Unsubscribe from Broken Beliefs and Fallsehoods that Forsake God, and Cling to The Truth of The Gospel

By Zethu Zwane Since you know that we all subscribe to something, my hope from my recent blog posts on “My thoughts lately,” or “ What is self will,” and bible reflections. This continues in Judges to show you the harm that comes from doing as you please. Like myself, you have no way ofContinue reading “Unsubscribe from Broken Beliefs and Fallsehoods that Forsake God, and Cling to The Truth of The Gospel”

Morning Reflections of 1st Samuel chapter 15: When God Commands Your Obedience over Sacrifices 

By Zethu Zwane Then the word of the Lord came to Samuel: [11] “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions.” Samuel was angry, and he cried out to the Lord all that night. ‭1 Samuel 15:10-11 NIV‬ I enjoy theContinue reading “Morning Reflections of 1st Samuel chapter 15: When God Commands Your Obedience over Sacrifices “

Morning Reflections on Judges 16-18: Decide today Whether You’ll Follow God or Your Own Thinking

I was reading Judges 16-18 this morning and realised something I had previously missed. Many people who follow false practices like prophets always assume they’re correct because nothing has happened to them. Previously I thought sharing my spiritual warfare would help them see the dangers of affirmations, but I’ve learned something today. ‭But if servingContinue reading “Morning Reflections on Judges 16-18: Decide today Whether You’ll Follow God or Your Own Thinking”

Warnings You should Remove While Praying Deuternomony 28 and For Crossing The Jordan

Do you know that Reuban lost his birthright as the first born son due to sexual sin? Then Ephraim also lost his inheritance from God because he loved idols. Not only did Ephraim love idols, but he also conspired with Israel’s enemies. You can see that these 2 lost their inheritance in Revelations, but let’sContinue reading “Warnings You should Remove While Praying Deuternomony 28 and For Crossing The Jordan”

Morning Reflections From Reading the Book of Numbers; The Wilderness exposes Your Heart’s Deceits

I have been feeling very uncomfortable these days! Everytime I read in Numbers and see just how often the Isrealites rebel, I mask my uncomfortable feelings with sarcasm and annoyance. Terrible I know, but the more the Isrealites rebelled the more I saw your heart’s deceits. How often does your heart question what God said,Continue reading “Morning Reflections From Reading the Book of Numbers; The Wilderness exposes Your Heart’s Deceits”