Unforgiveness; It’s Holding a deadly Poison while guarding yourself with the enemy’s spear

By Zethu Zwane

As an adult, there’s some things you’ll never repeat. You’ll have to place them in a mental capsule, and throw them far from your conscious. You’ll have to throw them deep, so that they’re far away from  your thoughts. Your old self will have to die with them while you’re pursuing a more healed version of you.

My only issue today is I’ve witnessed 2 incidences where someone, having held onto resentment and unforgiveness, saw their words come to life. I don’t want to say what you speak comes to life, but I’ve seen it twice. Both times it was traumatic for me because their words echoed death and death surely followed.

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Unforgiveness: it’s a deadly poison, and what’s worse about it is that it weakens you. Resentment is a deadly spear and what’s worse about it is that you’ll throw it only to pierce yourself. I’ve been there before, so I should know unforgiveness is a silent killer.

Unforgiveness can begin anywhere

Previously I hated confrontations. The only issue with hating tough conversations is that you’ve got to remember who, what  why and when to avoid such conversations. It’s only after 2018 when God took me through deep waters that I realized I suffered from a deadly poison. There was a nasty spear stuck in my heart and God needed to build trust with me before pulling it out.

Only thing is He made me see the venomous effects of such a resentful  spear. He made me feel the paralyzing effects of unforgiveness. God does make anyone a puppet; the choice is yours. That is also true to life. To make matters more complex, people don’t know they’re walking in darkness. People don’t know they’re walking toward death.

[1] But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. [2] People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, [3] without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3:1‭-‬3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I’m still trying to wrack my head around many aspects of unforgiveness, so let me touch on what I’ve seen in my location. I’ve seen people mix witch doctors, false prophets for miracle. They use man-made objects to prayer about their problems. I’ve found all these tactics to be in vain because unforgiveness is still streaming in their veins. This is worse than AIDS.

Unforgiving people are blind to their sickness

Someone with AIDS knows they have a low blood count; the Unforgiving person doesn’t know. The person with AIDS takes ARVs, but the Unforgiving person is unknowingly closer to a stroke. One is trying to save his or her life, the other is unknowingly killing theirs. 

‭[15] Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Revelation‬ ‭22:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Unforgiving person has a deadly and ferocious need to talk endlessly about the incident that led to unforgiveness.  They wake up to drink unforgivenss while standing their hearts with resentment. They hold the shield of grudges thinking it will bring them prosperity. There’s no breakthrough in a spear?! Not when you’re fighting a holy war. 

‭[28] They yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods; [29] they aroused the Lord’s anger by their wicked deeds, and a plague broke out among them.

Psalms‬ ‭106:28‭-‬29‬ ‭NIV‬‬

That’s because you’re not fighting against blood and flesh, but principalities in the heavenlies and on earth. As a result, where will your spear land if not used again by the enemy? What will your shield block when it is shattered like water? It’s a path to death and all of them are blind soldiers.

Unforgiving people are blind to their sickness

Now as an observer, I dare not speak. I’ve received harsh warnings and threatening words; they’re at war, but only killing themselves. They grow suspicious of good people, and trust wicked people. They grow anxious of good circumstances ans trust bad situations. They are far from God.

‭[17] They sacrificed to false gods, which are not God— gods they had not known, gods that recently appeared, gods your ancestors did not fear. [18] You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.

Deuteronomy‬ ‭32:17‭-‬18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

They have left God. They walk into piercing glass, and refuse listen to sound advice. They insist on walking through fire. Yet for you the observer, all you can do is pray God saves them. This because your human strength will never save them.

I’ve seen unforgiving people choose killers over good people because they’ve lost the scent of life. How can you find life when you’re on the hunt toward death? Now as a healed survivor of the blind, I can’t say when they’ll be saved. Yet I know God is there. I also know God’s power.

Unforgiving people who follow idol worship

One of my other griefs is for the old who love the art of darkness. They bend down to pray to false gods, man made objects and human inventions. Then they walk to church tainted with death, and seeing nothing of Christ. Their words are jumbled. Their sentences dense with confusion. They’re in the enemy’s camp, yet they don’t even see it.

The Lord is not the author of confusion, so their many fortune tellers have sold them only the riches of death and never life. I’ve lost friends to the darkness and it still pains me because I’ve seen the Light of God. I’ve smelled the fragrance of His power; with all its power, I’ve touched just a thread of His glory.

Thats why I grieve for those who chase after false teachings. Theyre blinded by a dirty veil. They’ve yet to see the glory of God His power is the only Bright Morning Star. More especially in such perilous time when you’re looking for hope in a recession, how do the Unforgiving find God?

It’s never too late to repent and turn back to God

Words I couldn’t speak to those mixing every idol under the sun is this, seek repentance and forgiveness. We’ve all been lost, but repent for not knowing your blood thirst for revenge has led to more pain in your life.  Repent for forsaking God and seeking dead idols. God is Righteous and He is fair. That’s why you should accept His rebuke or disciple.

He is Holy power, and He Holds all dominion under His hands. That’s why when you chase unforgiveness, or try to burn your neighbors home, God will WAR with your blinded actions. When you try to repay those with unkindness, God will have no favorites. He only repay justice with justice. He holds no favorites.

Kneel now and repent. Pray to God and be saved. Fast and pray to be cleansed. Call upon His name and repent from your ways. Turn away from all falsehoods and their damaging hope. They’ve sold you a lie. Seek counseling to help you let go. Whatever it is that hurt you, is no match for your current path yo destruction. Seek God and find peace and restoration.

Unforgiveness is fired chain that only burns you

Don’t chain yourself to unforgiving situations. It’s a brutal chain that will only weaken your gaze. Instead turn your eyes toward Jesus. Everyone who started on this path of forgiveness didn’t know how it would go. They had to sit next to Bullies, thieves, and still believ God would pull them through.

Yet everyone who has fully surrendered their hearts and minds will tell you there no other name apart from Jesus. With God in their lives, they were washed of this lepourous-looking skin. God is willing and able to break every chain, but will you stop burning yourself with remembrance of the past. These chains will burn into you like a lepers disease eats you alive. The only One who is able to lift you from this pain is Christ.

God is the only Supreme Ruler to bring justice to all your prayers

There’s no other authority apart from God’s Authority. He has the final say; wouldn’t you like His final say to be love, restoration and peace? His love covers all sins because you and I are not perfect. He will restore you emotionally and spiritually, freeing you from the piercing spear of resentment. His blood will cover you because He died for you thousands of years ago.

That’s how I feel about unforgivenss today. I hope if you’re struggling with forgiveness, you’ll turn away from man-made solutions, and go running toward christ. I hope you’ll seek counsellig to help you overcome your past. You may not accept this now, but know that no one is perfect. Every unforgiveness person I’ve met ends up hurting people the same they were hurt.

What kind of world are we living in when an eye for eye leaves us all angry in a blink rampage charging to death? It’s not the world you truly want. Forgive when people don’t forgive, and you’ll get to experience the holy power of God restoring your hope, faith and love.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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