49 Bible Verses on Forgiveness and why they’ll help you live a life of Breakthroughs

By Zethu Zwane Life lesson 1: Forgiveness frees you from strongholds to break generational chains Biggest life lesson you’ll gain from forgiving is the Lord will free you from strongholds. Yahweh will free you from the yoke of oppression. In the beginning I used to ask myself why should I forgive until I learned theContinue reading “49 Bible Verses on Forgiveness and why they’ll help you live a life of Breakthroughs”

Top Life Lessons on why Battling Life Alone Creates Self-Serving Communities and Bad Encounters

By Zethu Zwane I believe I can speak about this topic because I’ve been there. I can count myself as someone who’s battled life alone versus letting go and seeing God’s glory. When God withheld certain answered prayers, I learned it’s because the posture of my heart was self-serving. That realization was a hard pillContinue reading “Top Life Lessons on why Battling Life Alone Creates Self-Serving Communities and Bad Encounters”

Unforgiveness; It’s Holding a deadly Poison while guarding yourself with the enemy’s spear

By Zethu Zwane As an adult, there’s some things you’ll never repeat. You’ll have to place them in a mental capsule, and throw them far from your conscious. You’ll have to throw them deep, so that they’re far away from  your thoughts. Your old self will have to die with them while you’re pursuing aContinue reading “Unforgiveness; It’s Holding a deadly Poison while guarding yourself with the enemy’s spear”

An Apology Letter to all Those who experienced Christian Bullies, oppressors and wickedness

God did not make any of us puppets, meaning that your self will and actions including bullies and oppressing is just that; the actions of people. God is Holy Love and here’s why.

Why Should I forgive?

By Zethu Zwane This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something from one of the links, you won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission. I only suggest on products or items I would use. Let me be the first to say I struggled and even hated this topic! That’sContinue reading “Why Should I forgive?”

Best 9+ Tips to do when You’re Surrounded by Unforgiving People

By Zethu Zwane This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. I only recommend products and services I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. Read the full privacy policy here. Similar to family, you can’t always choose who youContinue reading “Best 9+ Tips to do when You’re Surrounded by Unforgiving People”