Morning  Bible Reflections on  2nd Kings Chapter 5: The Lord God will Judge All Mediums, Spiritists, Household Idols and More

By Zethu Zwane My pastor always used to say that do everything in your strength, soul, spirit and heart to follow the Lord.  He encouraged us to follow the Lord’s commandments because my pastor said you never want God’s judgement to fall on you. And I’m inclined to agree with what my pastor said. That’sContinue reading “Morning  Bible Reflections on  2nd Kings Chapter 5: The Lord God will Judge All Mediums, Spiritists, Household Idols and More”

Morning Reflections on Judges 16-18: Decide today Whether You’ll Follow God or Your Own Thinking

I was reading Judges 16-18 this morning and realised something I had previously missed. Many people who follow false practices like prophets always assume they’re correct because nothing has happened to them. Previously I thought sharing my spiritual warfare would help them see the dangers of affirmations, but I’ve learned something today. ‭But if servingContinue reading “Morning Reflections on Judges 16-18: Decide today Whether You’ll Follow God or Your Own Thinking”

God is Holy Power; Watching God Sweep Engulfing fires Away

Sometimes we’ve got to Shout God’s Name and praise Him! Sometimes we don’t understand why circumstances turn out the way they do. Sometimes there’s no telling why bad things, but when God’s Righteous Right Hand pushed engulfing fires from destroying our land, you’re reminded to glory in Him for He Saves.