Morning  Bible Reflections on  2nd Kings Chapter 5: The Lord God will Judge All Mediums, Spiritists, Household Idols and More

By Zethu Zwane My pastor always used to say that do everything in your strength, soul, spirit and heart to follow the Lord.  He encouraged us to follow the Lord’s commandments because my pastor said you never want God’s judgement to fall on you. And I’m inclined to agree with what my pastor said. That’sContinue reading “Morning  Bible Reflections on  2nd Kings Chapter 5: The Lord God will Judge All Mediums, Spiritists, Household Idols and More”

God’s Message following my Waiting Season; I will never Leave You nor Forsake You.

If your Heart is yearning to know where God is in your waiting season read this testiminy on why God is moving moutains when you step out in faith believing He’ll never leave you nor forsake you.