Why People Practicing False Teachings Struggle When God Withholds Answered Prayers

By Zethu Zwane

I would like for a moment to share a heartfelt chat with you. This blog post is just to pour my heart out to what I’m seeing concerning false teachings. It’s sad and I can’t leave the topic due to the many people I’ve met practicing false teachings.

Later on I’ve come to understand who Jesus Chrost is, and they cant grasp the concept of God’s Authority. I learned that it’s because the devil has blinded this world, and unfortunately  they’ve fallen trap to it. Yet at the time I was writing this, I felt the need to pause for a moment to comment on my past year’s interaction with people. Although I want to continue sharing with you why I love God like a circle, I can’t ignore the false teachings around me.

There’s always a time or moment that caused me to pause for a second to address false worship, and this particular season it’s been in my face. I will not ignore it because false teachings has been on God’s heart and He has placed it on my heart for a reason.

This season, I’ve come out of a Job season where God stripped us of everything before He started restoring everything. I’ve been in a waiting season where God finally answered saying He will never leave me nor forsake me. Conversely, it’s also been a season where I’ve been surrounded by people who follow false teachings. It’s also been a season of plenty hardships, defeat and rejection.

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During all of this, I’ve found contradicting christian beliefs. I believe as a child of God you must speak up against false teachings. False teachers will  try relating to your answered prayers. They will use God’s love as a basis for their false teachings. At first I wanted to run away from such topics because as I’ve said before, hearing false teachings brings out the introvert in me. However today I’m sad they’re not experiencing the Most High God. I’m sad because so many are the highway to death.

How it started

Previously as you know, I fell into the trap of false teachings like affirmations. When I look back on that life, I see someone who doesn’t know God, His power and character. I see someone who still hasn’t experienced the power of reading God’s word and praying. They don’t know about fasting, and that person has something bound in hell. That’s why I count it far more sad when I see people walking down the path I left.

There’s a false teacher who does affirmations, and when you look closely at his videos, it’s a spell used by witches. I know this because those wicked people joined a Christian group I follow. The wording and phrases mirror each other seamlessly.

Unfirtubately while following these new age religious practices, I was exposed to some strange practices. There’s a false teacher who does affirmations, and when you look closely at his videos, it’s a spell used by witches. I know this because those wicked people joined a Christian group I follow. Their wording and phrases mirror each other seamlessly.

This is why I don’t like affirmations; when do you know you’ve spoken the wrong words? When do you know that your prayers have been stolen when you’re blind? Plus Jesus has given you how to pray in Matthew, so why should you deviate to fancy and high sounding words.

Believing successful people who say following the universe

No matter how successful the person sounds, false religions all lead to some kind of death. And the reality is you’ll never see what curses or evils are destroying that person’s life as a result of believing in these falsehoods. Someone who’s desperate for a breakthrough will not see this. And the world is full of desperate souls seeking God to do something incredible in their lives.

The only issue is people following false teachings are blind to God’s light. This why I don’t like affirnations; when do you know you’ve spoken the wrong words? Youre reading from someone inspired to write about them, without knowing that person learned from something evil. Always remember this; not all success is good success.

Plus Jesus  has given you how how pray in Matthew’s, so why should you deviate to fancy ad high sounding words. Someone who’s desperate for a breakthrough will not see this. And the world is full of desperate souls seeking God to do something incredible in their lives. The only issue is they’re following a false teacher.

People Following new age religion mix everything & that’s why God doesn’t hear them

And the reason I’m reminded of this false affirmations teacher is because I recently met someone who’s mixing everything in the dictionary because they’re searching for a breakthrough. As a result, I want to stress what the Bible says; “do not add or take away from what the Bible says.” I feel for the person because in that short space of time, they left me confused.

Yet God is not the author of confusion. If you enter a church, follow a person or videos that adds a billion religious or “spiritual practices,” or “awakening practices,” count it as a false teaching. The moment you bring other practices into your faith, know that’s you’ve moved away from God.

How it’s going

I want to encourage you to be vigilant about what you read, listen to and follow. That’s because there’s so many videos out there encouraging people to use spiritual practices that are actually borrowed from ancestors worship, witch spells and far Eastern movements. If you’re new to Christianity or trying to find God in healing spaces, please focus on reading the Bible.

The reason for focusing on the bible is because God also says He has the right to deny your answers. This to me is the happiest comment from God in this season. Yet for you, you still need to grow your relationships with Christ Jesus. That means starting small with the bible and church. Nonetheless the irony in my statement is God said no MANY times. During this season, it felt as though God was bent on a “no season,” with me. However that’s far from the truth.

God has the right to withhold something from you because of the following

  • Your heart is worshipping the thing you want. This can be a blessing you know God has prepared, your calling, your job, your marriage or relationship or family.
  • You’ll abuse your answered prayer. For instance if it’s a promotion, God knows a month or a year from now, you’ll abuse your promotion. Or God knows you can’t say no to greed or corruption
  • You’re still a people pleaser. For me saying no to people was hard, so God will withhold something if He sees there’s someone coming in your life who will destroy your answered prayers
  • You rely on people and God. Honestly this one is tough and calls for you to have a deeper relationship with Christ. A relationship where you fast and pray. That’s because I had a lot of people say the same thing as God, but change His command into a comma. This small grammatical change, makes it seem like God suggested and not commanded. The more you learn to discern people opinions is not God’s command, the closer you are to growth.
  • You still want to prove people wrong! Trust me when I say I did too. I understand it’s tiring hearing people say; “you should have this by now,” or “you should be here in life by now,” but this again is comparison. It’s living for people and not God. The issue with a comparison mindset is people will lead you down the wrong path; take note of reason 4! In this season I learned people will have 8 billion opinions on your life, but ZERO will take responsibility when you fail. The same people who said go there will laugh, mock you and bully you for listening to them. That’s why it’s okay for God to withhold that answer.
  • You have a manipulative person in your life disguised as a friend. Once again people like this have invested in dripping poison into your mindset, so you give up on your dreams. God will not answer your prayers until you learn to create boundaries around such people. Remove such fake friends or ill-intended people.
  • God withholds answers to test your heart. If you give up easily when hardships come, then what you’re praying is at risk. God’s wisdom superior to your understanding an knowledge. He is the Alpha and Omega meaning He knows you’re still spiritually weak
  • You haven’t mastered how your heart lies to you. You still need to know how, when and why your heart lies to you, so you catch yourself believing in your pain as opposed to God’s faithfulness.
  • You still don’t know when, why and how the devil uses your heart’s lies to convince you to go the other way. God will withhold your answer till you’ve seen the lies of the enemy and how the devil seeks to kill steal and destroy your dreams.

People practicing false teachings don’t get this

Since people practicing false teachings are drawn to a “lottery ticket,” feeling, they forget that God will say no to answering their prayers. They are surrounded by messages that imply God answers prayers no matter your heart’s condition. Yet in the Bible it says before praying, go forgive those who’ve hurt you before praying.

On the other hand, the one that makes me sad for people in false teachings is the increasing desperation. They blame many false teachers as opposed to looking within. They grow ever increasingly suspicious of people and when world. They do not have peace, there without the joy of God. This is a fleeting happiness based on a lie.

My advice to you on how to pray

I believe God is faithful, so ask Him in prayer to teach you how to pray. While I was doing affirmations, I kept on receiving how to pray to God. I saw the Lord’s prayer everywhere, but dint recognize this was a warning to move away from this false teaching.

For you, I want to encourage you to use the Lord’s prayer as a base on how to pray. Paul’s letters and how he starts his letters are also phenomenal. They always begin with ” I thank God for you,” which is the ideal way for Christians to always thank God. When praying start with the following:

  • Exolt the name of God. “Out father who is in heaven,” or “Dear heavenly Father, Thees no God like You, You have no counsel, no advisors, you’re the most High God. Thank you Lord I get to come to your throne today to glorify You and call upon your name.
  • Next you can mention something you enjoyed in the Bible to add as your praise: “Wow God thank You for sending Jesus. I saw in John, Mark and Matthew that You sent Jesus to people who didn’t believe in Him, but He still blessed people and saved the sick. He did not pick. Wow Lord this magnifies just how loving and great You are! Lord your word also says you show no favorite , and since Judas received your time, and You received Him as your creation and not what You knew he’ll do, Wow Lord teach me Your ways.

Continue praising El Shaddai with specifics

Then you can move onto praising Him for a specific thing this week. If you’re new to Christianity, just pray about you’re grateful about.

  • Thank You God that in this season of Job, I was stripped of every human comfort, but I got to see the Glory of God.
  • Thank You Lord that through Life’s trails, I’ve seen You’ll never leave me nor forsake me. That as a Child of God, You’ve called me strong and Courageous. That when hardships come I am an overcomer and not by my strength, but by the glory of God all things are possible.
  • God I know there are many adult children at home frustrated like me because they feel they should have a home by now. Yet today I just want to thank you I have a home with my parents. Thank You Lord my parents prepare a room for me, and love me and understand today’s hardships. Thank You Lord I lack nothing as a result of my family support. Please be with those adult children who can’t go home to their parents for the reasons You know and care about Lord.
  • Thank You God for calling me your child and calling me worthy. ” There’s certain words God will call you repeatedly as His child, and I pray for you that you will learn what God calls you
  • Thank You Lord for protecting me from things I’ve seen and things I don’t see. Thank You Lord that I dont need to know the future, just You Lord. I surrender my heart and mind Lord, and please empower me with tbe holy spirt to yearn for Your truth and the only truth of the gospel.
  • Lord help me to discern your true spirit. Let it declare that Jesus Chrust has come in the flesh, so I know whatever word, idea, thought or belief is from you.
  • Lord Thank you for holding my life in your hands. Thank you that you’re not people who lie, meaning You’ll always provide for me. Help me learn Your ways Lord,  so I never forget when to thank You Lord.
  • “Help me to learn how to love you.” This is by far my favorite testimony because it’s actually how God has loved me that taught me how to love. God loving me  calling worthy and His child has taught me how to love God. The more I saw God’s power, the more I love Him because He’s eternally faithful, loving and protector. I pray you’ll also get to experience Him.

Ask for forgiveness

Follow your specific gratitude with asking for forgiveness. Some of the common areas we all need God’s forgiveness is the incluees: gossiping, comparing your life to others, idolizing someone or something, having trophies, fighting, unforgiveness, impatience and lack of faith.

  • Please forgive me for relying on people as opposed to waiting on you. Lord teach me Your ways, and help me understand your true character. Place around people who will show me your true character as opposed to my limited thinking.
  • Please forgive me for gossiping about X. Lord I know You have given me fre will, which means I can continue gossiping about X even after this prayer. Yet Lord I want more, so help me with the power of the Holyspirit to discern when to step away from gossiping. Lord cleanse me and I will be free
  • Please for me for sin X and sin Y.
  • Lord I surrender my heart and mind to your authority. Cleanse me Lord and I will be free.
  • Forgive me Lord and I will be set free. I forgive X situation Lord. And right now Lord I need Your help to surrender this situation. Whenever I think about it, I will pray about it Lord until Your understanding that is above my own thinking consumes this situation.
  • Lord help me to remember that people make mistakes like I make mistakes. I want to mirror You Lord who forgives and forgets. Help me move away from grudges, which is a chain. Set me free Lord and I am free. Help me with the power ofbthe holy spirit to purify and transform my thinking and actions to match Yours.

Now present your petitions to Yahweh

Then you can make your petitions to God. For instance we’ve all been affected by COVID-19 in some way, and as a result there’s things you’re still needing and looking for. Or you could be in a season where you’ve waiting on something regardless of the economic situation.

  • Lord I come to your throne with confidence Lord that every prayer Lord You will receive. Lord I’m struggling with X situation, and Lord I need You Lord. Lord not only do I need your peace that surpasses all understanding,  but Lord I need Jehohah Jireh to move in this area and solve X and provide Y in my situation.
  • Thank You Lord that Jesus reminded us that Lord when we pray, we can come with Thanksgiving because You’ve already Heard. Amen thank you Lord for hearing my cries, tears and prayers. Lord forgive me when I did not magnify Your power instead I magnifier my problems.
  • However, Lord I know You answer all prayers. So Lord today my situation is this: A, B, C, D, E, F  and G. And I know with confidence that nothings too great for God. So this list that looks too much for me is nothing for You.
  • Lord I trust You will answer according to Your will and way. Lord please make every crooked road straight in my situation A, B and G. Lord your word says, Your ways or not my ways. Your thoughts are not my thoughts. And best part Lord in Collossians it says You hold everything in heaven and on earth in Your dominion. Thank You God for these confident words that remind me that I can come with gratitude because for You will deliver me
  • Lord I surrender my time to you, so I may be be patient in my waiting Lord for answers. That’s because you’re never late Lord, so thank You Lord You’ve heard my prayers.
  • Help me Learn if I am not ready for the answers for C and D Lord. Lord give me discernment and wisdom, so I may be purified or what’s blocking C and D and prepare me Lord.
  • Give me a heart for endurance, perseverance and patience to grow Lord into the person You’ve created me to become. Lord thank You that You care enough about me, but Lord please never leave me nor forsake me. Show mercy on me Lord by answering every prayer Lord.
  • And I will glorify You Lord even before it arrives. Thank You Lord for every answered prayer Lord

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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