How to do a Christian Home Retreat; a Comforting Routine for the Defeated Christian

“Lord I hate my life. I hate this passage. Lord I hate myself, I hate this situation, but please forgive for not coming to You with these feelings,” is a prayer I said in church while the pastor preached about my situation. I needed that sermon because I allowed the devil to have a footingContinue reading “How to do a Christian Home Retreat; a Comforting Routine for the Defeated Christian”

Top Important & Comforting Words For The Christian Who’s Feeling Defeated

Have you ever been here; you’re drained, you’re weary, and you feel defeated. So many Christians will have such a season where they thought God was finally taking them out of a waiting season only to realise they were in a passage. Some of you will feel like Abraham; constantly moving to a destination youContinue reading “Top Important & Comforting Words For The Christian Who’s Feeling Defeated”