Morning  Bible Reflections on  2nd Kings Chapter 5: The Lord God will Judge All Mediums, Spiritists, Household Idols and More

By Zethu Zwane

My pastor always used to say that do everything in your strength, soul, spirit and heart to follow the Lord.  He encouraged us to follow the Lord’s commandments because my pastor said you never want God’s judgement to fall on you. And I’m inclined to agree with what my pastor said. That’s because God’s judgement doesn’t happen haphazardly.

Instead Elohim’s judgement is intentional and comes after deliberate attempts to turn you away from sin. What I’ve come to realise about people who follow false prophets and false teachings is that they don’t realise the errors of their ways. Can I share a couple and crucial examples? In my location it’s said that whenever you dream about someone cursing you, then you must count it as real. 

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After such a dream, you’ll hear about neighbours or coworkers attacking each other. However, what I’ve learned about those dreams is that sometimes when you dream about someone cursing you, it’s the principalities in your areas causing disunity and harm. This is one example about dreaming about someone cursing you.

Due to these dreams, I’ve learned from God that you should pray against those principalities. In your prayers make every means to establish that you’re not fighting against flesh and blood. Instead you pray in the Name of the Lord God Almighty to take captive all schemes of the enemy that’s using your dreams to sow discord and disunity in your workplace or community. Now using this issue let me elaborate more.

Using scripture against dreams is conforming that you’ll only accept dreams from God

Issue with such dreams is that people who mix remnants of ancestor worship or Animism, will take all dreams as reality. This means when  lthey receive this dream where they’re being attacked by someone, they search for that person to fight. This is against God’s kingdom because God says in all things consult Him before you act. However, how can you consult God while holding onto your ancestors’ beliefs?

I believe this aligns to what someone once said to me; people would bewitch each other; constantly destroying each other’s lives with witchcraft. That’s because they take those dreams as confirmation to attack the person. This is absolutely wrong. I’ll repeat again below, but what Animists are missing is that we don’t wage war against flesh but against the principalities in your location, in heaven and on earth. 

That’s why in my other blog I started writing about arming yourself with the full Armour of God. I’m confident that God knew His creation would end up waging wars against each other due to these ancestor practices. Yet God has acknowledged these principalities because they’re fallen angels who’ve joined Satan to war against God.

Since God is the interpreter of all dreams, submit your dreams to Him and let Him define them

Unfortunately now people are taking dreams as proof to wage war against people. I’ll share in another blog, but for the past 3 years I’ve dreamed about certain groups of people. And what I’ve learned from God is don’t make yourself wiser than God. Instead you must bring these dreams to God, who will reveal to you according to His authority and wisdom. However God reveals according to God will. I went through 3 years of similar dreams, and all to His glory.

Reason why I glorify God is because God predestined all our lives, so He has an answer for everything that plagues your mind. Whether you choose to submit to God or forsake Him for remnants of your cultural past,  God has authority over you and I. That being said, He holds all authority to reveal or hide the meaning of these dreams. It took me 3 years to learn the message behind those groups of people. And  for this 1st example, it wasn’t the people attacking me.

Instead it was the principalities and forces in this location that are against all children of God. As Christians, you can’t be a Spring chicken to this news! Scripture says the moment you submit your life to God and you appear to be making great strides, the devil will war against your situation, prayers and deliverance. Oppose this to ,  Animists and false worshippers. They’re by mislead by the very principalities that God has delivered you.

Satan will delay your breakthrough by sowing disunity in your family, community and workplace

Example no.1 shows why you can’t mix Christianity with remnants of former religions. You can’t mix Christinity with new age religions  and you can’t mix Christinity with astrology. For example karma is not Christianity because God forgives and forgets your past.  Anyway, the second example is when I dreamed about disunity among my family. Although Satan uses this moment to also tempt you, you must take captive of every deception in christ Jesus.

The 3rd time I dreamed about fighting with my loved ones, I prayed using the passage in Joseph’s story. The reason why I used Joseph’s  story is because I absolutely love Genesis 50:20. Yes Joseph’s family rejected, hurt and abandoned him , but verse 20 says what you intended for harm, God intended for good. Not only did God intend it for good, but God also used Joseph to help his family. 

When I immediately woke up the 3rd time, I prayed against these dreams using God’s word. Here’s the second area: Animists confuse God. They know scripture, but pursue their own deceptions. You canr submit to God while holding onto power. You only need God’s Holy power and authority to demolish all strongholds, chains and spirits of disunity.  Before this even happened, God led me to see there’s a spirit of deception interfering in this areas.

Why I used Proverbs 3:6-8 to move slow and wait on Gods revelations, power and wisdom

Take a look at just these 2 examples. What did I do? I took every dream captive and prayed using the Word of God. I firmly believe God’s Word is alive and breathing. I also believe the Word of God is a double edge sword. It has the power to demolish all lofty opinions. I believe when you submit everything to God in prayer you’ll resist the enemy, and he will flee.

God’s Word holds all authority to demolish all snares and schemes of the enemy. Luckily I was also fasting and praying because it took a few months of praying and fasting. So just like God’s Word, I went into fasting and prayer and all glory to God because He delivered me again. God also revealed to me that satan will go after your family when you’ve resisted him in all ways. This is why you must pray for your family, neighbours, community and church.

Disunity in the family is a last minute effort by the enemy to delay your deliverance. That’s because where the enemy creates friction, there’s unforgiveness.  And we know unforgiveness breeds fights and vengeance. People who follow false religions will believe that a bad dream about a family member is confirmation to fight. So what happens in the homesteads; people will poison their family members just to get the land. 

Don’t think you’re wiser than God, instead protect yourself from the devil by seeking Him

As a child of God you must stand against all schemes of the enemy, and one way to do this is to seek God in all you do. No matter how many dreams you have, always seek God’s counsel. God is the interpreter of dreams, and seeking Him will save your family from being fractured by the enemy. I was reminded about this because a church member reminded us that where there’s deliverance, there’s friction.

She called this friction destiny destroyers. She said the enemy will intentionally send attacks on the very people you’re supposed to help. Can I testify to what she said? When God first called me to some freelance place, I struggled with my calling because I was spat on, ridiculed,and  belittled. This continued all the way until God delivered the $2,000. Many times you want to fight the flesh, but this is against God’s kingdom.

One last example is now when you directly fight the principalities and demonic attacks sent by someone. While building my business, God showed me that people will hate you due to the darkness within them. Reasons being people who are unsaved are still ensnared by the devil. In my country and church they say that these people hate you because they’re led by a wicked spirit. 

When you obey scripture you’ll be protected from people using dark magic

They’re influenced by demonic oppression, which leads them to Cain-like behaviour. I’m also inclined to agree with these church members because of a recent event. There’s someone I always meet, and whenever I meet them, I realise that there’s an increased presence of the Holy Spirit. I prayed to confirm the presence of the Holy Spirit, until the Holy spirit confirmed its presence. Following a year of crossing this person, I learned this person hates me for my accent.

Not only does this person hate me for my accent, but they’re known for using dark magic. I want to glorify God for this moment because I wasn’t told about this person by some stranger, their wife confirmed the depths of this person’s actions. Now when God opens a way for you to realise you’re in the presence of such a wicked person, keep praying. Did you forget that it was the Holy spirit who protected you those 12 months before you heard the wife confirming the husband’s actions?

Again as a child of God, no matter how many times they’ve attacked you, you fight this battle by going to God. God must judge all of us, so that God will completely wipe out and demolish all principalities working through this person. My issue with people following false teachers and Animists is that they’ll hear about this person or receive confirmation about this person, and they’ll attack them.

Obedience to God’s Word alone leads to landslide testimonies

Do you know that when my $2,000 was stolen, I won the case over by getting on my knees to pray. Each night after the hearing, I got on my knees and prayed. Like Nehemiah, I went to the throne of God, and told Him verbatim what was said about my case. Although God was with me during those proceedings, I repeated what the liar said. I then coupled what the liar said with what God’s word says. God must be there to judge, and if I had lost the case, it would mean I was in the wrong. 

Moreover, I had authority in this case because God warned me 6 months ago that this would happen. God used terms like be strong and courageous in Him. And He prepped me by placing me against adverse opposition. Likewise when God is preparing you  He will put you through adverse opposition, so you witness with your own eyes God’s power and authority. 

Not only did God warn me, but the enemy sent other $2,000 opportunities to try to demotivate me from fighting for the one God sent. In previous blogs, I said these moments expose your idols and desires. If the devil didn’t attack your weak points, you wouldn’t know what to surrender and submit to God.

This is how you win back where the devil previously attacked you.  Unfortunately people who follow false religions or mix God and ancestor worship think that they’re personally charged with fighting the physical person.

Standing on God’s Word through prayer and fasting is how you’ll win many seen and unseen battles

This is both futile and destructive. Look at how I conquered the man using dark magic. I didn’t!  I surrendered to God in prayer. I also thanked God for protecting me from known and unknown harm. That’s what you must do every time the Spirit leads you. Out of nowhere and whenever I’d meet that man,  the holy spirit started surrounding me. This is experiencing God’s full authority; it’s acknowledging that God has full authority and power over this person.

Contrast this to false worshippers who mix everything under the sun. They’ll go attacking this person. They don’t realise this person comes with certain powers that you’re not aware of. Not only this, but remember in my blog on affirmations, I shared with you that such false worshippers will go to every ancestor healer to punish this person. However they’re only entangled themselves in demonic oppression. All of the above is why God says mediums or spiritists are an abomination. 

Now I needed to set the scene for you before I go over 2nd Kings  Chapter 23. I believe God was doing a summary of all the detestable things people did. However I’m troubled because even in my young age, I’ve witnessed  ill-intended people who use dark magic to harm you. In my young age, I’ve seen how people mix ancestor worship with Christianity to make a case for their hatred. There’s something about desperation, the need for provision that causes people to lose hope and faith.

Although many have fallen to falsehoods, God must still judge for these reasons

To be fair to God, these reflections of desperation only show the fall of man. That’s because God has shown many people His Mighty Power. My location is not like a secular country that has forbidden the mention of Jesus Christ; everyone knows Jesus Christ. I remember I was so conflicted by someone false worshipping, that the Holy Spirit said everyone knows the name Jesus Christ! And that’s a fact!

In Matthew’s, Luke and Mark, even demons know Jesus Christ. They hated it when The Son of Man approached a spiritually oppressed person. This is why in my second example I said I had to fast and pray for God’s deliverance because there’s certain things you’ll face that require spiritual fasting. Now oppose this to false believers who say God’s deliverance is due to their power. Like the devil, people who follow false teachers want to be placed on a pedestal. 

Who’ll worship and glorify God when you’re busy using Him as a nonchalant symbol. In another blog I said people thought that by bringing the Arch of the Covenant to war then God was with them. It took 3 losses for the Isrealites to see that God had turned from them. Similarly, many false believers are holding onto the symbolic name of Jesus Christ. Although this is wrong, it still pains me to see people who are in a great need, but refuse to submit to the one true Living YHWH.

It troubles me to watch people spiritual starve themselves , but this is also why God’s anger must burn

Above all else watching people become unforgiving, corrupt, malicious and combative has grieved me the most. If you ever need confirmation on God’s spiritual transformation, compare a Christian who submitted only to God vs a Christian who prays to God and other religions. The one who mixes other religions lacks peace. In fact their peace is fragile and they have no light. Not only this, I’ve also witnessed that they’ll keep offering to their lifeless idols out of anxiety and desperation.

Remember I said in the beginning that false believers will take a bad dream as confirmation to fight someone. That’s why when the dreams get worse, they become obsessed by constantly offering sacrifices to their false idols. This makes me the most sad because it’s almost like watching someone spiritually starve themselves to death. By constantly reaching out to these lifeless idols, their hunger increases.

And as their hunger increases, they become more angry, more desperate, more combative, more unforgiving, and more hateful. They’re not realising that this lifeless idol can’t answer, but the enemy seeing the results of broken families and communities continues to send delusions and deceptions. Out of everything I’ve watched,  I’m the most troubled about witnessing this.

Walking in obedience to scripture and scripture will open your eyes to the following

You don’t have to be special to witness what I’ve witnessed; you just need to submit your life to God. All you need to walk in obedience to the truth of the gospel. What’s more, don’t turn to the left or the right where new age religions are found. To make your stand firm in the Lord, keep reading the bible and praying. I hope you’ll experience the Wilderness season like I did because you’ll actually witness that there’s so much to pray about.

Whenever you experience the wilderness, you’ll see just how much you need to pray. God is faithful to expose the attacks of the enemy, so go to Him in prayer. Know this; you’ll win every battle when you’re on your knees praying. No matter how many dreams, or attacks you face, submit everything to God with all your heart.

Submit to God with all your spirit and with all your strength. Whenever you combine these submissions, you’ll learn how to identify false believers. They think that they’re Christian like you, but they’re not. They’re like a deer caught in a snare.

Doing as your please leads to abomination and God’s judgement

Let’s take a step away from this for a moments. That’s because I’ve been writing about these warnings this entire year, but the Holy Spirit has been pressing me to go over God’s anger. Now that I’m more mature in Christ Jesus, I understand wholeheartedly why God calls you to grieve for those who are following false practices. Reasons are that they started like that 1 random man in the Book of Judges who hired a priest.

I’m always stunned by God’s one liners. When God described this man’s actions, God said this man hired a priest when God’s temple was in Shiloh. Just 1 line to correct a swarm of sins found in Judges. That means this man added to God’s commands. That also means that this man was doing as he pleases. If you continue following my blogs you’ll see this picture expanding from 1 person’s sin to an entire community’s sin. 

Specific moment like this was seen in my blog on Judges. In the book of Judges I said when 1 person chooses to do as he pleases and it leads to a sin. That’s because God is against all deviations from scripture. Reason being only God has predestined your life and knows when 1 small sin will collide into other egregious actions.

How doing as you please leads to a nation’s sin again warranting God’s judgement

To add to the above is these small sins that come together cause a ripple effect. This ripple effect leads to what God calls admonitions. I’m not a fan of Judges because I believe it’s worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, but you can read more here. Still it’s essential for all Christians to confront all roots of evil by reading all scripture.

That’s why I’ll read Judges because it also taught me that sin is sin, and all must be purged from your life. When you continue reading my morning Bible reading on Judges, I say that these sins make entire communities sin. Once entire communities sin, entire nations sin.

Mounting moments like this lead to God’s judgement. This is why Christians can’t pick and choose what you’ll read. This is the core warning behind choosing to do as you please. This is also why I needed to describe what I’ve seen. I needed to share with you what happens in my community. These are people’s beliefs vs God’s commands, and too often people will take society’s beliefs and turn them into God’s commands. This is how community sins take place. 

How doing as you please opens opportunities for flash teachers, and unholy sacrifices

You’ll hear people saying that whenever you have a bad dream about a certain neighbour for more than 3 months, just go to this prophet and this prophet to be saved. Once you meet this prophet, this prophet will tell you about wake up at 3a.m. every day and wash with pest spray and this soap they’ve made. What’s sad about this practice is that they’ll use stories like when Elisha told Naaman to go wash in the Jordan. 

The above reasons is what distorts God’s commandments. That’s because people who don’t seek God with all their heart and strength will believe any prophet’s word above God’s commands. Don’t you think that this is how the Isrealites ended up offering their chariots to the sun god? Don’t you think this how people started sacrificing their children?

People don’t accidently sacrifice their children. They’re misled because they didn’t remove all roots of wickedness from their lives. In the Bible this is quickly seen as Judah accomplishes this first, but soon after the other times fail to remove all people that God instructed them to remove.

And you can confirm God’s judgement yourself when you read from Exodus to 2nd Kings.  In those chapters you see how it went from 1 or 4 peoplez rebellion because they didn’t want to follow Moses. Eventually it’s an entire nation sinning because 1 leader led them to sin. On more this emhasizes why God must judge. That’s because in the 2nd Kings, the Bible says God’s anger burned against them because they couldn’t remove all detestable practices from the people they conquered.

Regardless of whether you agree, God is Holy, so His judgemnt is holy

Consequently when you read all the above statements, don’t you think God’s judgemnt is justified? And don’t look down upon my area just because of those who openly practices dark magic. Each location has its own principality. For example, I was watching a documentary on a certain country’s economic depression, and I couldn’t help but see the consequences of worshipping money. They’d fallen trap to the credit narrative, which led to millions on the street. 

While watching the documentary I noticed that people spent money like water. The documentary described them in a frenzy that made them appear mesmerised by spending.  And in a reckless way, these same communities ended up in devastating ruin. Take a moment for yourself and go back in history. Oftentimes the calamities you see on a larger scale is because people don’t want to submit to God.

Yet there’s arrogant people denying God’s authority and power. That’s why we owe it to ourselves to be honest. How often do you forsake God to do as you please? How often does your community forsake God to do as it pleases. Then how often does your nation forsake God to do as it pleases. In all you’ve read, know that God’s judgement is holy and righteous. That’s because God was slow to anger. He also sent countless warnings like I mentioned above, so His judgement is holy.

Whether you submit your life to God, He will judge in the same way He showers you with grace

Everyone,  no matter your location will pay the price for following lifeless idols that can neither speak or hear. And you see this when people remain ensnared in a cycle of unforgiveness, fighting, vengeance and anger. This really is the spirit of Cain, and it’s exactly what God must judge, purge and demolish from each of our communities. In your own individual life God will judge, purge and demolish all idols and desires. That’s before He judges entire nations.

Presently this chapter is where the Holy Spirit has led me; that God’s anger was burning toward those communities that allowed mediums, spiritists by household idols. Yet what I do know is that God’s judgement is justified. His judgement is purposeful and it’s to save you. I can testify that I was warned for 2 years about affirmations before I continued doing as I please.

Following those years, I went through 3 years of very terrible spiritual attacks. Some of you are so ensnared by the enemy that you can’t see God’s warnings. Moreover, some of you are like King Ahab in that you hate  Christians who try warning you against mixing religions. Not only this but when Christains warn people not to mix any practice, those believers are told that they have a Messiah complex.

Finally God also judges after many have killed and turned against His helpers and laborers

Shunned, spat on and trampled; this is how God’s people are treated for calling out false religions and false teachers. It’s all these above reasons why I believe there comes a time for God’s judgement. Like I’ve said previously that I’ve seen God judge individuals and groups, and each time those people had over 10 to 20 years of warnings.

Never mistaken the power of the Lord God Almighty. He is the Creator of heaven and earth, and since He holds all dominion, it means that He judges Righteously. He doesn’t have favourites, and He’s not limited or with blemish. He’s the Most Holy of Holy; the Most High God. What I can say is that if your pastor keeps warning you about mixing remnants of your past, keep praying that God will reprimand those people as a way to save them.

I believe this prayer is fair because everytime God reprimanded me, it saved me from sin. I mean take this weekend; I didn’t know what a spiritist is, but through deliberate fasting and prayer, God saved me from a snare. This is the life we want for all people; that they would submit to God with all their heart and strength, so they they can resist the devil. That’s why we should continue praying that God reprimnd false believers, but save them from His wrath.

Once more if you’d like to catch up on my recent season on obedience, read the following blogs! And in all you do remember that God is faithful. He’s looking for people who’ll quickly turn and repent. God is after your heart and in turn is looking for people who’ll stick to the truth of the gospel. He’s a loving God and all His judgments are to save you from death, so you live in His glory and light.

Live a Life of Breakthroughs 

‭In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. [7] Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. [8] This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:6-8 NIV‬

Published by BlkCouture_Health+Wellness

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.

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