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Apricot Summers Birthday Campaign

Nothing feels as good as hosting a giveaway party filled with endless wellness tips, food printables to place on your fridge, body positive journals and much more.

So come and celebrate with me life. Take a break for the month of May, with some self-care journals that will help you press the reset button in the midst of your life chapter. I know many of my exclusive tribe feel like they could take a break due to perceived stress and pressure.

Pressure coming from wanting to take back what is yours, and you can but we doing it a lil differently. If you’re new here, my journals focus on a lot of emotions because they play the biggest role in your goals. If you’re impatient and setting on a new goal of opening up a business in the middle of an economy, know your emotions will influence level 7-10 severe anxiety. Every journal is self-lead and I’m available via email to assist all my tribe members. Today you get these strategic journals free along with affordable meal prepping that will leave you feeling like you ate like a queen

Join my Tribe of Healing Women if you’d like to receive more than Free Journals and Videos this month!

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Everything here is all about why you should join my group

Made froWite about all the reseans to join my group.


Having thus seen how ceramic productions illustrate the art ideas of all nations, having touched upon the influence of pottery upon art in general, and having glanced at its present aims and possible accomplishments, it will not be forgotten, after what has just been said, that the combination of the useful and the beautiful is the great charm of the ceramic art, making between them a new beauty which finds its best place in the household.

Having thus seen how ceramic productions illustrate the art ideas of all nations, having touched upon the influence of pottery upon art in general, and having glanced at its present aims and possible accomplishments, it will not be forgotten, after what has just been said, that the combination of the useful and the beautiful is the great charm of the ceramic art, making between them a new beauty which finds its best place in the household.

Eat Dessert First is for sharing my favorites with you.


5am, the Beach

As long as I was on the path I walked hard, but when I came to the black beach I had to run. For the tide was now nearly flowed; and to get through with my powder dry between the surf and the steep hill, took all the quickness I possessed. As it was, even, the wash caught me to the knees, and I came near falling on a stone. All this time the hurry I was in, and the free air and smell of the sea, kept my spirits lively; but when I was once in the bush and began to climb the path I took it easier.

The fearsomeness of the wood had been a good bit rubbed off for me by Master Case’s banjo-strings and graven images, yet I thought it was a dreary walk, and guessed, when the disciples went up there, they must be badly scared. The light of the lantern, striking among all these trunks and forked branches and twisted rope-ends of lianas, made the whole place, or all that you could see of it, a kind of a puzzle of turning shadows. They came to meet you, solid and quick like giants, and then span off and vanished; they hove up over your head like clubs, and flew away into the night like birds. The floor of the bush glimmered with dead wood, the way the match-box used to shine after you had struck a lucifer. Big, cold drops fell on me from the branches overhead like sweat. There was no wind to mention; only a little icy breath of a land-breeze that stirred nothing; and the harps were silent.

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Our early autumn collection is here.