It’s Good Friday! And 49 Bible Verses on God’s Promise to Rescue you from Bondage

The more you know God, submit your life to him and relinquish your self will, the more God will free you from bondage of earthly possessions. I really enjoyed Numbers 15:39 that says God had brought the Isrealites into the wilderness to break them free from their lusts of their hearts and idols. Infant GodContinue reading “It’s Good Friday! And 49 Bible Verses on God’s Promise to Rescue you from Bondage”

Happy Good Friday To Celebrate Here’s 49 Bible Verses on God will Bring You Out

Praise He has the victory! God has made 4 primises before Jesus died on the cross for you. First He would bring you out of bandage, and thatIf you know the song you’ll know it’s celebrating that Jesus died on the cross when rose up again in 3 days. One of the many promises GodContinue reading “Happy Good Friday To Celebrate Here’s 49 Bible Verses on God will Bring You Out”

Stunning Spring Maxi Dresses to Wear for a Day of Gallivanting at These Exotic Locations

The best of Spring is here, and let’s be honest; I needed an excuse to style these dresses because they are eye catching and stunning. They are irresistible, and timeless for any casual occasion. They are very much in tune with spring; bright, free, floral and elegant. Even if it’s just to catch up withContinue reading “Stunning Spring Maxi Dresses to Wear for a Day of Gallivanting at These Exotic Locations”

TV Romance on Open Relationships is Toxic &  Creates Generational Chains

It feels like centuries since I’ve written a blog on dating, but something interesting has sparked today’s blog. I was recently watching a cheesy movie, and I couldn’t help feel uncomfortable. So often we glorify the idea that it’s okay for women to have 2 potential soulmates. Too many romantic shows or movies depict thisContinue reading “TV Romance on Open Relationships is Toxic &  Creates Generational Chains”

Why I Relinquished My Earthly Calendar for God’s Timing: Reflections From This Mornings Bible Study

‭Sometimes the cloud stayed only from evening till morning, and when it lifted in the morning, they set out. Whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud lifted, they set out. [22] Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites would remain in campContinue reading “Why I Relinquished My Earthly Calendar for God’s Timing: Reflections From This Mornings Bible Study”

It’s Okay To Have More Peace than  Joy in This Season: a Heartfelt Blog during Your Waiting Season

I was recently asked if I’m grateful about certain things in my life because I seem to be going through a lot of bad things. I was reminded to be grateful, and at that moment I thought my peace was a reflection of my gratitude. Still being recently asked this question; am I grateful, IContinue reading “It’s Okay To Have More Peace than  Joy in This Season: a Heartfelt Blog during Your Waiting Season”

Part 9 of 10 Life lessons from Working or Living in Harsh Environments: Be Careful of Your heart Because it Lies

People who are at risk of falling away from Christ Jesus want to follow the deceitful nature of their as opposed to the sound knowledge of El Shaddai. I understand this wholeheartedly because I’ve followed deceitful affirmations, and I failed God. The reason I failed my calling is because I followed my heart. I movedContinue reading “Part 9 of 10 Life lessons from Working or Living in Harsh Environments: Be Careful of Your heart Because it Lies”

A Taste of Spring, Lavender & Wine; Sophisticated Spring Outfits to wear on your next Vacation to new York

A burst of Spring and lavender has inspired this next collection of spring outfits that are timeless, some trendy and elegant for this season. And to pair fun things to do in the Spring, here’s an inspired road trip that will complement you Spring look and love for traveling. It’s a journey inspired by theContinue reading “A Taste of Spring, Lavender & Wine; Sophisticated Spring Outfits to wear on your next Vacation to new York”

Bible Reflections from My Morning Bible Study; Global Powers Are Still Building the Tower of Babel

This is a reflection from my morning Bible study; I find it so interesting that we don’t correct what previous human authorities changed in the Bible and its society. This includes territories and borders. Instead global powers have always changed meanings, definitions and practices that originate in the Bible. ‭‭They must not marry women defiledContinue reading “Bible Reflections from My Morning Bible Study; Global Powers Are Still Building the Tower of Babel”

A Burst of Spring: Take the Marshmallow Bob Ore Bag out for Brunch in These Stylish Looks

Spring is here and the Bob Ore Bags yellow Marshmallow bag is an eye catching love affair! It screams “we’re going on vacation to Thailand,” or a solo luncheon to selfcare. I was inspired by my previous blog to piece this look together. Specifically the blue Kipoi dress and Jeulia Jewelry free Fall glasses areContinue reading “A Burst of Spring: Take the Marshmallow Bob Ore Bag out for Brunch in These Stylish Looks”