing a key thing. Many of them have testimonies of God’s glory, and they have seen your testimony.

However, they refuse to submit to God. They don’t want to endure, yet this Christian life is a life of endurance. They refuse to be tested, but God tests you to reveal your true hearts desires.

Whats more God exposes your heart’s shortcomings, so you can repent and move toward a heart after God’s heart. People like the Pharisees don’t want to persevere, yet perseverance builds character. They don’t want to go through deep waters, yet it builds stronger faith.

My deep waters was experiencing bullies, but knowing God had called me strong and courageous. Although the bullying intensified, I also saw God’s power and faithfulness.

There’s no one like God. His power gave me strength to walk back in those room happy. It’s true the first time I prayed saying I forgive I was full of fear and doubt. However God faithfully carried me.

Forgiveness is healing

Reason being when you don’t forgive, you need to remember eeu single thing the person does and will do. You study them and make sure not to go near them. I’m so grateful I took that first leap into the unknown because now my heart moves more fluid than before.

Convesely Individuals who are like the Pharisees want God to remove pains of resentment without putting in the work of faith. You’ve got to surrender your heart and mind. You’ve got to surrender plans to God instead of battling it alone.

They say God take away this, while they’re strongly holding onto what’s bad. They remind themselves to be resentful ,keep grudges and keep score. So far they believe God’s job is to provide with little changes in their heartsIt’s even worse when they commit themselves to 2 gods  praying to God while doing false worship like affirmations.

Holding into false idols

How do you find deliverance when you’re torn between 2 worlds directly against each other? I believe affirmations will sound, look and do nice things for you. However, soon spiritual warfare and destruction will also distract approach. Again it’s a false religion trying to lead those away from God’s safety, and kingdom.

False religions are like misinterpretations of Jesus on TV. Such things are directly opposed to God’s plans that bring deliverance. His plans are to give you peace and not sow disorder. I believe people who are like the Pharisees struggle with many things, but obedience to God is their greatest turmoil. 

They haven’t yet experienced the freedom of becoming a slave to God. They’re enslaved by the world, but they’re refusing the freedom that only God can give. Recently thus has been in my heart; Lord make me your slave because in You I have freedom. I definitely know I won’t be perfect because thereWhats ‘s no person outside of Christ who is perfect. However, when you’re obedient to God, youre free from this world.

When your friends lead you to an Idolizing life

I’m confident it’s easier to pray this when you see that friends will lead you to darkness. They’ll blind you with high sounding words that lead to financial debt and ruin. They will pressure you to date the bad or rich guy who ends up emotionally and physically abusing you. 

The World will do the same; wrapping words in high sounding sales pitches that leave you with more burdens than freedoms. You just have to work in customer service to be reminded that no.1 is actually free. Unfortunately, the world has also sold itself this illusion that you can’t escape.

What’s more is at this age, you should have left home and started building your second home. How is this possible when we’re seeing the largest adult children returning home. 

They don’t give you peace. Instead they demand you internalize your problems saying the reason you don’t have a car or job is because you’re a failure. That’s what it means to be enslaved by the world. In contrast when you surrender to God’s authority, you’ll find peace in the storm. You’ll battle a few storms and realize it’s better when you let go.

Your life and purpose should look different

The way I let go is different from the way you let go. That’s the beauty about God. He works His perfect plan within you and me, but He joins us both in hope and faith. In Christ you feel free to mourn a day, but rise up and rejoice.

Your joy is not like temporary happiness that comes from clubbing,  parties and alcohol. There’s a stronger fulfillment where your desires becomes seeking God.

Having a strong desire for God needs you to build an intimate relationship with Christ. Unfortunately my blog is not the gateway to God. Pick up your bible. His Word is a double edge sword and it has the power to transform your heart and mind.

That’s the truth. You can read countless Christian books, but still be lost of you don’t have your own relationship with God.

Submit your Life to be led by God

That’s because God transforms us at our own times, so you wholefully understand the joys of surrendering your life. People who are like the Pharisees do not want to do this. They’ve chained themselves to one idea of God when God changes how He speaks to you. They won’t let go, yet God commands you to trust and obey. Without faith in His name, the name of Jesus Christ and the trinity, it’s impossible to please God.

Regardless I love God like a circle because through countless stumbling I’ve seen His glory. You’ll need to fail to see God’s victory is far superior to your attempts at fighting. God’s wisdom is above yours because He reads your heart, the person’s heart and the situation. He sees on all planes, while you’re governed by your heart and human beliefs. 

Since God is a Father to all creation, my prayer is whoever us struggling to submit to God will choose to stumbling into obedience. Each season will call you to do something new, so I’m not against failing. I’m opposed to refusing God’s love and provision, yet you demand He part the Red seas. I’m certain you don’t like abuse, so why test Him  abuse Him and call Him names?

Christians Who’ve lost God

I’m not speaking to people who are generally lost. I’m speaking to people who know His name. I’m speaking to people who’ve fallen away from God because He tested their hearts and He found the answered prayers, so they could feel good.

There’s no hope in making yourself feel good. We’ve been there with you because we’re humans. Know that your temporary is just that;temporary happiness. I have desires, trophies and idols like you. Only difference is I stumbled, cried, waited and rejoiced for my answers. You can do the same. You only need to move past your fears.

God is always Victorious and Mighty

My hope today is short because this is more for you. I pray you’ll seek His face again. I pray you’ll surrender your situation that you’re battling alone to God. I pray you’ll choose His authority over the world, and I pray God redeems into His fold. Repentance, just like sorry it or forgiveness is not an evil word. It’s a word that carries with it overflowing joy and God’s love.

God’s love truly is like a powerful waterfall that doesn’t quench its thirst. When you free yourself from these negative connotations around repentance ad forgiveness you’ll find a joy that makes you feel like you’re living your best and  unimaginable life. There’s no description to God’s love and provision.

You’ll only ever live a life of Breakthroughs in Christ Jesus your Saviour. You’ll only be free in the glory and light of God. That’s my prayer for you to share the love I have for God. His love is like a circle and I love Him dearly.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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