Support Leonard Cheshire Homes & Get This Raffle Ticket While Updating Your Health & Wellness Goals

By Zethu Zwane

So you’ve just seen that Ngwenya Experience is hosting its 12 annual MTB charity challenge trail on 6 July, and there’s a raffle for the Jimny Suzuki, and you want in! Well you’re in luck because I have a special link for you to particpate in the exciting day, but first more on what’s in today’s blog.

Ngwenya Experiences hosts several health and wellness charity fundraisers, and each of them unique, thrilling and dedicated to an uplifting cause. Although I’ve included healthy meal suggestions for those who want to run, you can still benefit today when you participate in the activities mentioned below.

That’s why inspired by giving back, I’ve also included an eating plan that will help you build a good enough base for any occasion. Nevertheless, this is no ordinary raffle ticket; it’s a community initiative by Ngwenya Experinces to collectively give back to Leonard Cheshire Homes that delivers rehabilitation for people living with disabilities. So take a break from the your everyday routine, and come run or enjoy a day bringing community, fitness and festivities together.

This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission. I only recommend products and services I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. Read the full privacy policy here.

Your participation is also greatly valued because all the net proceeds of every raffle ticket goes to improving and advancing services to persons with disabilities. See more of this in today’s blog. Even if you don’t run or attend, you’ll still enjoy getting healthy for a good cause! Use this blog as an inspo to getting you back into healthy eating starting with these pantry must-haves.

If you need to get back to getting healthy, add these meals below to your workout plan

Of course I don’t expect you to turn into Serena Williams or Abebe Bikila in these next minus 30 days, but this eating plan will help you jumpstart into a healthy body while enjoying a race for good. Even if you’re not ready to run the 7km division, your contribution to the event will support a collection mission.

Give back to a greater mission when you participate in the raffle. Not only this, you can also use this chance as a great refresher on how to prepare for any event occurring in less than 30 days. So use the tips here for your daily workout plan. And if you enjoyed these tips, make sure to read my blog on supplements that are valuable when you need to detox and tone up before an event.

Anyway if you’re already an avid runner, read more on the charity’s benefits below to see what the charity accomplishes. And Ngwenya Experiences hosts many  marathons, so add their events to your calendar and join a thriving community. Firstly, you know my love for Ngwenya comes from its wholesome food, but I’m also a health enthusiast, so this race is perfect for health or wellness enthusiasts. Then of course the meal prepping suggestions below are just suggestions.

A necessary disclaimer before adding these nutritional tips to your wellness journey

Click image to get your raffle ticket and stand a chance to win the Jimny Suzuki while supporting Leonard Cheshire Homes
Click image for more

Should you have any health complications such as diabetes or cholesterol then get a registered dietitian’s advice on what to eat. My suggestions come from my over 10 years of body building and my national swimming background. With that being said, here’s some vital information on why you’ll want to join Ngwenya Experinces’ raffle to win the Jimny Suzuki. Firstly it’s a charity event where every net contribution goes to Leonard Chesire Disability NGO. 

Empowering through fitness, walks and runs! That’s exactly what you’ll see when you visit the Leonard Cheshire Homes Eswatini Facebook page. Founded in 1986  Leonard Cheshire Homes Eswatini provides for both disabled children and adults. The NGO offers physical rehabilitation to the disenfranchised of Eswatini’s community.

About Leonard Cheshire Homes Eswatini and their amazing work

Leonard Cheshire Homes gives to hundreds of people comprehensive medical assistance, giving this raffle more meaning to empowerment. They also go beyond rehab by empowering all disabled persons, through job and service opportunities for disabled persons. For example they assist the government to distribute information on social and economic opportunities for disabled persons.

I’m sure you’ll know this can be a challenge for those in rural areas where funds and transport to rehab areas are limited. Yet this is why Leonard Cheshire Homes has so many fundraiser walks among other events. Today when you use my link to buy a raffle ticket all net proceeds will go to advancing and supporting individuals with physical disabilities.

Consequently, whether you choose to run or enjoy the day’s events, your participation in the raffle contributes to community elevation programs. Yes it’s a chance to win the 5-door Jimny Suzuki; still your purchase today is for a greater win. Finally you can find all Ngwenya Experiences upcoming events here to see how else they gives back. Add their events to your calendar. Then follow me on X, Black Couture’s Pinterest, and subscribe to my blog to find many more events promoting health and wellness initiatives!

Click image and use my code to get your raffle ticket today in support of Leonard Cheshire Homes
Click image and use my link to get your raffle ticket today

Make the most of the experience by updating your eating plan before the MTB challenge & trail run

Now you know you’re partipating in a good cause, making it the perfect timing to bring your love for fitness, health and community initiatives together. Here are some key nutrition options that will be valuable to your preparation. What you’ll find here is key foods to add or boost in your meal plan before the big race. Then this will be followed with what you should eliminate from your diet while you prep for the race.

One key reminder for those who want to detox and prep for this event is don’t change your diet. If you’ve been eating around 2,500 calories, don’t switch to 1,500 calories. Instead replace all high glycaemic carbs (High GI) with Low glycaemic carbs (Low GI). Reason for switching to healthier or low-GI carbs is because drastically reducing your calories will bloat you unnecessarily. That’s why these foods below are a great alternative to decreasing your caloric intake.

Another key aspect to remember is to maintain all macros such as protein and good fats in your diet. That’s because participating in a race without sufficient macros leads to either lethargy or will make you dizzy. This same principle when you wont run, but want to main a healthy life. Good fats are vital to your body’s immunity.

Some things you should also keep in mind is that Ngwenya’s highveld will surprise you. Around this time it’s slightly colder and the high altitudes means the air is slightly lower than Eswatini’s lowveld. As a result make sure to pack clothes that are majority polyester or nylon because they’re quick drying fabrics. This makes them sweat proof, and they’ll reduce your chances of getting cold from sweat.

How the raffle for the Jimny Suzuki works

Get your raffle ticket now when you click image and support Leonard Cheshire Homes
Visit Ngwenya Experience today

Now for the most exciting part of this entire raffle! And if you’re curious whether this is for a good cause, just take this winning for good as a sign! On the final days leading to the raffle 10 participants will be chosen to attend the physical draw at Ngwenya Experience. Now get this: each of the participants will be given a chance to select a pair of car keys to test whether it belongs to the Jimny Suzuki. 

Only one correct key is in the box of other keys, and if a particular person’s keys unlocks the car, the Jimny Suzuki is theirs! Wow this is more thrilling than when Nkoyeni had a bike sponsored for the hole-in-one win! And like that great competitive golf tournament, this opportunity brings fun, health and a good competition for a great cause.

Although one person wins the Jimny Suzuki,  your collective contribution is crucial to advancing rehab opportunities for disenfranchised people across Eswatini. Talk about a credible community cause. That’s why your participation is greatly valued whether it’s a personal win or enlarging another successful support to Leonard Cheshire Homes Eswatini.

Makin the most of this reminder to add these healthy foods into your wellness goals

Still 30 days before the race, boost all your carbohydrate to around  55% focusing on Low-GI carbs like the ones mentioned below. Keeping your caloric intake to what you’ve been eating so far will also help your body adjust to the new demands. Then a week before the event, you can up your carb intake to 70%, so that your body has enough food to maintain endurance on the run.

I love almonds and cashews, mostly because cashews have a slight ice-cream taste. In the end this is all about enjoyment while giving to a good cause, so why not make your own trail mix of almonds, dried bananas and cashews. If you drizzle a little honey, it will help keep your hunger pangs at bay. This is all while your body is toning up and preparing to run a race for good.  

Caution here is it’s also advisable not to strain yourself if you’re only training now. You wouldn’t want a sprained quad muscle for a race that’s meant for good, fun and challenging yourself. That being the case, here’s the first food to add to your groceries. Bananas; and I know fruits are so highly debated in the bodybuilding community, but bananas are valuable to your training and nutrition plan.


Enter raffle draw and stand a chance to win a Jimny Suzuki while supporting Leonard Cheshire Homes
Click image for more

That’s because bananas are rich in potassium, which has been found to improve endurance in runners who ate bananas before and after training. Consequently, whenever you eat bananas you’re replacing the potassium lost while running. An alternative to bananas is dried apricots, which you can find at the local health shop across Eswatini. 

I promise I won’t be naming just bodybuilding foods, but you have to admit that bananas and peanut butter are health enthusiast’s superfoods. That’s because they’ll replenish your body before and after training. Peanut butter is an easy-to-consume protein that you can grab on the go. When you turn it into a trail mix or eat together with apples it becomes just a healthy treat!

The foods you’ll find here are great add-ons to boost your body in preparation for the race. Yet don’t limit yourself to this list alone because as you’ll know in my supplement blog, I’m a big fan of wellness supplements. Mix and match any of these foods throughout the 21 days you’ve got to boosting your health goals for. And when you eat these foods listed here, you’ll also find that you have increased energy.

Your benefits are endless when it comes to eating for your body’s needs. That’s why this list is insightful for your overall wellness goals. Again when you buy your ticket using my link today, you’re entering into the raffle ticket for the Jimny Suzuki, and all net proceeds will go to Leonard Cheshire Homes.  However this blog is still an informative post to use for increasing your wellness life.

Peanut butter

Peanut has been known to regulate your blood-sugar control, which is what you’ll need for this race. That’s because your sugar stores won’t drop drastically after you eat these foods. Again bodybuilders, runners and swimmers love peanut butter because it supports your muscles with energy during intense workouts. Another reason to add peanut butter is your body can’t make manganese that’s found in peanut butter. Consequently,  it’s worth consuming because manganese will help you break down your carbs. 

Breaking down your carbs is vital for endurance races or long term training because it boosts your muscles ability to sustain you during training and in the race. It also boosts your bone health, which you know you stop naturally producing calcium after your 30s. That’s why training at a young age will signal your body to keep producing bone strengthening calcium. Then couple this with the foods here.


Apart from lentils below, this is the last bodybuilding inspired food that I’ve lived on to fuel my workouts. I got into running because I wanted to lengthen my legs, and I liked the idea of building muscle for endurance as opposed to aesthetics. Anyway oats are another pantry must-have. Oats are low GI carbs, which means they reduce sugar at a slower rate versus white bread. This makes them a powerhouse for your health goals because you’ll feel more energetic without the sudden energy drop.

Another reason to add oats to your diet apart from the race is they’re high in fiber. Women need about 25-30g of fiber per day while men need about 31-35g of fiber. Now if you follow my skincare tips, you’ll know that both zinc and selenium play a vital role to soothe skin. Yet in fitness, zinc also helps in healing wounds, allowing you to effectively repair your muscles during the tear and growth process. Then  selenium combats stressors to your body.

Yoghurt and cheese

Dairy foods for fitness like Cheese is a great post workout food. Especially string cheese, which you can pack with you to the gym, and it will help you avoid reaching for unhealthy snacks on your way back home. Both yoghurt and calcium are great building blocks for strong bones. Cheese is also high in phosphate that is known to increase your uptake of oxygen. It’s also the core contributor to your muscle contracting with tension.

The National Library of Medicine did a study on this and found that those who took phosphate before a 5 mile race experienced more oxygen uptake. Increased oxygen to your muscles means your muscles will contract without building up too much lactic acid, which can cause cramps. This makes for a great pre or post workout snack. You’ll also see benefits on the day of the race following these 21 days of fueling your body.


Surprised, well you shouldn’t be because water is the rivers of life! Quick fact a registered doctor advised our church not to drink water too quickly because it results in a loss of salts and other minerals. As a result, those bottles with the hourly reminders are actually insightful to your body’s salt and mineral regulations. Having enough water during and after your workout is like having sufficient engine oil for your car. It just does the job of hydrating your joints and muscles for the day.

Make sure to hydrate 2 hours before your training and have  500ml 2 hours before you race to ensure that you’re properly hydrated before the race. Similar to the salts you lose from drinking water too quickly, you can also lose water every hour from a walk or even participating during the event. That’s why if you’ll be attending with family and friends make sure to pack a cooler box of water and snacks to avoid dehydration and dizziness.  

Parsley and Cilantro

This is for someone who’s body is susceptible  to bloating or water retention. I love doing a 10km run on Saturdays and Sundays, but when I challenge myself to a 15-20 Km run, my legs always bloat up. That’s why parsley and cilantro will help regulate your body.  They support your body with detoxification, especially when consumed in the morning and in the evening before sleep. Taking small doses of the plant is also important because parsley can increase hunger.

That’s why to manage your parsley intake pour a hot glass of green tea, lemon and parsley in the mornings or afternoon. Hard metals also found in your body cling onto parsley, and that’s how they’re eliminated from your body. Overtime metal enters your body from food consumption like Oats that have zinc. However, running away from oats means a wrinkled face and low energy. That’s why I’m for drinking detoxing drinks in small quantities. Always couple your detox with a light stretch for increased results.

Sweet Potatoes

Are in season right now meaning you’ll get optimum results from this in-season vegetable. No sweet potatoes are the reason for carbs in your life. Could be a real fact, but it’s a true fact in my heart! It’s rich in vitamin B-6, which is also found in oats, bananas, fortified cereal, chicken and lentils. When eaten with folic-acid rich foods like broccoli or any green vegetables, it reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease. Since cardiovascular diseases are fast becoming the silent killers today, adding sweet potatoes to your diet has long term protection.

And it’s also my excuse for eating sweet potatoes every week. Period. Anyway sweet potatoes also contain vitamin-A, which you’ll know from carrots. Vitamin A rich foods are always a valuable source for health enthusiasts because it’ll strengthen your bones, which you need because your body stops naturally producing calcium after 30. Then vitamin A increases white blood cells, which means you have a stronger immunity. Strong immunity prevents illnesses and helps with faster recovery.

Beans & Lentils

I’m slightly biassed here because beans and lentils were my absolute favourite for bulking/ building muscle. Ladies don’t shy away from building muscle because you’ll see from my X account that you can still be curvy with a 6 pack. Anyway building muscles also plays a vital role as you age. For one it’ll strengthen your bone support preventing easy hip injuries or similar injuries from ageing. That’s why beans are another pantry must-have. 

Just a cautionary note, but some beans also inhibit the uptake of carbohydrates, so reduce your beans intake 2 weeks prior to the race. And it’s also why I loved having them in the evenings. They’re filling, and contribute to almost 50% of your daily fibre intake. Anyway beans contribute to your training due to their recommended protein levels, which helps with meeting your macros without the bad fats from meat LDL cholesterol. Instead include good fats or HDL and beans as a great post workout meal with avocados.


God was working His power when He created this powerhouse of a food! Absolutely love avocados and they’re in season! Avocados are great for hormone regulations, which is why they encourage pregnant women to eat them during and after pregnancies to help with weightloss. Then avocados are a runner or fitness enthusiasts dream because they’re also vital to hormone regulation. Any kind of training will lead to stress from your body, but the only stress you want is the one related to muscle growth hormones.

Consequently avocados are a must have this season because they’re filled with vitamin K. This is a fat-soluble vitamin, which improves and strengthens your bones, again making today’s blog a vital reminder for what to add back to your diet for long term results. Vitamin K is also vital to blood clotting, improving bone density, cell growth and your blood vessel walls. Essentially it’s the nutritional partner you need before and after your training. Especially as you sleep and your body repairs itself(muscle growth hormones inducer). Finally avocados are a yummy superfood that you can throw in salads, smoothies or eat by itself.


Easiest, inexpensive and most effective protein intake you’ll have per day. Eggs have 13 vitamins in each serving, which is why they’re an incredible protein source. One of the nutritional values is Omega-3 fatty acids is a type of polyunsaturated fat that’s good for your heart health. Fatty acids also help with cell regeneration, which you need for training and repairing and growing your muscle. Finally the fatty acids in eggs also contribute to healthy levels of HDL or good cholesterol levels.

Then another nutrient in eggs is Choline, which helps regulate your mood, brain function and muscle movement. These are some of the intricate benefits of a healthy diet because as you know rigorous exercise leads to stressors and lactic acid, and having eggs ensures adequate muscle recovery and growth. You achieve this with the choline in eggs that leads to increased cellular growth, and did I mention it’s also good for your brain. Add eggs to your morning or when you want a light meal in the evenings.

Green Tea

I had to end with the love of my life. Apart from coffee, green tea and chia seeds are a personal favourite to always have in the mornings. Since the rooibos green tea I drink is highly caffeinated, I take it with chia seeds in the mornings as a wellness double shot. It’s also a great energy fuel that doesn’t need sugar. It’s a potent antioxidant that can assist with eliminating bloat during your training. That’s because it’s got anti-inflammatory properties that help detox your body.

Then here’s a fan favourite for all health and wellness enthusiasts. Green tea is known to help reduce muscle damage following an intense workout, which is why it’s highly favoured. This makes it the perfect afternoon drink before an intense late afternoon early evening workout. Drink this while you’re strength training or  doing any bodyweight exercises that demand a lot from your muscles. Key Disclaimer, green tea inhibits the absorption or key nutrients, so always have it as your morning or afternoon pick-me-up.

Your participation is the collective win for the greater community and vulnerable

Although Ngwenya Experiences is not directly related to Ngwenya Glass due to its affiliation with many nonprofit and health initiatives, you still don’t want to miss out on this day. This wellness blog is inspired by Leonard Cheshire Homes’ charity to serve others, and especially disenfranchised people with disabilities. That’s why buying the raffle ticket today is in support of a good cause to ensure more people with disabilities are assisted.

Click any of the images and use my code today to purchase a raffle ticket of just E160 (USD 8.51) and enter the race for the Jimny Suzuki. Yes one person wins, and yes your collective participation is a greater win supporting Eswatini’s local non profit. Leonard Cheshire Homes will use your contributions to improve their service to individuals living with disabilities. And don’t forget to take these wellness tips included above because they’re still valuable whether you’ll participate on the day or cheer your friends and family.

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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