God’s Command to Live a Life of Obedience: In All Your Ways Submit To Him & He Will Make Your Path Straight

By Zethu Zwane Firstly, I want to praise God for all He’s done for me. I want to thank YHWH for the deep waters He’s led me through. Praise YHWH for His faithfulness and trust because He trusted me to graduate from His discipline. I love the Lord Like a circle (part 1).  I alsoContinue reading “God’s Command to Live a Life of Obedience: In All Your Ways Submit To Him & He Will Make Your Path Straight”

Morning  Bible Reflections on  2nd Kings Chapter 5: The Lord God will Judge All Mediums, Spiritists, Household Idols and More

By Zethu Zwane My pastor always used to say that do everything in your strength, soul, spirit and heart to follow the Lord.  He encouraged us to follow the Lord’s commandments because my pastor said you never want God’s judgement to fall on you. And I’m inclined to agree with what my pastor said. That’sContinue reading “Morning  Bible Reflections on  2nd Kings Chapter 5: The Lord God will Judge All Mediums, Spiritists, Household Idols and More”

Morning  Bible Reflections on 2nd Kings Chapter 5: But May The Lord Forgive Your  Servant For This One Thing

By Zethu Zwane Firstly I just want to thank The Lord God Almighty for His Name that’s above all names. Before I begin I just want to share with you a great testimony. I also hope that it will be a great comfort for anyone who’s in my position, and fear God more than humanContinue reading “Morning  Bible Reflections on 2nd Kings Chapter 5: But May The Lord Forgive Your  Servant For This One Thing”

Evening Reflections On 1st Kings Chapter 13: Fear And Obedience To The Lord is Far Greater Than A Second Man’s Word

By Zethu Zwane This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission. I only recommend products and services I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. Read the full privacy policy here. This time I’m sharing with you my evening Bible readingContinue reading “Evening Reflections On 1st Kings Chapter 13: Fear And Obedience To The Lord is Far Greater Than A Second Man’s Word”

A Heartfelt letter to the Christian Who’s Boxing Themselves in After a Series of Harships; Come to the Body of Christ

By Zethu Zwane Do any of you have a dog that you love so much and know so well that when it misbehaves, you can tell by its behaviour? Well that’s how I’m feeling right now. And not in a  bad way, but I sort of feel like my last puppy when it’s wriggling it’sContinue reading “A Heartfelt letter to the Christian Who’s Boxing Themselves in After a Series of Harships; Come to the Body of Christ”

What Women Wear To A Bi-Weekly Executive’s Golf Event

By Zethu Zwane Fun fact: my former team and I closed 4 deals at a golf tournament and created several other relationships. That’s why while writing the workwear series, I realized there’s so many events you’ll most likely attend that need a different attire. That’s why instead of leaving you with 2 outfits for aContinue reading “What Women Wear To A Bi-Weekly Executive’s Golf Event”

The Most Divine Signature Spring & Summer Lipstick Shades Every Woman Should have in Her Beauty Bag

By Zethu Zwane If you live in Cape Town, Spring and Summers are reserved for 11p.m. sunsets, good conversations, food and wine. Then if you live in Croatia, summers are filled with breathtaking skies and crystal blue waters. If you haven’t already, Spring and Fall is a beautiful reminder to shake off the old andContinue reading “The Most Divine Signature Spring & Summer Lipstick Shades Every Woman Should have in Her Beauty Bag”

Never Internalise it When Your Friends Leave You For Earthly Possessions 

By Zethu Zwane Your friendship groups matter more than you know. That’s why when I wrote 50 life lessons on Friendship, I had to make several follow-up series on it because so much was needed to be said. And today there’s something important for you to remember. I was talking to someone recently, and theyContinue reading “Never Internalise it When Your Friends Leave You For Earthly Possessions “

Reflections From 1st Samuel Chapter 30; Your Small Acts of Submission Matter to God While You Wait

By Zethu Zwane David is such an amazing character in the Bible and someone you can draw inspiration. That’s because there are several things that separate him from Saul’s actions. David’s actions mirror what God seeks in you, and there’s power in learning how to do the same. God seeks you to love Him withContinue reading “Reflections From 1st Samuel Chapter 30; Your Small Acts of Submission Matter to God While You Wait”

Unsubscribe from Broken Beliefs and Fallsehoods that Forsake God, and Cling to The Truth of The Gospel

By Zethu Zwane Since you know that we all subscribe to something, my hope from my recent blog posts on “My thoughts lately,” or “ What is self will,” and bible reflections. This continues in Judges to show you the harm that comes from doing as you please. Like myself, you have no way ofContinue reading “Unsubscribe from Broken Beliefs and Fallsehoods that Forsake God, and Cling to The Truth of The Gospel”