List of Bible Verses as God the Mighty Warrior and Victorious King

By Zethu Zwane These are great bible verses about God as a Mighty Warrior. Use these and more in your Bible when you need to pray battle prayers to overcome spiritual warfare, adversity, trials and hard hardships. They’re a reminder God has already won the battle and as the Alpha and Omega, God knows everythingContinue reading “List of Bible Verses as God the Mighty Warrior and Victorious King”

When You need to Hide in God’s Holy Wings

By Zethu Zwane Life is not perfect. You’ll be walking in your victory season and suffer grief the next breath. Or you’re still I yor waiting season and you’re filled with questions. This is why rest is so vital to your restoration. God is powerul; a Supreme Ruler who knows that rest of the keyContinue reading “When You need to Hide in God’s Holy Wings”