It’s Good Friday! And 49 Bible Verses on God’s Promise to Rescue you from Bondage

The more you know God, submit your life to him and relinquish your self will, the more God will free you from bondage of earthly possessions. I really enjoyed Numbers 15:39 that says God had brought the Isrealites into the wilderness to break them free from their lusts of their hearts and idols. Infant GodContinue reading “It’s Good Friday! And 49 Bible Verses on God’s Promise to Rescue you from Bondage”

Happy Good Friday To Celebrate Here’s 49 Bible Verses on God will Bring You Out

Praise He has the victory! God has made 4 primises before Jesus died on the cross for you. First He would bring you out of bandage, and thatIf you know the song you’ll know it’s celebrating that Jesus died on the cross when rose up again in 3 days. One of the many promises GodContinue reading “Happy Good Friday To Celebrate Here’s 49 Bible Verses on God will Bring You Out”

My Fourth Love Letter to God; Thank You for this Season of Joy

By Zethu Zwane Thank You Lord God Almighty for this Joyful Season! I’ve lived with depression and anxiety for years. They were unwanted roommates. You taught me Your strength is made perfect in weakness. That’s how I learned to persever in bullying and rejection. I found laughter in the midst oppression and mistreatment. Then IContinue reading “My Fourth Love Letter to God; Thank You for this Season of Joy”

My third Love Letter to God; Thanking You for Growing My Faith

By Zethu Zwane Thank You Lord God for saying no to what I thought I could Handle. I’ve learned in this season God’s ways are not your ways. Yahweh’s thoughts are not your thoughts. And you’ll need to go through deep waters to grow to build character. Your purpose requires you to increase and strengthenContinue reading “My third Love Letter to God; Thanking You for Growing My Faith”

My Second Love letter to God thanking Him for Making me Wait, why I want to Defend His name against Pharisees

By Zethu Zwane I’ve seen people who rely on men on chariots more than God. Before I continue praising God for the Love and provision He’s given me, I want I take a moment to talk about people who are like the Pharisees. In my quest to defend God, I want to motivate you thatContinue reading “My Second Love letter to God thanking Him for Making me Wait, why I want to Defend His name against Pharisees”