Wellness And Beauty

This month is all about returning to the basics. Learn how you’re at risk of living on constant anger mode, or should I say 60%. Let’s uncover what it will take to recover from the wreck caused by your cut and more in this month’s focus on mental clutter, emotional and physical clutter.

Summer of 2018
Trauma is real and one of the most undermined mental health issues. Yet 2020 caused us to face it head on. We can no longer hide from it. I remember in 2018 I experienced a trauma that I felt only my family could understand. That only belongs to us because the world would continue with it’s life leaving us with the memory and seeking each day to heal; However, this pandemic brought a global

Summer of 2020
pandemic where no-one forgets the pain, the tragedy or hardship to pull yourself out of that painful chapter. COVID 19 is n o longer about my experienced; it’s an us experience. Similar to World War I and II, the heart of the world seems to have cried at similar times. Seems to have broken on similar waves lengths, have struggled healing on different time zones. This pandemic captivated us all. Even those countries that refuse to admit COVID cases in their land; the health consequences ripple across diversities and generations in one time. I’m here as a creative writer exploring living in a continues path to healing because healing is not linear.

Fall of 2020
Having an understanding heart is not linear. Having a forgiving heart is not linear. My anxiety communicates itself in fixating weighting and meal prepping; yours can fixate on being a perfectionist, career champion or putting people down as a form of emotional projection. How ever your emotions heal is communicated makes trauma hard because we praise some of these traits like the career buff or fitness queen.

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Self-improving Health Goals
God wants you to understand how through your past hurts you might hurt others. How through your past you might be holding on and that holding on has slowed your health goals. Let’s talk about your psoas muscles, or what about how unforgiveness leads to weight gain. All this is related, and I’m here with on this wellness journey. That growth might make you a better coworker, better student, better wife or husband. But it all begins with letting go.

African Summers of 2021
Living a life of breakthroughs is the chapter I’ll be exploring right here on Black Couture health and Wellness! So join me every week for new content on boosting your emotional wellness, and beauty tips from locals across Eswatini!

Shop Women Empowering quotes on hoodies and more on Clouds of Pink Blush Tee. Photo by Raphael Brasileiro on Pexels.com

New Years Resolutions are Harming You!
Here’s a preview to why I’m taking a different approach to setting goals this year.

Latest from the Blog

Hip Dips, Pears, Apples… How I WISH we could see those

Social media has taken body bashing to a whole new level! Slender is as gorgeous as curvy; c’mon ladies! So If you’re down to rebelling against the 10,000 workout video telling you to fix your hip dips, or overlooking how sexy your curves or long straight legs are, Join my healing-conscious mailing group for freebies, free courses on health n that good dose of Godfidence!

Next article on journaling coming soon 25 January 2021!

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More to Expect This Year
I’m taking a deep into personal development, and that includes your muscle gains! Find out how successful fitness goals are linked to self-love

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Wellness & Beauty Tips This month

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