Warnings You should Remove While Praying Deuternomony 28 and For Crossing The Jordan

Do you know that Reuban lost his birthright as the first born son due to sexual sin? Then Ephraim also lost his inheritance from God because he loved idols. Not only did Ephraim love idols, but he also conspired with Israel’s enemies. You can see that these 2 lost their inheritance in Revelations, but let’sContinue reading “Warnings You should Remove While Praying Deuternomony 28 and For Crossing The Jordan”

For the Past 2 Years the Lord  Tested me & This is What I’ve gained About Affirmations & False Divinations

‭Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you cross the Jordan into Canaan, [52] drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places. [53] Take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have givenContinue reading “For the Past 2 Years the Lord  Tested me & This is What I’ve gained About Affirmations & False Divinations”

25 Bible Verse on God will Open doors no man can shut

By Zethu Zwane The Bible Verses below are similar to Jemeriah 29;111; It’s widely misunderstood. It’s okay for you to use both 29;11 and the verses to pray for deliverance, or praise God for deliverance. However always read the full contenxt. For instance above 29;11, God warns you about following false teachers and idols. HeContinue reading “25 Bible Verse on God will Open doors no man can shut”