Short Reflection on Nineveh: God is Ruler & Judge Over Everything

By Zethu Zwane I was reading the bible in the early morning , and can I just say what an amazing reading I’ve had. Each year I try read the Bible to completion, and honestly have not completed the whole bible in a year. Yet something is different this year. When you’ve read the BibleContinue reading “Short Reflection on Nineveh: God is Ruler & Judge Over Everything”

A beautiful Reminder from Genesis 2 on How God Prepares and Loves you

By Zethu Zwane I love the Lord like a circle. I was reading Genesis, just to start the year right, and mu spirit seemed to jump with joy when reading Genesis 2:5 and connecting it with Genesis 2:8. The contrast made me love God and realize we don’t deserve God. Yet this not deserving GodContinue reading “A beautiful Reminder from Genesis 2 on How God Prepares and Loves you”