Love Letters to God: Thank God for His promise and Fulfilling a dream that’s also a place of healing

By Zethu Zwane God didn’t give me the answered prayer I thought I needed, He gave me the answered prayer my inner-child needed. He made every crooked road straight. I work as a part-time Content Creator, it’s a blessings handpicked by God. God has placed me in a place where you see firsthand that HeContinue reading “Love Letters to God: Thank God for His promise and Fulfilling a dream that’s also a place of healing”

Be Strong & Courageous; The Message from God that Carried me through Countless Testimonies Growth & Healing

By Zethu Zwane This season has been a season of great trials. There’s been a lot of opposition, and in it all God’s first word spoken to me carried me through several growth opportunities. I’ve learned people can be unkind, I’ve seen injustice. However, I’ve seen why God’s love and forgiveness covers a multitude ofContinue reading “Be Strong & Courageous; The Message from God that Carried me through Countless Testimonies Growth & Healing”

God’s Message following my Waiting Season; I will never Leave You nor Forsake You.

If your Heart is yearning to know where God is in your waiting season read this testiminy on why God is moving moutains when you step out in faith believing He’ll never leave you nor forsake you.