For the Past 2 Years the Lord  Tested me & This is What I’ve gained About Affirmations & False Divinations

‭Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you cross the Jordan into Canaan, [52] drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places. [53] Take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have givenContinue reading “For the Past 2 Years the Lord  Tested me & This is What I’ve gained About Affirmations & False Divinations”

Part 3: How to Create an Elevated Formal WorkWear  using the Jacqueline Bag from Bob Ore Collection

If you’ve been following this series on fashionable pieces to pair with your Bob Ore Jacqueline Bag then this set is a stark difference from your casual and business outfits. And that’s a good thing. After hours is all about bringing out the fun and modern woman in you, so the clothes complements this personality. Continue reading “Part 3: How to Create an Elevated Formal WorkWear  using the Jacqueline Bag from Bob Ore Collection”

What will Help You Thrive & Become More Than a Conquerer in All You Do?

By Zethu Zwane Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. [14] For this is what the Lord, the GodContinue reading “What will Help You Thrive & Become More Than a Conquerer in All You Do?”

49 Bible Verses on Healing; God’s Healing is Faith knowing He Has Heard

Recently I got asked when do you know when God answered your prayers, and the truth is I don’t really know. What I can tell you every time God dealt with my unforgiveness, people pleasing or low self-worth, I never saw the changes. Instead I would shock myself when I realised I can forgive fasterContinue reading “49 Bible Verses on Healing; God’s Healing is Faith knowing He Has Heard”

What’s Self Will and What are The Dangers of not Acknowledging and Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

Recent my heart has been very heavy. My heart is heavy indeed and it’s because I’ve been in difficult conversations with people who don’t realize that God, as the best parent, has the right to reprimand, mold you, start again and remold you to a Christ-like Image. Today I want to share my personal understandingContinue reading “What’s Self Will and What are The Dangers of not Acknowledging and Taking Responsibility for Your Actions”

63 Bible Verses on Putting on the Full Armour of God

By Zethu Zwane There’s a big misconception that I and many Christians fall trap; that after submitting your life to Christ, you’ll never suffer. And I absolutely understand why. This past season I faced malicious circumstances and God fought for me. I would praise and sing while it looked like God shifted mountains. I wantContinue reading “63 Bible Verses on Putting on the Full Armour of God”

15 Top Rated Face Wash for Oily Skin That’ll Give You Collagen Happy Skin

I know too well that anxious feeling when your skin’s breaking out, it’s itching, inflamed and you’re scared to add a single cream! And before you think you should stay away from facial oils or serums, think again. Save yourself from sensitive, oily skin or irriation with these top rated products that have unbeatable ingredientsContinue reading “15 Top Rated Face Wash for Oily Skin That’ll Give You Collagen Happy Skin”

YHWH is the King of Kings & The Lord of Lords! 49 Bible Verses of God’s Promise to Graft You into His Kingdom

What a beautiful name we have in Jesus Christ! And praise God Hes Risen.  I quickly read over David’s concern that he lives in a fancy home while God’s arch is in a tent‭ in 1 Chronicles 17:13 NIV‬. Imagine just how pleased God will be to hear you’re as concerned with the church asContinue reading “YHWH is the King of Kings & The Lord of Lords! 49 Bible Verses of God’s Promise to Graft You into His Kingdom”

When to Use Niacinamide or Alpha Hydroxy Acids as a Daily or Weekly Skincare Routine

I recently saw a post on X saying skincare brands are a all the same, and I just want to say to that person congratulations for your perfect skin! I’m honestly jealous because I have both oily and sensitive skin, so I can’t afford to use whatever I want. I’ve met countless people who justContinue reading “When to Use Niacinamide or Alpha Hydroxy Acids as a Daily or Weekly Skincare Routine”

Morning Reflections From Reading the Book of Numbers; The Wilderness exposes Your Heart’s Deceits

I have been feeling very uncomfortable these days! Everytime I read in Numbers and see just how often the Isrealites rebel, I mask my uncomfortable feelings with sarcasm and annoyance. Terrible I know, but the more the Isrealites rebelled the more I saw your heart’s deceits. How often does your heart question what God said,Continue reading “Morning Reflections From Reading the Book of Numbers; The Wilderness exposes Your Heart’s Deceits”