Growth Discovery

Step into a life of Breakthroughs with Black Couture Health & Wellness. That’s the enriched life black Couture will take you on, motivating you to live your purpose boldy. Everyone has a unique gift, and we will to help you harness it no matter the season. Our articles, emails and social media are curated to empower your best. We also stand for growth opportunities. Uncover growth opportunities in your failure, success, loss or joy.

Every Possible Breakthrough begins with Knowing Christ

Life is just Growthbbe! And Breakthroughs are not a 1 day event; it’s a lifetime of growth opportunities building your inner Godfindence till you’re a High caliber Female Titan. Explore our top articles preparing you for a thriving and flourishing life below.

Finding Yahweh in Healing spaces,

Firstly, your mind is only what you feed it, and relearning Christ’s Character no matter the season is crucial to releasing all emotional baggage. Use our uniquely God perspective to renew your mind. Strategic rest is also part of a mind, spirit & body life reset. This is your most valuable lifestyle choice, so add it to your quarterly goals. It’ll will propel you through every possible success, protection and love you need found in El Shaddai, The Lord God Almighty . Take your first step now.

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Even the Best have emotional baggage to surrender

The head of every generationally strong woman is YAHWEH. Your Most valuable action right now is unpacking your past. It’s undressing your weaknesses and surrendering them to Jesus Christ. An established high caliber woman knows honoring Yahweh is first step to conquering life confidently. Heal from your past, so you build deeper experiences to your purpose. Heal from clutter. Continue here.

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Photo by Antonio Dillard on

It’s been a series of summers leading to this free course right here! I created this free course to help you jump start your personal growth and discovery, so that you don’t just wear lipstick and makeup to fake being okay; Sign up now to fully opening your path to healing.

Normalize Healing as Your Superpower to growth

Joining black Couture’s email tribe means you receive exclusive insider tips to an enhanced lifestyle. Following Godly principles to thrive, succeed, heal and grow; find it all today on Black Couture

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Women of Valor value strategic Rest days

Start with small habits that will clean up bad narratives around your body image, your naked truth and self worth; remember you’re a woman of valor, so I encourage you to goal set like her. For more read here

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Thriving in your authentic identity

Prepare yourself that change will be a process and there’s an emotional cost to change. No matter if it’s a season in the valley or you’re reaching your peak success, always celebrate your growth. Seeking Yahweh when evaluating your relationships is part of leading a breakthrough generational life. Empower your journey with active rest and live for yourself.

Hip Dips, Pears, Apples… How I WISH we could see those

Join my healing-conscious mailing group for freebies, free courses on health n that good dose of Godfidence!

This is where we celebrate “dimples on your hips,” come together;

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Growth & Personal Discovery

Your journey will help you seperate the good, the ugly and the ride-or-die Friends in your life.

It’s so true that your friends influence your life’s journey. Don’t allow social norms lead to codependency thay will derail your path. And learn how to identity bad friends who worsen your confidence levels. Emotional boundaries are your strength, and asserting them begins here with Black Couture’s monthly email tips.

To Better emotional Boundaries

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Not your average Podcast


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