Warnings You should Remove While Praying Deuternomony 28 and For Crossing The Jordan

By Zethu Zwane

Do you know that Reuban lost his birthright as the first born son due to sexual sin? Then Ephraim also lost his inheritance from God because he loved idols. Not only did Ephraim love idols, but he also conspired with Israel’s enemies. You can see that these 2 lost their inheritance in Revelations, but let’s hop back to Judges and Deuteronomy 29.

Before I give a run down of these 2 provisions to receiving God’s blessing, let me explain it with my own experience. While waiting on God I met someone who came under the pretext of friendship. They claimed that I was living my life wrong for waiting on God. They told me; “come out and let me show you the right way to live your life.” 

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After sometime I became uncomfortable because they kept on emphasising that I need them more than God. They kept saying it’s good to pray, but you must go out and work hard. I explained countless times about my fasting, and that God had commanded me to stay home and blog. Not only did they ignore my beliefs, but their opinions got worse.

Keeping company that will lead you to sin

You see when you don’t quickly remove the root of disobedience from your life, it will lead to ruin. I’m sure you’re like many praying Deuteronomy 28, but you must also know the warning of Deuteronomy 29. This individual started saying Christianity is the worst religion, and they relented on it. I’m not sure why I stayed; definitely pride and loneliness.

Yet this individual started stealing little by little from my work and the little resources I had. Imagine when you have nothing and someone comes to steal the little you have. At the time God brought me into a season of lack to deepen my faith, but I was grieved by this person stealing. To make matters worse they turned my entire provision and said my blog is a curse on me, but it would be a blessing on them.

Again I don’t know why I stayed. Part of the reason is that I ice people out easily. I don’t trust people, so I convinced myself that I’m paranoid. I convinced myself this person should stay regardless of what they were saying. Listen when you keep such company, these kinds of people will destroy your reputation, destroy your business and steal from you.

Keeping destructive friends will destroy your reputation & business projects

Reason for this conclusion is because I witnessed it firsthand. This individual had a best friend whom they spoke ill of.  They never said anything good about this bestie, and sometimes they exposed their true feelings toward their best friend. This person used to say; “I stayed because the bestie gives me money; I’m just here for the money, good food and wine,” before continuing their speech.

Then it got worse. This individual knows how to influence people to give them their businesses. Yet when they walk among executive suppliers they would swear and cuss suppliers out in your name! I was so shocked watching this and I started to watch closely. They would walk among high ranking customers and say I’m here under bestie number 1. Let’s call this bestie Monica. Monica is this person’s first best friend. 

Yet when Monica gave her power over her business this person would cuss and swear at suppliers. This is a destruction of your business and reputation. As soon as this person took charge of your business, you’d see destruction and theft. Finally I realised this person is doing the same thing to me as they’re doing to Monica. When I first met Monica, she had a lot of animosity toward me. This is when my suspicions flared through the roof.

The moment I realised destructive friends love to spoil you like it’s an investment

My suspicions flared through the roof because I said no one hates you, unless someone is slandering your name. Trust me after being bullied too many times, you’ll realise crowds will take the word of a bully over your real character. This is why I reached out to this individual 2nd bestie. Let’s call her Chantel.

Eventually I called Chantel and everything came to light; this individual  will destroy your business, reputation, and they’ll steal from you. This all stems from envy, hate and greed. They’ve decided that they’ll steal from you so opposed to praying to the most High God. I know this because they’re not the first person I’ve met who steals. Remember my $78,000 loss? 

Certain people will come under the pretext of helping you. Yet when you don’t listen to the Holy spirit’s warnings, they’ll steal from you. I say this because everytime this individual left my present it was like I was Norman Oklahoma’s tornadoes. This was very unusual because in their presence I was fine, but shut the door and my whole body wanted to run.

Before you cross the Jordan, you must know people who are destructive to your God provision

The holy spirit will warn you in different ways. Now look at Judges. God knows that you’ll meet fake friends, but He wants to see whether you’re strong. Will you turn to Him and listen to His 1,000 warnings. Because trust me when I say spirit always flared up in adrenaline when I left their presence.

Sadly I’ve seen successful people get fooled by their friends and family. I eventually called these fake friends “drip poisons,” because they’ll invest up to $1,000 on you knowing they can destroy your business and reputation.

They don’t mind that you’ll give them power over your business. Infant giving any powers verifies what they say about you. When they slander you, they have more authority because the public will know that they run your business.

This is even worse than a Trojan horse! That’s because you didn’t stand your ground to protect your business, your reputation or your family. These people don’t just want influence over your business, but they’ll begin harming every possession you own. They’ll do all of this while smiling and spoiling you with clothes, drinks, food and vacations.

Destructive friends will invest you because they know they will steal more

They’re willing to spend $2,000 on you  knowing that they’ll either steal or you’ll give them $20,000. Their request for the $20,000 is always so subtle. Yet it’s always going to linger. The bible warns of such people because they come as sweet friends, but overnight they will slander your name.

This brings me to Deuteronomy 29. The bible warned the Isrealites to remove all people who follow false prophets, idols and dreamers from their lives. In Deuteronomy 13, God warned the Isrealites that if anyone says come let’s follow this idol,  this dream or prophet God was testing you. God was testing you to see whether you love God with all your heart and mind.

That’s because fearing God means questioning people who come into your life. This remains my biggest regret; I hate being exposed to such a person because I realised one thing. I have countless friends from different religions and cultures; yet why was this individual bent on discrediting God? Whenever I spoke about  my testimonies, they would disregard God and say; “No you did this,” which is rubbish.

Remove all roots of disobedience including friends and beliefs

It’s rubbish especially for someone like myself who’s been bullied and rejected. Usually people don’t favour me, so I know my success is because God’s hand is over my life. Yet how many of you keep such friends. I know for the longest time I keep friends like this individual. Remember that one friend who blamed me for her pregnancy?

People who Forsake God want everyone to endorse their beliefs, so that their suffering makes sense. Yet what they don’t realize is when you forsake God, you’re worshipping another idol. No one on this earth is capable of living without an idol. You’ll either worship money, success, your marriage and children or home. You see this when people switch cars just to outdo your car.

Nonetheless if you go read my blog on Deutronomony 13,  you’d see I experienced this copy-paste! I was so shocked after this these chapters because I learned that God will answer your prayers, but He must purge you of any and all idols. God wants to prepare you to follow Him with all your body, mind and spirit. That’s why He brings all these obstacles. 

God allows you to cross such people to give you wisdom, so don’t join them!

Reasons for this is because God wants to prepare you for this world. I’ve started to say that this Christian life is a life of discipline. It’s a disciplined life because you need a sound mind to confront these people. And I actually agree with God. I have a friend who a car technitian, and they’ve seen many people who give their cars to their best friend. Yet these best friends cut up the wiring in the cars, causing its total destruction.

What a wasted dream. You prayed for those car, but allowed your friend to destroy it. Out of loneliness, pride of whatever emotion you’ll keep destructive people thinking their toxic won’t touch you. This is where Deutronomony 29 says don’t think you can continue going your own way. Sometimes the issue we have is that we make ourselves too wise in our own eyes.

Whenever you don’t remove someone who’s showing destructive signs, you’ve made yourself too wise in your own eyes. Too often, I see this more among women. Women have found me strange when I quickly remove you from my life. Yet what they fail to understand is competitive women will remove you from God by causing you to enter into destructive competitions.

Why you shouldn’t make excuses for your competitive friends or beliefs

These friendships are based on out-doing someone with Lipstick makeup, clothes and career trophies. It never ends because it will even go down to the cars you have and the home you built. This is such a financial loss because you’ll loose your authentic taste to chase after petty competitions.

To make matters worse I’ve experienced these women and witnessed something devasting. These women pretend to be your friends, but they’ll harm your children. I saw this with the individual who refused to feed their bestfriend’s children. When I  asked why won’t you feed the toddlers, they replied; “the mother spoils them too much,” yet is that even sound logic? 

More so I visited my aunt who has a certain neighbor. They were all happy and sweet to each other, but I noticed the neighbor refused to speak to the children. It was so odd and uncomfortable to witness. When the children returned, I asked why didn’t neighbor greet you back. They children shrugged and replied;  “this neighbor doesn’t like us, and even stares blank in the face when we greet her.”

You’ll have plenty of moments to see these recipes of relationships & beliefs lead to ruin

Can you see what I’m painting here. There’s certain people God commands you to remove from you life before you receive Deuteronomy 28. Yet the more you go believing in your own ways, the more destructive they become. These people are not here for friendship, that’s why they’ll soon become your enemies. To your face they’ll smile and spoil you to $10,000 vacations. 

Yet to your children and family’s faces, they’ll starve your children. Since they can’t attack you, they’ll attack your business, borrowing money from you and never paying back. They’ll drive around with your car while slandering your name. Your car gives them credibility, and it’s such a shame. They’ll steal your stock and tell you that you’re too strict and you don’t know what you’re saying. Very soon all of these issue become a you problem. They’ll tell you that you’re self-conceited and selfish.

I promise you when I say this, but such people are as influential as dictators. For some reason they know how to speak to crowds making it easy to slander your name. They easily influence the crowd making it reasonable to steal from your family and business. Now turn to the Isrealites, I was reading something this morning that reminded me of this. 

Decide today whether you’ll keep any roots of wickedness in your life

In Judges it says that Manasseh didn’t drive out the people from the cities God gave them. Yet when you look at Deuteronomy 29, God says remove any root that will cause you to  follow idols and false prophets. What’s worse Ephraim didn’t even bother! And look in Revelations, they’re not counted among the elite 144,000.

Take this as a warning to you. God doesn’t punish people mindlessly, yet God warns you about such people before giving you your blessing. These curses are not mindful, but purposeful. That’s because you don’t know your heart like God knows your heart. 

What’s more,  an angel of the Lord came and reprimanded them for not removing fthis root of disobedience. As a result the Isrealites followed other idols and forsook God. Today you’ll celebrate having crossed the Jordan, but tomorrow you’ll be like Ephraim; destroying God’s people.

The reasons above means keeping such people in your life causes you to forsake God. Again I say you should take responsibility for your actions. I’m so aggrieved by this person because I regret my actions. I should have removed them the moment they started saying my business is a curse on me and a blessing on them. They suggested they have more wisdom than me, and would help me double my business.

Seeking God’s Devine intervention to enter your promises and provision

Yet this was not the hour or the time to enter into the Jordan. As a thriving woman, you’ll meet endless if not seas of “successful people,” who’ll tell you that you’re living your life wrong. If you’ve read my blog on the thriving woman, you’ll know that people want faith that is tangible and copy-paste. Yet faith is believing in the unseen.

Faith is also submitting to God’s Authority, so when He places you in a season of lack, God is deepening your reliance on Him. He’s purging you of these worldly beliefs that’ll weaken how far you’re willing to go with God. Stand your ground, and completely remove anyone who’ll ruin your relationship with God.

I’ll say it again; completely remove all people and social media that causes you to question God! Don’t rely on new age religious practices like affirmations or follow people who believe in false prophets. Instead stand your ground by learning the truth of the gospel. And always ask yourself what is leading these people. When you listen more than you follow, you’ll see these people have forsaken God.

Seperate yourself from these destructive relationships & beliefs today

Here’s the truth; we’re all subscribing to something. If you saw my thoughts on the Hittites documentary, the historians never mention God’s name. They say the Hittites just vanished. Ask yourself why; by declaring God’s name it means they’d be acknowledging God’s power and authority. If the historians acknowledged God’s power in the complete destruction of the Hitties, they’d have to admit that the Isrealites are God’s firstborn.

The Isrealites are God’s chosen; a sacred possession. Finally they would have to acknowledge that God has sovereignty over all the heavens and earth. Therefore it would also mean that God builds and God destroys those against Him. Know this; you’ll meet people who’ll come with sweet honey, but turn to poison. They don’t understand your relationship with God.

What’s more they don’t understand how to completely submit to God, so they’ll destroy your business, harm your family and steal from you. They’ll do this because they’ve told themselves; “you’ve received too much.” And yes you did receive too much. What’s the point of praying Deuteronomy 28 if you’ll allow a Human moth to come steal, kill and destroy. The audacity!

Stand your ground against all worldly beliefs and choose God today

This is why I’m calling you today to destroy all roots that will cause you sin and forsake God. It’s your individual action today thayt counts. It’s your individual action alone that will decide whether 10 generations live under the blessings of 28, or will you be like Judas and sell your inheritance for 30 pieces. Begin a life of Breakthroughs by living the full Christian life. 

Never settle for less than when God is the source of all overflowing provision. Seek to live completely under Jehovah Jireh’s portion by renewing your spirit every morning. Commit to fasting and  prayer, so God will expose any and all roots of wickedness that will bring harm to you. This is how you’ll live in Deuteronomy 28! Not only this but seek to be like Judah who God promoted to the firstborn on account of God’s Righteousness.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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